New House and-well...

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 I'm so sry guys, but school is H O R R I B L E. And I also have practice every day as well so that sucks. My already bad update schedule is now going to be worse sorry.    

      I woke up to the feeling of being thrown through the air and then landing on my ribs. I look down and see that I had been hefted onto Kotori's shoulder and carried out my door. "So, what's this all about?" I asked after she had set me down in the hallway. "You packed all your shit yesterday right?" I nodded. "We're moving today. Y'know that big ass house with eight bedrooms and an underground gym that also has a huge estate filled with tall ass trees." Oh yes, the big ass house that Hizashi had been so excited to get. This was something that actually told of the two pro hero's bank accounts. "I thought that was on Wednesday." I said while rubbing the sleep from my eyes and going downstairs to make some coffee. "It was, but Zashi wanted to move in as soon as possible so we're doing it today." Kotori explained before going to the fridge and grabbing the coffee shake she had made the other day.
           "Is Eri awake?" I asked while yawning. "Yep!" I turned at the bright voice to see Eri standing at the door wearing red sweatpants and a black t-shirt. It seemed she had adopted the Aizawa family fashion sense. Oh how amazing, especially since she pulls it off better than the rest of us cause she's cute and precious. "Alright then, let's go." I said before hauling four boxes into my arms and bringing them outside to the awaiting moving truck. We spent the better half of the day getting all our stuff in the two trucks. It would most likely take us longer to unload it as well.
           "So, the papers did say that there was a lot of bunnies in the woods and that if we ever have a vegetable garden, there should probably be a fence. Also free bunnies." Shota said with no expression whatsoever. Eri on the other hand, started bouncing up and down at the prospect of bunnies. And I mean, can you really blame her? Like, free emotional support animal. Yes. "Right, let's do this." I said with a determined grin.

            That determination soon turned to boredom, which led to me throwing a pillow at Hizashi. When he turned to look at me I shrugged and pointed at Kotori who was casually placing similar pillows on the couch they had just moved in. Now I expected him to retaliate by throwing a pillow at her like I did him. What I didn't expect was for him to fucking pick up Shota and launch him at her with all the force of a great typhoon. Obviously, Kotori wasnt expecting this so she toppled to the floor with a grown man following her. And that started the game of throw Aizawa at your opponents. Which lasted all of three minutes before the man got tired of it and spin kicked Toshi into us. Yeah, we stopped after that, cause like, what the fuck man.
            The next person to get bored was Toshi, and he had the great idea to start throwing every blanket he could get his hands on onto the floor. "You shall never catch me you filthy sheep!" He screamed while vaulting himself over the couch and up the stairs. "You wanna try me you small disease ridden vermin!?" Yeah we had to start getting creative with our insults because of Eri. No cussing around the child. "You will never become anything in the future and your parents are disappointed in you!" Toshi yelled back at me. "Hah! Jokes on you, I don't have any parents!" Ok that might have been a bad idea if the Shota punching me into a wall was anything to go by.  What a fucking asshole, am I right?

           Once we finished, it was eleven pm and Hizashi and Eri had already fallen asleep. The rest of us were suiting up to go patrolling. It was gonna be a hassle to get through all the trees and into the main city again, but oh well. "Wanna race to the tower?" Kotori asked with a small smirk. We started calling the building I met Shota on the tower because it was fucking huge. Like, as tall as UA. "Oh your on!" And with that, we all took off sprinting through the woods. Me using my grappling hooks along with Kotori, while Shota and Toshi used their capture weapons to propel them through the trees. Kotori was currently in the lead, but only by a few yards. "Look, I can see lights up ahead!" Toshi yelled with a psychotic grin, making the rest of us smile as well. We might have looked more like villians at that moment, but it's not like anyone could see our faces. Well, besides Shota,  but people could just think he's the crazy one. It's fine.
           We finally got to the tower after having a pinecone war that I started. Both Shota and Toshi now had a large patch of tree sap on their costumes, making Kotori smirk as she was the culprit. I was saved from her wrath by four rather large trees and a well aimed ball of purple fire. Fucking arse. "So, what do you guys want to try today?" We had made a game, who could pull off the best stunt. "How bout 'whoever pulls last wins' but we're jumping off the tower." What a lovely suggestion Kotori. "That's taking it a little far isn't it?" Ah, the worried dadzawa. "Don't worry Shota, your doing this with us so we'll be fine." I said with a grin and a phycopathic glint in my eye.
            The tired hero merely sighed as if we had asked for him to get more sleep. "Fine, but if any of you problem children get hurt or die, your dealing with Hizashi."

"But if we die, we can't explain it to him?" That was more of a question than a statement, but whatever. "Then you better write him some kinda note explaining why you spattered all over the highway in the middle of the night." Asshole. Despite feeling rather offended, we did write notes to Hizashi about why we were dead. What a drag, it took some of our precious roof diving time. "Alright, ready?"



           We all jumped off the roof at the same time. I reached up to my mask and pressed down on a small button by my temple, connecting everyone's headsets. "So, how long is the fall exactly?" Toshi asked while trying to make himself go flat. "I'd say about thirty seconds before we absolutely have to pull." I answered, also getting into a better position. "So, if I die I want all my things to be given to the flames of Satan an then have the ashes dumped onto my grave." Kotori stated with no emotion.
             "Burnt in a dumpster and then left there, got it." I answered her with the same tone of voice. "Oh shit, we're pretty close to the ground now." Toshi said, a bit of excitement creeping into his voice. "Ah, hell yeah! Adrenaline rush!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, making everyone flinch from the loud noise coming from the headset. "Ok, too close." Toshi pulled and wrapped his capture weapon around a sign and swung himself over to it. "Fuck it, I'm not dieing today." Kotori followed.
             "Just you and me, huh Eraser?" Holy shit, that's really close. I could feel the grin pulling at my face as huge amounts of adrenaline fueled my veins. Shota pulled.




          "Pull!" I yelled before grappling to the building the rest of the team had landed on. I was just barley a second away from slamming into a car below me. "That was some wicked timing, Screech." Kotori said with a slight edge to her voice, most likely from the same reason that I was shaking. Adrenaline.
             "Problem child, your grounded." Fucking hell Shota!

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