Well Fuck Me. And Whatever THIS Is

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             After the exhilarating night we had, I was forced to clean the entire house top to bottom at three in the morning. We have school tomorrow you grouchy hobo.
             We left the sparkling house at five am to get to school. Way to little sleep, but oh fucking well. It was an hour drive to get to UA, and we were stopping for breakfast on the way there. We got McDonalds fries.
             We still got to school at six thirty and now had an hour before school actually started. Why the fuck did we leave so early? I'm starting to think it was just because Shota didn't want me to get enough sleep, the petty piece of shit that he is. With a decision to make Shota's day worse, I went down to the support lab where I knew Kogeki and Mei would already be working.
             "Hey, I need to make some shit real quick to piss off Shota. You guys have glitter down here?"

               "Mokumo Akatanni! Detention for a month!" Fucking worth it. I had put several pink glitter bombs under Shota's desk and another four in his sleeping bag that he had yet to climb into. The result of the prank was the tired teacher being covered head to two in sticky pink glitter that would be a hassle to get out of his hair. The man was furious, but that was expected.  
              To bad he checked his sleeping bag before climbing into it though, it would have been a bit more funny to watch him get bombed again. "Nice. You should give me some of those." Kotori said from in front of me. "Only if you promise to stay the fuck away from me with them." I said with a glare to the back if her head. "Fair enough." I could hear Tokoyami trying to cover his laughter with a cough, but mostly failing. "Anyways, as I was trying to explain before we got interrupted," The now pink man shot a glare at me-"Today you will be doing training for the sports festival, and then you'll get Thursday and Friday to do your own training. We will be doing combat training, and physical training all day while the rest of your regular classes are canceled. Any questions?" And even though four hands shot up, the man ignored them and crawled beneath his desk with his sleeping bag.
              The good thing was that when he had settled down completely, another glitter bomb went off. This time it was purple, signaling that Toshi had managed to sneak them in there this morning. I chuckled along with Kotori and Tokoyami, and even dark shadow popped up and let out a soft giggle. But when we saw Shota sit up to glare at us with floating hair and red eyes, we knew that we would be worked three times as hard as the rest of the class that day. Still worth it.

          I was right, Kotori and I are completely drenched in our own sweat. I'd gotten a calf cramp an hour back, but this asshole made me work through it without being able to stretch it. His explanation was what hero's might not get the chance to stretch a cramped muscle in a fight. I will sit down in front of that fake ass villian and stretch my calf or I'm not fighting them.
            We were finally done with the day, and the entirety of class 1-A was exhausted. I doubt most of the kids in this class have ever worked that hard in their entire lives. And it's been awhile for me. And of course, this is the time that Bakugou decides it's a good time to try and antagonize me. Fuck him.
            "Hey, multi-bitch, fight me!" The blonde yelled, clearly tired and in no condition to fight somone at all. "Go fuck yourself, Kacchan." Wait.




Well fuck me I guess, damn.

           "W-what did you just call me?" Bakugou stuttered with an odd expression on his face. "Well, looks like an awkward and long drawn out conversation to me."

            "How do you know that name?". Bakugou growled, looking almost desperate. We had moved to an empty stairwell to get some privacy. "Look, I've got some explaining to do obviously, but your going to have to be quiet so I can explain properly, ok?" He gave a short, jerky nod and leaned against the wall behind him stiffly.
            "Wow, how do I start. I guess with were this started. Remember when you told me to take a swan dive off the roof?" He choked and tears started swelling in his red eyes. "Well I did. You should know this, you watched it happen.  Anyways, it didn't kill me, it just awakened my quirk." I lit a green flame on the tip of my finger to exagerte my point. "It's what kept me alive.  I guess your advice really did work huh?" I said sarcastically.
             Bakugou made a sobbing noise and tears fell from his eyes without stop. "You weren't supposed to actually do it! I just wanted you to give up being a hero so you wouldn't get killed!" He screamed, suddenly overcome with rage, but still crying. "Oh, so your way of telling me that was to bully me my entire life and then suicide bait me and expect me not to actually do it!? Fuck you, you ruined my childhood and left the scars to prove it!" I snarled. At some point, we had moved so that we were nose to nose.
           "You weren't going to stop trying if I didn't!" He yelled, as if that somehow made what he did right. "Or you could have helped me train so I didn't you fucking idiot!" I could feel white hot fury rising in my chest. It rushed through my veins and pushed against my skin, trying to release itself. I grabbed my hair and pulled it hard, trying to find some semblance of myself again. When it was to much, I shoved Bakugou down the stairs and started sprinting towards the window.
              As soon as I had shattered the glass by jumping through it, white flames completely engulfed my body and everything surrounding me. I screamed as every pent up emotion and ignored memory fought to be let out. A pressure started to build in my mind, pushing against my very being and not letting up. I tried desperately to force it back, but it wasn't working.
             Soon It became to much and the pressure exploded. If felt like wind was whipping at me from every direction and I couldn't see or hear anything besides my own rapid heartbeat. And then nothing. I was just floating in a field of white. No emotions tried to overcome my being and the only feeling I had was one of content. It was nice.
             And then I was falling. And somone screamed my name. Then I was cought by something soft that encased my entire body. Then nothing.

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