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"We're adopting all of you."


                 "Y-you guys can't be serious. Right?" I was in a state of complete shock, and from the looks of it so where the other two. "It's the most logical solution. You're all orphan vigilants who we've known long enough to get along well. I don't see any problem with it." Aizawa was back to his board and tired expression  and was practically looking onto my soul. "But wouldn't it be expensive? And did we wake up Eri?" Kotori questioned with concern.
                Hizashi stood up and went to check if Eri was indeed awake. He came back into the kitchen and smiled at us. That probably meant she was still sleeping. "The little lisnter is still asleep and also, we're both pro-heros so we get payed a lot. We can just move into a bigger house so you can all have your own rooms. That sound great right listeners?" He finished with a huge smile on his face. "Hmm, your married right?" Toshi was currently looking absolutely done with life. "Yes, we've been married for five years." Aizawa said with a very small smile.
              "So, a family of four sleep deprived cats, a loud parakeet, and a traumatized puppy. Sounds about right." Kotori said sarcastically, making Aizawa chuckle before he turned to me. "You said your name was Izuku?" I nodded. He sighed loudly. "Great, now I have to find your old file and somehow convince the government to let me adopt you without having to go through all the trouble of you being a vigilante and having a fake name and an alive parent."
                 I looked down ashamed. "Y-you don't have to adopt me if it's to much trouble." I said quietly. Another long sigh. "Problem child, I want to adopt you. Along with Eri, Kotori, and Hitoshi. Even if it's a lot of work." He patted my head from across the table. I couldn't help the small smile from forming on my face at Ai-Shota's words. "And by the way, if you weren't adopted, we would not let ourselves be so. We'd all just live in my apartment with Eri and have sleep overs with Tokoyami, Mei, and Mars. So don't feel like you won't be accepted by anyone. Yeah?" Kotori glared at me and I nodded quickly while giving her a small smile.
                  "I agree Izu, we would never leave you behind. Ever. Got it?" Hitoshi glared at me as well ,but with significantly less anger. I chuckled a bit and smiled at my best friend. "Yeah, I got it."
                    "Well now that that's settled, do you listeners want to look at houses while me and Shota here find the paperwork to adopt you and make a a few calls about Eri?" We all blinked in surprise before hesitantly agreeing. "GREAT!"
"What was that for!?"
"Shota! Stop it!"
"Eris sleeping dumbass."

                   "What about this one?" Hitoshi pointed at a pure black triple story house that looked like a prison. "Yeah, no. I'm not living a cracked out jail cell thank you very much." Kotori responded. "Then what do you propose?" Toshi started looking at the rooms in the odd building. "How about something simple?" I asked.
                    "Oh, what about this one? Three stories, six bedrooms, four baths, a basement, and a wrap around balcony." Kotori pointed a very nice looking house with a large garden and  tall fence. "Wow. It's actually really nice." I said while looking through the rooms. "Eh, it'd be better if it was black." Toshi said with a small pout. "Its grey, so close enough." Kotori stated while slapping Toshi's head. "Whatever loser." Hitoshi responded. "Look who's talking." I smirked at Toshi until he threw a pen at me. "Hey!" I threw it back at him. He threw it at Kotori.
                   Soon a full fledged battle in Shota's and Hizashi's kitchens started. We had found more pens and a few pencils and where currently chucking them at each other while trying to dodge at the same time. We had silently agreed to be as quiet as possible so that we wouldn't wake Eri up.
                    A pencil came close to hitting my shoulder so I dove behind the table to get some cover. Looking around I found three pencils and five pens. I must use them wisely. I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart beat. I got into a crouch position and jumped, twisting in midair so that I was horizontal. I grabbed the table with one hand and used it to propel my body foward into a spin. Still above the table, I threw two pens at Hitoshi who was unable to dodge. I landed silently on the ground in front of the table and sent thee pencils at Kotori who on my managed to block one of them.
                     I jumped forward to avoid the three writing utensils being thrown at me. I landed in a roll next to the doorway of the kitchen and sent my last pens and pencil at my opponents, hitting them in fatal places, which made me the winner of the small war.
                     I smirked and stuck my toung out at them while they just huffed and looked away. "Whatever, you just got lucky." Kotori said with hidden amusment. "I think it was from pure skill actually. You hitting me in the first place, now that's luck." I snarked back at her. "No, I would've won if it weren't for that stupid stunt you pulled Izuku." Toshi joined our stupid banter with a small smirk. We argued for a few more minutes before deciding to call Tokoyami to settle the debate.
                   He picked up on theme forth ring. It was on FaceTime and Kotori's phone was on the ground so that the birdboi could see all of us. The screen showed a very tired birdboi without his mask. "Hello? Why are you calling me at four in the fucking morning?" Oh boy he sounds grumpy. "We need someone to settle our debate. Who do you think is the better fighter?" I question loudly. "You've got to be fucking kidding me. Harsh, but fair. "Just answer the question bird brain." Kotori said impatiently.
                 "Siiiggggghhhhhh. Kotori is defiantly the best at hand to hand combat. Shinsou is best at long distance fighting and Akatanni is the most creative and strategic. Although he lacks the basic need for logic half the time." Kotori snickered along with Toshi. "Hey! At least I don't throw frying pans at my friends!" I glared at Kotori who looked thoroughly offended. "You snuck into my apartment at four in the morning wearing a hood and a mask, be glad I didn't stab you!" Tokoyami and Toshi looked at me as if I was in the wrong. I  was being chased by Eandeaver and her place was the closest, what was I supposed to do? Let the asshat catch me and burn me to a crisp!? Of course I couldn't use that as an argument as Tokoyami was listening. And she knew it.
                  "Whatever loser." I flipped her off, but she just mirrored my action. "What the hell are you problem children doing?" A very tired voice came from above us. We looked up to see a very annoyed looking Shota Aizawa. "Oh shi-"
                   "Why the hell are you guys with our teacher!?"


Sry for the late update, I had a very long book report to do.


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