It's your fault I'm like this

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Hello, my name is Izuku Midorya. I am thirteen years old, and quirkless. I like to think I'm pretty smart, but others think I'm the stupidest person alive because I'm quirkless and "Will never achieve anything in life!". Yeah, my life kinda sucks.
My childhood friend bullies me, and my mother ignores me. Some people look at me with unhiden disgust, whilst others treat me like I'm about to break.
And, well I am. Just not the way they think I'm about to. I'm breaking mentally. I've had depression since I was ten, that's three years of being a sad, mopey mess. My mother used to shower me with love and affection, but now. She could care less what happened. And Bakugou. Don't even get me started on him. He's been bullying me since I was six, both verbally and physically. And the teachers just sit there and watch it happen! They say, "Oh their just tuffening him up. How else is he supposed survive this big world of quirks?".
I hate going to school, and I hate leaving it to go home. I haven't smiled a real smile in years. I've refrained from cutting, but I want to. Then I would be in control of some of the pain. But I don't because I know it's a bad idea. It's not my fault I'm like this, I know that. It's everyone else's fault I'm like this! I don't want to be depressed I want to be happy and smile freely and to be loved again. That's all I want but I know it's never going to happen.
Well anyway, that's my introduction. Might as well get on with my sad story huh?

This is my first time wrighting a story so please tell me how to spell people's names and the places, because I certainly don't know how.


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