Released from Hell

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           It had been to long without Eri so I decided to voice my concerns. "Where is Eri?" I asked my dad.  "Oh, she seemed to take a liking to Yoayoroza and is outside with her. Kotori, will you go get her?" She nodded and walked out of the hospital room. I leaned against Toshi and closed my eyes to try and ignore the way to bright of lights. "So what was that god mode thing you did at the USJ?" I lifted my head up to stair at Toshi, expressing my confusion.
           "You mean to say you don't remember turning into a ball of glowing white fire and detsroying a giant bird creature in one punch?" I shook my head, absolutely clueless about what they were talking about. They staired at me in disbelief. Well, besides Shota, he looked as confused as I felt.
            "Does someone wanna explain?" Just as Toshi was about to answer when Kotori and Yoayoroza came back in, the former holding Eri-who was in an Eraserhead costume that made her look adorable-to their chest. "Aniki!" She yelled and hopped down and ran towards me. "Hello Eri." I smiled and swooped her up into my arms and spun her around. Of course, the rest of class 1-A had to come in to see that very moment. My reputation of a cold hearted teenager has diminished.
            "Akatanni, I didn't know you had a little sister!" A pink alien who's name I believe was Ashido yelled loudly. "Probably because I have never once talked to you." Tokoyami snickered a bit before plopping ungracefully onto my hospital bed. "Mokumo! I have a new friend you should meet!" I recognized that loud and slightly obnoxious voice to be Mei. He came crashing through the small croud that had gathered in my small hospital room with a boy covered in bandages behind her.
           "Hello hello, I'm Kogeki from the support course!" The bubbly teen ounounced loudly. He was a bit on the short side, maybe about five six and had messy black hair that covered one eye slightly. "Isn't he great!? He can sit with us at lunch and hang out with us now right!?" Well someone's  excited. "Sure, why not." I then felt something press into my shoulder and looked down to see a slightly overwhelmed Eri. This is not about to fly, everyone's getting their shit together and leaving us the fuck alone for a bit!
           "Alright, visiting time is over, please leave the hospital in an ordaly fashion and wait three days before returning." I said in a fake pleasant voice before gesturing Kotori to get everyone to leave. She shooed all of class 1-A out the door besides Yaoyoroza. "Thank you for looking after Eri Yoayoroza, but we kinda want to spend some alone time together if you get what I mean." She nodded before giving a bright smile and leaving after our classmates.
          "So Kogeki, your from the support class?" Kotori decided to start a conversation. "Yep! Mei here dragged me here to befriend you all!" I laughed a bit, his excitement reminding me so much of my pink haired friend. "Are you any good at building stuff?" Why is Toshi so insensitive, I thought before slapping the back of his head. "Well I wouldn't be in UA if I wasn't! But they almost didn't except me cause I'm quirkless." He finished with a thoughtful expression.
           His statement shocked me slightly. I had never met another quirkless kid, about 95% of the 20% of quirkless population was old people. I then smiled at him, the rest of us doing the same. "Well that's stupid. If your good at building stuff shouldn't you be able to be in UA despite not having a quirk? That's quirk discrimination!" Eri yelled with determination shining in her eyes making everyone coo at her cuteness. "So welcome to the group. Wanna sneek out and get coffee?"

