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          It's been three months since my first encounter with Eraserhead. Since then I've bumped into him almost every night. He stopped trying to catch me about two weeks ago though he'll never admit it. We've actually become pretty good friends. Proof of that statement is now. We are currently sitting on the rooftop we met drinking ungodly strong coffee. It's amazing. I also died my hair again. It's now black with a bunch of different highlights to make it look like flames. I also started growing it out again.
          "So, are you gonna tell me why you became a vigilante now? Why didn't you become a hero instead?" I sighed at his question. He had asked it hundreds of times already and I always gave him the same answer. "Because I'm already a hero. Just a different kind." He sighed but didn't push the matter.
          I smiled cheekily at him. Luckily he could see it as the bottom part of my mask was hanging around my neck so I could drink my coffee. "Maybe I'll tell you the real reason someday, but you probably won't like it." I said before finishing my coffee and placing my cats on my shoulders and jumping off the roof. I heard Eraserhead sigh again before he too got up to leave.

        "Hey Toshi, need help?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Hitoshi was currently trying to push a bus up the beach with little to no success. He gave up and flopped onto the sand with a huff. He lay there panting while I laughed. "Shut up and come help me move this." I chuckled and walked over to Toshi to help him up. I gave him a crazy smirk as I got Into a 'trying-to-push-a-fucking-bus-up-a-hill' stance. "Ready?"

        We managed to push the bus up to the sidewalk and are now dying in the middle of the street. "I can't-huff- believe-huff-we did that." I said in between gasps of air. Hitoshi laughed weakly and struggled to sit up. "I'm gonna be so fucking sore tomorrow. Thank god it's a Saturday." I huffed in annoyance. "Yeah well I have work as seven in the morning you ass." He just laughed and helped me up. "It'll pay off though. Not very many people can push a bus up a hill. Especially on sand. Be proud of yourself for coming this far." He gave me a lazy smile and nodded his head.
           "Yeah I guess you right. We should head home now. It's getting dark." I nodded and patted his shoulder. "Good work today Toshi, you'll be a hero before you know it. And them I can introduce you to Machiko!" I said happily.
          "Yeah I'm looking forward to meet her. You seem to like her a lot." He said woke wiping sweat from his forehead. "Well see you later Toshi." He waved and starting walking back to his house. I smiled and turned to jog back to the warehouse. Today was a good day.

       It is currently 3 in the morning and I'm fighting this dude who tried to rape some tall girl with spiky hair in a ponytail. He was getting desperate and I was just toying with him. "If this is the best you can do then I recommend not trying to rape innocent girls. Unless you want  to get you ass kicked. If that's the case then I'll do it gladly." I jumped off the dumpster I was on and kicked the man's jaw, knocking him out.
       I grabbed makeshift rope handcuffs and placed them on the criminal. I turned around and walked to the edge of the alleyway to call the police. Before I could dial the number I heard sizzling noise. I turned around and saw that the man had blisters all over his hands and a burnt rope. There was a large bruise on his face and he looked like was about to fall down any second.
          "You should have just stayed down." I sighed I disappointment and shook my head. That was a bad idea as one seconds later I heard a swishing sound. I opened my eyes in time to see a knife heading straight towards my heart. I brought up my arms in time to block the knife. It stabbed into my forearm instaed making blood splatter all over my clothes and the dirty alleyway ground.
          I cursed and ripped the knife out of my arm, causing more blood to splatter onto my hoodie. I usually wouldn't be so careless, but I was angry at myself for underestimating my opponent. That was the first thing I told Hitoshi dammit! I growled at the man in front of me and lunged at him. I was much to quick for him to be able to do anything. I threw a powerful right hook at him, hitting the same spot I'd kicked him earlier, knocking him out for good this time.
           I sighed and then immidatly hissed, finally feeling the pain in my arm. I ignore it the best I could and went to tie up the criminal. I had left Lightening and Flame at home to rest as Flame hurt his paw on the last patrol we did.
          I sighed and leaned against the wall and pulled up my sleeve. I glared at the hole in my arm before reaching for some bandages to last until I got back to the warehouse to heal it with my quirk. Of course, Eraserhead chose that exact moment to jump into the alleyway. I pulled down my sleeve and put my arms holding the bandages behind my back.
           "Kid that's not going to work, now show me your arm." If I didn't know better I'd say that he seemed panicked. I sighed in defeat and showed him my arm. He pulled up the sleeve and gasped. "Don't look at me like that, it's not that bad." I said with little conviction.  "Not that bad!? There's a hole in your arm!" He's defiantly panicked. "Shhhh! Do you want everyone to know that!? Cause I sure as hell don't!" He sighed, but calmed down.
           He grabbed the bandages from my good arm and started to wrap my arm tightly. "I'd insist that you go to a hospital but I know that that's not going to happen so your going back to my place. You can leave in the morning." Eraserhead said leaving no room to argue. I sighed but agreed and followed the man to his house.

       "HELLLOoooo Shouta! Who's this!?" I covered my ears at the overly loud cockatoo of a man. The cockatoo being Yamada Hizashi, pro-hero Present Mic. "Shut up, and this is the vigilant Screech. He got stabbed and I'm not letting him die from blood loss." He then dragged me upstairs. "Nice to meet you Present Mic!" I said waving happily at him. He smiled and waved back.
          "How did you get stabbed? Your to fast for even seasoned hero's to get a hit on you." I sighed and rubbed the back of my head as Aizawa brought me to a very tasteful bathroom with navy blue walls and a white marble countertops. "I was being careless and didn't think about his quirk. Also we just left that dude in some random alleyway tied up." He looked away when I said that last part. "Your more important than some petty criminal. And I'll call the cops in a minute." I nodded as I was filled with warmth at being called important from the man I considered an older brother.
        "Also, never be so careless again, I might turn you in to stop you from getting hurt so much." I laughed and nodded.

        Aizawa had cleaned, stitched, and bandaged my arm. Then he gave me a lecture about being stupid then forced me to stay in the guest bedroom. I snuck out at 5 though. I decided to not heal my arm as I wanted the scar to remind myself of this night and the new bonds that I created with Shouta. I also rather liked Hizashi. Smiling, I layed down with my cats and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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