A dump and two little balls of joy

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          Waking up in the morning sucks. Especially when you have two cracked ribs and a black eye. Groaning, I rolled over to throw my alarm clock at my door. I layed there in bed for a few minutes before sighing and sitting up and throwing the covers off of me. I stretched and cleaned up my broken alarm clock before hopping into the shower.
            Of course, that wasn't a good idea because as soon as the hot water hit my hurt ribs I yelped and jumped backwards, hitting the wall and falling out of the shower with a loud bang! "Ouch..." At least I didn't hit my bruise again. Standing up, I turned the shower setting to a softer one before carefully stepping in.
            I sighed at the feeling of hot water flowing down my back. I hurried in washing my hair and got dressed in faded blue skinny jeans and a long sleeve black shirt that said 'Anti-Social'. Yeah, weird way for a thirteen year old boy to dress huh? Well, I could care less what others think.
            I walked back to my near empty room. I had gotten rid of all my All Might merch yesterday due to me no longer liking him for being a hypocrite. I got like 2,000 dollars though, so win win for the person who bought them and me cause now I have money. I grabbed my phone to check the time. 9:34 am. Wow, my shower was longer than I thought it was. Oh well, time to make breakfast.
           I walked down stairs and opened the fridge to see that it was empty. That's right, Inko hasn't gone grocery shopping in awhile. Guess I'll skip then.

            I'd taken to cleaning up Dagobah Beach ever since I heard it used to be beautiful. It's a huge dump now, but there's some cool stuff just laying around there so I don't mind visiting every once in awhile. It's also a good workout. What, you think I'm gonna be super skinny and weak forever? Nu uh, I'm gonna be super buff so that in high school people won't want to mess with me even though I'm quirkless.
          It's probably a bad idea to work out after getting beat up yesterday, but oh well. I stuffed my feet into the pair of black tenis shoes that have been sitting in my closet for months onto my feet and left my apartment after locking the door. I started to jog to the beach, passing people who either waved nicely, - the people who don't know me- or glared at me like I ran over their pet cat- the people that knew I was quirkless-untill I arrived at my destination. I took a deep breathe of slightly salty air and looked at the morning sun. Before squinting and turn away whilst hissing like a vampire.


                  It had been four hours since I started cleaning the beach, and I was covered in sweat. I'd shed my shirt awhile back, revealing slightly toned muscles and tan skin. I shifted my hair out of my face for what seemed like the millionth time that day. I need a hair cut bad. But I didn't want to bother Inko. Man it's been almost three years since I stopped calling her mom. It's been five months since we spoke a word to eachother. Well I can't really blame her, I am the reason my dad left us afterall.
            I sighed and shook myself of the sad thoughts before heading over to the railing I left my shirt at. I was about to put it on, when a kid with gravity defying purple hair and eyebags walked passed me. I could feel him staring at my chest-most likely at my bruises and scars- and it made me quite uncomfortable, so I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and hopped over the railing and started heading home.


                  I was almost home when I heard something meow from an alleyway. I walked towards it and I saw the cutest thing in the entire world. It was two kittens curled around each other purring. I almost squealed with delight and crouched down infront of them.
           "Hey there little guys, do you have a mother?" I asked. The black kitten meowed at me and untangled itself from the blonde one. It stood up and licked my nose. I smiled and pet it's head softly. The blonde one got up and rubbed against my knee purring slightly. "Do you guys want to come with me?" They both mewoed loudly at me and jumped into my lap, almost knocking me backwards.
          Chuckling a little, I picked them up and held them close before heading home. Unknown to him that a certain sleep deprived underground hero was watching him.

          When I got home, I quickly took the kittens to my room and hopped into the shower to get the dirt and sweat off me. I came out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I looked at myself in the miorr and smiled proudly. In the past nine months I had gained a bit of muscle from both martial art classes -online of course- and cleaning the beach. Now I could see the outline of a six pack on my stomach.
           I glance at my reflection one last time before walking out of the bathroom and getting dressed in a pair of red shorts and a white t-shirt. I pet the kittens in my room behind their ears before going downstairs to grab the last of the bread from the cubbored. I sighed at the lack of food in the kitchen before going back to my room. I gave half a piece of bread to each of the yellow eyed cats before eating a piece myself.
          "What should I name you two? I'm not very good at giving names. Hmmm." I was broken out off my musingings by the black kitten sneezing. Which sent an electric jolt through the house, shocking me and the blonde kitten. As well as making the power go off, shrowding the room in slight darkness.Thank god my phone was on my science textbook- which for some reason has a plastic cover-.
         I graoned and curled into a ball on my bed until I stopped twitching and my body no longer hurt. Sitting up I staired at the black kitten with a blank face. It looked away with an almost bashful look in its eyes. "So you have a quirk? How ironic that my pet cat has a quirk but I don't." I turned to the blonde kitten and asked, "I don't suppose you have  as quirk as well hmm?"
           It looked at me with its bright yellow eyes. Before bursting into white flames. I yelped and fell off the bed in shock as fire lit up the slightly dark room. The flames where put out and the kittens jumped into my lap. I sighed and started to pet them behind their ears. "I guess I'll name you Lightening," I said to the black kitten. "And you'll be Flame. How does that sound?" They both mewoed at me before jumping onto my bed and curling up on one of my pillows.
           Smiling, I called the electric company to tell them my apartment' s power was out before brushing my teeth and laying next to the kittens and falling asleep.
                    Today was nice.

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