            Twenty minutes later we were all walking down the street to Sony's to get coffee. We talked the entire way, learning that Kogeki was in the hospital from something in the support lab exploding. Apparently three other students also had to go to hell to get healed instead of going to recovery girl as she was on a short vacation including Mars who had joined us behind the hospital after we had all jumped out the window from the eighth story.
            Kogeki had a great sence of humor, but at one point someone mentioned ice cream and he started bawling his eyes out, yelling about how he hadn't had ice cream in forever. Finally, we got to Sony's, and we made quite a sight. Two pro heros, seven teenagers, three of which had hospital gowns over their clothes and a small girl in a black jumpsuit with a really long scarf.
           "What the hell did you do this time you big idiot!?" Was the first thing I heard as I entered the small cafe. "Sorry, sorry, I was just doing the usual hero stuff." She slapped my head before moving out of the way to let Meya tackle me to the ground. "Do you need to get yourself hurt all the damn time!?" I grunted at the force that I had been taken to the ground with.
           I then heard loud meowing and then two fluffy balls of fur were surrounding my face and rubbing against me. I sit up, moving Meya off my lap before hugging Lightening and Flame. "Hey guys, miss me?" They mewoed louder and rubbed against my chest purring happily. "Are you gonna stay on the ground all day?" Kogeki asked with a dopey smile on his face. "Well it's actually quite comfortable and clean. Would you care to join me?" I asked in a British accent. He snickered before crouching and doing a starfish thing on the floor face down. 
              "Your wrong, it smells like feet and floor cleaner." Kogeki stated, but stayed on the ground despite his complaining. I rolled my eyes and stood up, walking to the large booth in the back with the rest of the group. Mei dragged Kogeki over and let him plop onto the seet before mushing him between him and Mars. "Meya, do you guys have ice cream?" I asked when everyone was squashed into the seet and listening to Hizashi talk about his first real villain fight. "Yep! What kind?" That got Kogeki's attention and he immidatly stood up and pointed at Meya.
            "I want a large ice cream bowl with chocolate, mint, and cookie doe with chocolate chips on the mint and only the mint. Please." He orders with complete seriousness and a determined face. "Can I have the same?" Kotori asked after a minute of confusion. That started a chain of everyone wanting the same thing, but five of us also ordering a iced coffee. Meya snorted and rolled her eyes before turning towards the kitchen to start our large order.
             "So Moku, about that god mode thingy. What was that?" Kotori asked at some point. "I'm not sure, I don't remember going into 'god mode' as your all saying. Explain what happened first why don't you?" She looked surprised, and Mei, Mars, Eri, and Kogeki looked extremely confused. "Yeah, I watched you burst into white flames and just punch the nom-existant soul out of a creature that supposedly could beat All Might." Tokoyami added, making me even more confused.
            "Do you at least remember healing Shota?" Hizashi asked, a bit of worry in his eyes. "No. Did you get hurt!?" I asked my dad suddenly feeling very worried. "Yeah, but you healed me so it's fine." He gave a quick glance at Eri and I understood what he meant. There was no reason to worry Eri.
             "Maybe we shouldn't have left the hospital." Kotori said quietly. "I don't feel bad. I had a headache when I woke up, but it went away pretty quickly, but that was it. Trust me, we don't need to go back to that place." I exclaimed, trying to get them to stop sorting but also not lie at the same time.
            "Fine, but your taking it easy for a few days and tomorrow Recovery girl gets back from vacation so we'll be going to see her." Shota said with a firm tone leaving no room to argue. Nevermind, he left plenty of space for me to whine and complain and argue. But I was tired so I just nodded like the great and agreeable person I was.
             "So, the god mode thing. I called Shota's name, if you can remember that." I did indeed remember that so I gave a nod. "You ran up to my side and paused for about ten seconds. I was about to try and help and took a few steps fowards, but I could feel a lot of heat coming from behind me so I turned around there you where. Glowing and your eyes completely white and pretty much made up from fire. You were covered in the flames and looked like you were about to kill someone. Then you just disappeared and then you were in front of the Nomu with your fist out and there was a hole in its chest. When you pulled your fist back it just kind of crumbled into white ash. Then the fire went away and you looked exhausted and you collapsed next to Shota. You managed to heal him and that's when the hero's arrived with Toshi and we all kind of sat together and you passed out." She finished with a sigh before pushing a few of her braids behind her ears.
             I sat there in complete shock, trying my best to comprehend what I was just told. "Holey-" Kogeki was cut off by Toshi slapping a hand over his mouth and glaring at him. "Well, that's a lot to take in at once." I said a bit breathlessly. "Yeah, to bad you can't remember." Kotori said with a sheepish smile. I nodded, quite overwhelmed, and for good reason. I had apparently gone into a dubbed 'god mode' and destroyed a thing called a Nomu with one punch! And to make matters worse, it was supposedly strong enough to defeat All Might!
             My internal crisis was interrupted by our ice cream and coffee arriving. "Enjoy!" Meya said happily before leaving to get some other customers order. I looked at the ice cream in front of me and decided that I might as well let all my emotions out into eating it. I picked up my plastic spoon and scooped up a very leage mound of chocolate chip covered mint ice cream and chucked it at Mei's face.
          Time almost seemed to stop as everyone went silent and watched the desert slide slowly of Mei's face. Then time started again and everything went to shit instantly. It might as well have been a war scene after what we did to the booth and eachother. Everyone had melted ice cream all over their faces, clothes, and in everybodys hair. The booth seats and table hadnt faired much better. The table was covered in the comfort food and the seats dripped all of the icey treat onto the ground.
           All the other pedestrians had left and a disapointed Sonya stood in front of us. The only person without food on their face was Eri and that was because no one was going to get the poor bean dirty. Lightning and Flame had ran off as soon as the first spoon full had been thrown. Thank God the coffee wasn't the hot stuff as well or else three of us would have been severely burnt.

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