The Univers just Absolutly fucking hates me

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          So you know how Shinsou just asked if I was the vigilante that saved him? Yeah well you also know how I actually am the vigilante that saved him? So like, how am I supposed to answer him without getting caught? I'm sure if I ask him he won't tell the police right? Of course he will, we're friends! At least I think we are.
         "Ummm about that....yeah? Ok yes I'm the vigilante that saved you, but will you please not turn me in? I just started yesterday and I need the training to become a hero. Come on please?" I begged, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. I don't think my words had any effect on him, but only because he was in to much a state of shock to fully comprehend them.
         "Wait a minute, your first day vigilanting, and you act like a pro? I don't know if I should be impressed or scared. Wait, why shouldn't I turn you in? What your doing is illegal!" I covered his mouth with my hands and looked around us to make sour nobody heard him. "Shhhhh! Someone will hear you, and no it's not illegal, not when I'm not using my quirk! And it is pretty awsome now that I think about it."
           Shinsou still looked confused so I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the caffe and down the street to an empty alleyway before a police officer could question us about the fight. "So you wanted answers right?" He nodded, still as confused as when he first started asking questions. "Well your about to get them. And no interruptions!"

          I spent the better part of an hour telling Shinsou my life story and how I came a cross my cats and my quirk along with miraculously surviving an autopsy after jumping off of a building. At some point my cats joined us in the alleyway. At the end he just sat there staring at the dirty wall in front of him with a blank look on his face while Lightening purred in his lap. I waved a hand in front of his eyes to try and get his attention. "Hello? Anybody in there? Shinsou? Shinsou!"
         He snapped out of it and blinked a couple of times. "How did you survive the fall? You have a fire quirk, not a healing quirk." He asked as confused as ever. "I'm not actually sure. But I did manage to heal a cut on my arm with my fire a few days ago. The different colours have different abbilities. Green is for healing, and purple and red is for melting and cutting through things like mettle beams. And I'm not sure about the others." I said scratching my chin.
           "That's a crazy strong quirk." Shinsou stated looking amazed. Causing me to blush like a fool from a simple praise. "Y-you think so?" I asked shyly. "I know so. Think about it. You could heal yourself and your comrades, you could cut or melt through doors, you have the ultimate defence against bullets and other weapons, and to too all that you have great combat skills! You'll be an amazing hero, I know it." I staired at him in awe. Can you blame me? He's the first person to ever tell me I could be a hero, I have the right to be happy.
           "Wow. That's the most I've ever heard you say in one sentence. That's also the first time anyone's said that to me." Shinsou looked between annoyed and embarrassed. I laughed at his expression. A real laugh for the first time in years. That's kind of  depressing.
             My laughing was cut short by some random man yelling at me and Shinsou while swinging a knife around like an idiot. "Hey kids! If you want to live then give me all your money!" I glared at him while Shinsou seemed to panic. I slowly got up with my hands raised above my head as to look like I was going to give in.
               Of course I wasn't, do you know who I am? I am the stubbornest bitch alive! I went to reach for my pocket like I was gonna get my wallet but instead of what the criminal wanted to see, he got a dirty rag to the face. It was in my pocket from when I was washing tables and I forgot it, fuck you.
           He shouted and took a step back  which was good for me. I took three quick  steps forward and sucker punched him in the jaw just in the right place. He fell to the ground out cold. I sighed and grabbed the knife from where it had landed on the ground. "I-i'm s-sorry." I turned to see Shinsou on his knees with his head in his hands about to have a breakdown.
           "Shinsou!? What's wrong?! What happened!?" I rushed to his side and put my arm around his shoulders. "I-i froze. I could have used m-my quirk, but I was terrified and I couldn't think. How am I supposed to be a useful hero if a simple criminal causes me to freak out? Maybe my parents where right." I got mad at the defeated tone he used.
            "Ok, listen up mister, cause I won't tell you twice. You can become a great hero. You just need experience and practice. It's ok to be scared because we're just kids! Why don't you take martial art classes or at least start lifting weights. Actually, do both. And start running. And roof hopping.  Your aiming to be an underground hero right?" He nodded. "Ooooo you could use a capture weapon like Eraserhead! Or a chianwhip! Maybe throwing knives? So many possibilities!" I started to mumble about all the possible weapons and scheuduals Shinsou could use to become an underground hero. I never broke the habit fuck off.
           "Ummm, Akatanni? Your scarring me." Shinsou's worried voice broke me out of my mumbling. "Oh! Right sorry it's a habit. Also call me Izuku. It's my real name." I said smiling at him slightly.
         "Ah ok. Umm Izuku? You where saying something about a training scheudual and Eraserhead? Also could you train me? You seem good at this type of thing."
            I stopped functioning at his question. Someone wanted me to train them? I never thought this day would come. "AAAHHHHHHHHH!"
           "I DON'T KNOW, WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!?" We both calmed down after a bit more freaking out. "Sooooo is that a yes?" Shinsou asked after a minute of silence. "Hmm? Oh yeah! I'll gladly train you Shinsou! You'll be the best underground hero this work has ever seem when I'm done with you!" I smiled my million dollar smile that only a person with a bad past could have.
           "Hey kids! Why the hell are you scream-did you knock some guy out!? What the hell did you kids do!?" Crap, that's a police officer from the caffe.

Did I mention that the universe hated me? I did? Well I'll say it again. The universe absolutely despises me.

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