a game of chess and a glitter bomb

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AN his hair is the one with the ponytale.

         It's been another two months and I learned something new. I learned how to play chess! I've always wanted to play but just never had the time. Well I looked up how to play online and then made a bunch of tricks to use on any opponents I'll come across. So far it has only been Hitoshi and I had to teach him all the rules, so that didn't really count. So, me being me, took it oppon myself to create a chess playing game on my phone. It was pretty simple, you just logged on, make a user nane, and play chess with some random person. You could also type in someone else's username to play against them. I was pretty proud about myself, but Toshi didn't share my enthusiasm.
          Smiling to myself, I logged onto the game on my laptop and made my user name                      boldofyoutoassumeiwenttosleeplastnight. It was long and stupid but I liked it so I'm keeping it. I pressed the random icon and waited for my opponent. A few seconds passed of the loading screen before a name popped up. It said imyouwhoswho?. I chuckled slightly at the username and moved my first peice.

        Hours later and I still havn't gotten off the chess game. It had a chat room so you could talk to each other and that's how I spent most of my time, as the people I was playing didn't last very long against me. I sighed in disappointment at my thirtieth win. I was number one on the leader board and didn't have much more motivation to keep it there. I thought that playing chess would be challenging but to be quite frank everyone I played sucked ass.
        As I was about to close off of the game, a new name popped up. Ratlord. Weird name. Hmm I guess one more game wouldn't hurt. I moved a pawn and waited to see what they would do.

           It's been about thirty minutes and I was smiling like a fool. The game I was playing was very difficult and the person used moves I didn't know so I was always on edge. We had both lost all our pawns and quite a few more important pieces. I waited for the right moment to move in before placing my queen in a direct path to his king. "Checkmate." I said out loud. I plan on playing against this man or women for quite awhile.
         The large words saying 'you won' flashed on my screen before the icon saying there was a message for me lit up. I pressed it and looked their message.

Ratlord: its been quite a long time since someone's beaten me in a game of chess.

Boldofyoutoassumeiwenttosleeplastnight: well everyone else who's playing this game are imbeciles and don't know how to do anything.

Ratlord: I rather like your sense of humor. May I get a name?
Boldofyoutoassumeiwenttosleeplastnight: oh? Some random person I've never met asking for my name? However should I respond?

Ratlord: I suppose that's fare. How about you give me yours if I give you mine? Then we're even are we not?

Boldofyoutoassumeiwenttosleeplastnight: sounds fare to me! So what's your name Ratlord?

Ratlord: my name is Nezu.

Boldofyoutoassumeiwenttosleeplastnight: no. Fucking. Way. I beat THE Nezu at a game of chess? That's not possible.

Boldofyoutoassumeiwenttosleeplastnight: I'm not smart enough for that!I'm fifteen for fucks sake!

Ratlord: your only fifteen? You are incredibly smart for your age, especially if you can beat me in a game of chess.

Ratlord: tell me do you plan on going to UA? I would love to have you there.

Boldofyoutoassumeiwenttosleeplastnight: as a matter a fact I do plan on going there. I want to be a hero.

Ratlord: well I'm sure you become a great hero. Are you aiming for an underground hero?

Boldofyoutoassumeiwenttosleeplastnight: yes I am. I don't really believe in limelight heros. Except those like hawks and the Wild wild pussy cats. I like them. But I just prefer to do things by myself and I don't really like attention.

Ratlord: that's understandable. Well it's getting late and I have work tomorrow. I hope you pass the entrance exams screech.

        I chuckled about the fact that Nezu new who I was. What else do you expect from the smartest being on earth. I can't wait to get to UA! It just keeps sounding better and better. Ah, he was right though. It's getting really late, I should get ready to go on patrol. I have plans for Shouta tonight.

       I jumped off the roof of a five story building cackling like an idiot. I had just thrown a glitter bomb at Shouta and he was now a pink sparkly mess. I tried to stifle my laughter, knowing that if I didn't that he would catch me and that wouldn't be a pleasant experience. I took a few deep breaths but I just broke out into more giggles as the shocked look on Shouta's face came back to my mind.
         "You brat! This is never going to come out if my hair!" I turned to face an angry Eraserhead. I took one look at his floating hair and glowing eyes and took off down the street with a loud screech. I never did explain why my name was screech did I? Well that's because every time someone would chase me I would let out a loud screech to get everyone's attention so that the person chasing me would have a harder time getting me. The first time I did this was with Eraserhead but it wasn't supposed to become a thing, but I guess it just stuck.
          "I'm sorry Eraserhead but I needed to know if it worked or not!" I yelled as I scaled the wall of a tall building. "Why did you think I would be a good test subject!?" I laughed and started to run in a very confusing pattern through the alleyways. I did this until I lost him. I smiled to myself and skipped home to my cats and comfy bed. Today was really fun and tomorrow I get to tell Toshi all about the absolutely hilarious face Shouta made when I threw that glitter bomb at him. I giggled again before checking the time on my phone. I wonder if Nezu is still up? If like to play another game of chess with him.

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