Making up and Eating Out.

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             I woke up to the sound of rythmic beeping. I slowly opened my eyes only to immediately close them from the bright lights. I groaned and blinked rapidly to get rid of the spots in my  vision from the blinding hospital lights. "Hey, you're awake." I turned my head to see a ruffled Shota sitting in a chair with a cup of coffee in hand.
          "What happened?" I asked before coffing a bit. Shota got up and handed me a water bottle from the counter. "You exploded and then fell to the ground from over 80 feet."
            "Yeah, it seems that your quirk overloaded from your emotions. It looked like a fucking bomb went off. Also, never do that again, it terrified everyone." Shota said with a slightly pained expression. "Yeah ok. Hey, were the flames white?" I asked, having an image of blinding white fire surrounding my being pop up in my head.
           "Yeah they were. You remember that?" I nodded. "I was having an argument with Bakugou. I slipped up and he found out. We started yelling and then I just felt a huge pressure in my head. If felt like something was building up so I pushed Bakugou out of the way and jumped out the window. Then I can't remember anything." I explained before sitting up slowly to try and get a feel of how my body was handling things.
           "I see. Are you feeling alright? You were out for 9 hours." Shota's expression was worried as he asked. "Yeah. I actually feel pretty good. Like I cried for the first time in years." I answered with a smile. "That's probably due to releasing pent up energy from your quirk. Your going to have to learn how to control that so you don't go exploding again." This man sounds so done with my bullshit at this point. "Alright, but if I actually explode myself, I want a refund on life."
            "Fair enough."

             I had been discharged from the hospital a few hours later with the order to not do anything to strenuous for the rest of the day. So of course, me and Kotori had decided to go vigilanting through the city at twelve a.m. it was raining a bit, making it difficult to jump from the rooftops, but they ended up making a competition if who could slide the farthest.
             "Ok, that was like ten feet. What do you got?" Kotori said with an unseen smirk from the building next to mine. "I can slide at least two feet further than that, you stupid pig!" I yelled before sprinting to the edge and jumping off. I turned so I was sideways and bent my knees to keep the impact damage to a minimum. I slid almost a foot past were Kotori had stopped.
           "You said something about two feet? Seems like a lying cow to me."
           "Fuck off."

 long story short, we both fell of a two-story building and got bruising on both of our sides.

          We had gotten back home at around four and took a two hour long nap before getting up to go to school. I was a bit deterred though as I didn't want to face Bakugou after what was revealed two days ago. I applaud my family for being able to distract me for that long. But now I have to actually deal with Bakugou and I think I'm gonna die.
            As me and Kotori walked into class, everyone went silent and watched me with huge and somewhat scared eyes. I yawned and walked to my seat, completely ignoring my classmates. I was about to put my head down and take a nap, but a hand wrapped itself around my wrist. On instinct, I pulled downwards to break their hold before striking their chest with my palm, knocking the air out of the person who had grabbed me. I looked at their face to see that it was Bakugou that I had just sent to his knees wheezing. "Yeah, don't try and grab a sleeping persons wrist please."
           He glared at me while breathing heavily, having cought his breath again. "I need to talk to you." He said. "And that's not the way to do it. Just ask instead of grabbing someone, ok?" I did my best to make my voice completely neutral, but that just seemed to make him more angry. "Ok jeeze, calm down. Let me just call somone."
            I opened my phone and called Shota to tell him me and Bakugou wouldn't be at school until after lunch. "Fine, but if you manage to set everything on fire, your not aloud back." Ok, rude. He knows that I crave violence in the mornings. "Come on Kacchan, we're going to get breakfast." With that I walked out of the classroom, not bothering to say bye to Kotori knowing she would know where we were going. "Hey, De-Izuku, where the hell are we going?" Bakugou's voice was still a bit rough, but he was still as aragant as he ever was.
           "One, call me Mokumo, two, I already told you we're going to get breakfast." I flicked his nose before turning to skip down the hallway.

            "You brought me to a fucking cafe?" Bakugou asked when we got to Sonya's shop. I flipped him off and walked inside. Flame and Lightning greeted me with two loud meows as I pushed open the door to the empty cafe. "Com'on Kacchan, let's get a spot in the back." The blonde just grumbled a bit before following me to my usual seet. "So, you wanted to talk right? We've got three hours, spend them wisely."
            "Iz-Mokumo. Please explain to me how the fuck your not dead? I s-saw your body fucking splat against the ground. The paramedics said you died immediately, so how the hell are you here." His voice had started shaking towards the end of his sentence, making me feel a tad bad for traumatizing the guy. But then I remembered that he had told me to kill myself and instead felt a bit giddy.
           "Well, I guess your advice worked a bit better than most would have thought it would. I got a quirk in my next life, if you think about it. I mean, I can clearly remember dying, so technically you were right." We stopped talking as Shiro, one of the waiters came to take our oders. "I'll get a strawberry shortcake and a hot chocolate please." I said with a smile as I was rather fond of the white haired girl. "All right, and you sir?" She turned to a slightly sick looking Bakugou. "I-i'll have a water please." Shiro nodded and left to put in our orders.
             "Mokumo, I-I have to apologize. I was so, so wrong and I regret everything I said and did and all I want to do is make it up to you but if you can't except my apology I understand, there's no point to except something from someone like me-" I pushed a hand to his mouth to get him to stop rambling, but tears started flowing down his cheeks instead. "Wow, hey, what's wrong? I literally havn't seen you cry since we were seven." For some reason that just made him sob harder.
            "God, I-i'm such a f-failure of a friends, I c-can't even be a d-decent human being, and I-" this time he just couldn't continue from the way his throat was convulsing with each hiccuping sob. "Hey Kaccan, can you breathe for me?" I grabbed his hand and placed it on my chest.
            "Follow my breathing ok? In, and out." I breather deeply and slowly to make sure Bakugou could feel my chest moving. Slowly, he started calming down enough to speak again. "How can I ever make you forgive me?" He asked hopelessly.
           "Well, why don't we start small by you having lunch with my group today, ok Kacchan?"

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