Bad Feeling For A Good Reason

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           I woke up to the wonderful sound of The Black Parade playing all the way up at three am. Our entire little group had decided to crash at Tokoyami's as we had nothing better to do. Shota, being our dad, already signed the permission slip for me and Kotori. Mars, Mei, and Toshi weren't in our class so they could stay as well. Mars would have probably forged her mom's signature if she was told she wasn't alowed to go, but that's besides the point.
          "Tokoyami, what the hell!?" Kotori's yell was muffled by the pillow she was laying on. "Sorry, I don't want to get up when I don't listen to this dark and dreary song." Mars groaned from her spot on the ground while Mei just hopped up and started singing along to the chorus.
          I got up from the bed I had shared with Tokoyami and Mei to turn off the alarm. "Why the hell do you need to wake up at three am every morning?" I asked while raising my arms above my head to stretch. "It is the best time to summon demons." Well, can't argue with that.

           We all got to school an hour early because of Tokoyami's ungodly timed  alarm clock and now had nothing better to do than rig every desk in class 1-A to explode with glitter when sat on. We got Mei to bring us some tiny explosives-that we didn't fully trust- to set it up. Now we get some amusement on this seemingly normal day. Well, as normal as a highschool full of superpowered teenagers striving to be hero's normal could be.
            I startled when there was a bang against the window next to me. I looked out and saw my dads, Shota and Hizashi hanging from Shota's capture weapon. Now the reason this was traumatizing was because they where in the middle of a very heated make out session. After I got over most of my shock, I did the only reasonable thing to do in this situation. I screached at the top of my lungs and chucked glitter at the window in hope to cover the horrid scene.
          They both flinched and whipped their heads around to stair at us. I heard thud behind me and turned to see that Tokoyami had fainted and was now twitching and frothing from the mouth. "I-i'll take him to recovery girl." Kotori said with a haunted look in her eyes. "Oh my god. I can never un-see that. Why the hell?" The window slid open and two very red hero's stepped inside.
            "S-sorry about that Izuku, we didn't think anyone would be here for another hour or so." Hizashi stuttered out in an embarrassed manner. "So you make out on the side of a highschool where everyone can see you!?" I screech. "Shut up! Do you want everyone in a fifty mile radius to wake up!?"  Shota whisper shouted at me. I glared at both of them before going back to rubbing the desks. I might need to rig Shota's desk as well now.

           I watched my classmates walk through the door with subtle criticality. I waited until Bakugou came in to announce that sensei would be here any minute and that we should take our seets. "You are quite right Akatanni! We should sit now before Aizawa sensei gets here, or we will be reprimanded!" Iida yelled while doing his odd chopping motions with his arms. He really doesn't seem like he would be related to Tensei.
           I rid myself of the thought and waited impatiently for people to actually start sitting down.  I counted the seconds down as Bakutoe neared his seet and got ready to plop into it.








As he sat on his chair, his desk exploded and covered him in an assortment of rainbow glitter that would take months to get off. I couldn't stop myself from cackling histariclly at the look on his face as the rest of the class also got a colorful surprise. I could hear Kotori and Tokoyami laughing as well and when I looked up a saw Shota opening the door and chuckling quietly before hiding his amusement behind a blank mask. "Alright would you brats shut up?"

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