vigilantes and a pro hero

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           "Ummmmm my sidekick?"
Yeah the only thing I got from that was a hard punch to my gut. I groaned and punched her right back. She only grunted and sent a kick to my shin. I yelped and hopped on one foot. I growled and elbowed her ribs. She hissed and was about to hit my face when a gray scarf wrapped around her wrist, preventing her punch from landing.
              "So I'm guessing she isn't really your sidekick?" It was more of a statement then a question. I chuckled nervously. "Well, I guess in a way I'm his sidekick. You probably won't be seeing me around as often as him because sometimes I like to have some alone time. Because I can't have that during the day." I was surprised she was ok with being my 'sidekick' as she usually liked to be someone's partner or ally. But never a sidekick.
            "Then why did you punch him?" Eraserhead looked like he was dealing with a bunch of loud five year olds. That's almost accurate, were kinda annoying sometimes. "Well I was mad at him because his lying abilities fucking suck. And I kinda wanted to." Aisawa just sighed and gave us a very disappointed look. Me and Kotori just smiled, even though he couldn't see it. I'm sure he could tell anyways.
            "Well I'm not about to let you get her killed so I'll patrol with you. Don't wake the entire neighborhood this time got it?" He gave me that look and I gave three quick nods. "So why did you feel the need to wake the entire neighborhood? I just want to know why. I won't judge. Maybe." I chuckled slightly. "Well... It's a long story. Kind of."
Flashback to three weeks ago

             I jumped off the roof followd by my cats and Eraserhead. We were being chased by some psycho with a fire quirk. She was laughing hysterically while she burned everything in sight. Eraserhead tried to erase her quirk but she just started chucking knives at us so we booked it to try and get some distance between us. She was surprisingly fast though so it didn't work very well.
             "Eraserhead what's the plan!?" I said whilst dodging another well aimed knife. "I don't know this womens fucking crazy!" Well shit.
"Ok so she has a very strong fire quirk. She doesn't seem to be in total control of her emotions and is also completely crazy. So she probably would be pretty distracted if one of us engages her. You can erase her quirk and distract her long enough for me to sneak behind her and knock her out. Then we call the police, you take the credit and we go home with a job well done." I rambled a bit, but I figured out a plan so who cares.
                "Alright,  take a left and circle back around. I'll give you a signal to head in, got it?" I nodded and turned to disappear into an alleyway. I ran about a half mile before I jumped off a dumpster and scaled a building to the roof. I started sprinting back towards Eraserhead and stopped a few meters away. I crouched down to blend in with my dark surroundings to wait for the signal. Eraserhead was holding his own against fire lady before he blinked and she got her quirk back.
               She was about to send a huge plume of flames at him. So like any rational person who has a brother like relationship with a person about to be roasted alive, I sceamed my head off. "WAIT!! PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM!! HE'S LIKE MY OLDER BROTHER TO ME!! AND THATS MURDER, IT'S WRONG!!" A few people woke up from the surrounded area and started to cuss me out.
               A person even threw a slipper at me. Rude. The fire girl looked over at me surprised. That was all the distraction needed for Eraserhead to kick her jaw and knock her out. "You didn't need to wake the entire fucking neighborhood kid." I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. "Well at least you not a roasted chicken."

End of flashback

            "So that's why I woke the entire neighborhood. And if you ask me it was for pretty good fucking reason." Kotori just looked between the two of us and even though you couldn't see her face you could sense the disappointment coming off her. You could also tell it was directed at us. For what, I'm not sure.
               "Well whatever. Let's just go, I want to go beat up some petty criminals so I can forget my disappointment of your two's carelessness". She then proceeded to jump to another roof while pulling out her bow-staff. Laughing, I followed her with tired Eraserhead behind me.

            We encountered a few more criminals and stopped a gang fight from breaking out. We were all currently sitting on a roof talking about random shit to pass the time when we heard a male scream coming from an alleyway. We all jumped up and sprinted towards the sound. We all stood at the top of the roof to look into the alleyway. A young man was surrounded by six people with guns. One of them, presumably the leader of the group, was searching his body, most likely for a wallet or something of value. "Two each?" I asked loud enough for everyone to hear me. "Sure, I'll take the ones on the right". Kotori stated while pulling her staff from her back. "I'll take the ones on the left". Eraserhead said grabbing his capture weapon. "Then I'll take the ones in the middle. Ready, set, go".
               We all jumped into the down, each of us landing on someone's back. I landed on the main guys back while Kotori landed on the big dude back and Eraserhead landed on a women with a long tails back. The man beneath me fell to the ground and I  jabbed his head with the butt of one of my knives. Kotori just fucking kicked her guys head to knock him out while Eraserhead punched the tail girl.
             I then lunged at the women in front of me who was trying to escape. I grabbed her arm and flung her into the graphite covered wall. She fell to her knees and groaned in pain. I jumped up and spin kicked her jaw, knocking her out cold. Looking around, I could see that my companions had done their respective work and where about to start tying them up. I turned and started to wrap their hands up with rope from a bag hooked to my belt.
             After we tied them up, Eraserhead called the police and waited for them to arrive while me and Kotori waited on a rooftop. We patrolled for a bit longer before we all headed home. Me with my cats, Eraserhead with a headache, and Kotori to her dog. I will never understand dog people. Never ever.              

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