Extra: Litter

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        Hello peeps. I've decided to dedicate this chapter to help litter awareness. If you see a bunch of garbage on the side of the street or on a sidewalk, please pick it up and recycle all plastic, cardboard, and any other reusable items. We are slowly ruining our planet. We need to do something and everything helps, even if it's small. So please don't litter and please recycle.

         "Look, over there!" Hitoshi whisper shouted while pointing at a man standing next to a trash can. "Do you think he's going to do it?" Kotori whispered from beside Shouta. We where all currently hiding on a rooftop spying on random citizens to make sure that they didn't litter. We had noticed an abundance of trash on the streets and sidewalks lately, so we decided to try and do something about it. By stalking strangers and then yeeting them into dumpsters if they didn't throw away their garbage. Like the man before us.
          "He hasn't moved for awhile and he's smoking right now. If he doesn't throw it away, it's Zashi's turn to throw him into the dumpster." Shouta said quietly with a slight thinking face as he observed the middle aged man in the small alleyway. "Look! His cigerte is almost finished, and he's about to drop it!" Toshi pointed again. And indeed, the blonde man dropped the cigerte and crushed the end of it with the heel of his shoe. "And he's right next to a garbage can, how disrespectful." Kotori spat with hatred in her eyes. "Zashi, you know what to do." Shouta demanded in a menacing voice. Present Mic nodded and hopped into the alleyway behind the despicable creature.
          "BITCH, YOUR RIGHT NEXT TO A TRASH CAN! THROW AWAY YOUR GOD DAMNED GARBAGE YOU PEICE OF HUMANE SHIT!!" And with that, Hizashi bitch slapped the disgusting thing and then threw him head first into the trash can. He then picked up the used cigerte and threw it in after him. "Nice one Mic!" I cheered from the rooftop.
          "Look! A girl with an empty waterbottle! Come on!" I exclaimed before running towards the girl who just threw he bottle onto the sidewalk with the others behind me. I pulled out four green and yellow glitter bombs and jumped up into the air. At the peak of my jump, I threw on at her face, hitting her square in the nose. The next one hit her stomach and the last two covered her legs in messy, sparkly goo.
        I landed in front of the stuttering abomination and picked up her bottle. "You see this? You couldn't have just walked to a garbage can that is fifty feet away and dispose of it there? You have to throw your garbage onto the sidewalk? Bitch, if I see this shit again I will paint your entire wardrobe a glittery brown-orange and make sure that it will never come out. Got it?" I glared at the monstrosity in front of me with the force of Shouta after no coffee for five days.
          She nodded in fear and ran away as fast as she could. "Nice throw." Kotori said from above me. "You guys wanna split up, cover more ground?" She asked while tilting her head to the side. "Sure, me and Toshi will take downtown and you three can finish up here." I said while scaling the short building in a matter of seconds
           Shouta nodded and they jumped away to go test people into dumpsters and scream profanity at them. "Well, lets go Purple."

           "Please! I didn't do anything! Just let me go!"
          "Never! You need to pay for your sins!"                                      "          "Noooooooo!"

"Toshi, did I kill him?"
           "No he's still breathing."
"Ok. Wanna cover him in link glitter and stickers?"

Three days later:

"Breaking news. The pro hero Present Mic has been seen with four masked people running around at the middle of the night terrorizing every person who even so much as dropped a piece of paper. Because of this, the litter quantity has gone down in Japan by 30%, an incredible feat. But the real question is, who are these masked people, and how is the famous Present Mic associated with them."
          "Hey guys! Where on TV! Were gonna be famous!" I yelled from the living room with Eri sitting in my lap. "Cool! Were making ice cream for dinner what kind do You want?"
         "Mint!" I yelled back at Toshi. "You made people stop littering?" Eri asked with a tilted head. "Yep! Proud of it too."

Please don't litter!!!

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