I Survived my Trip to the USJ

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          Our small group started running to where I could see Todoroki. But then the bitch just froze all the villains around him and started giving a very degrading speech to them. Wow. Asui waved him over to us and he hurried over. We managed to also find Ojiro and the invisible girl. We got almost everyone together, the only people missing being Kirishima and Bakugou.
         They weren't hard to find as they were yelling very loudly while trying to fight Kurogiri. I could see Thirteen behind them, not looking very good. "Yoayoroza, take Ururaka and try to patch up Thirteen to the best of your abilities while I deal with portal guy!" They nodded and headed towards the unconscious heroine.
           I didn't really want to fight Kurogiri, but I had to at least get him out of commission before helping Thirteen. I started running and met Bakugou's eye. He seemed to understand and created a huge blast at the ground, creating a dust cloud to hide me. When I got close to my undercover spy, I jumped up and kicked the back of the brace on his neck, knocking him to the ground. I whispered a very quiet sorry to which he just subtly nodded to. I then bound him with compacted orange fire. "Thanks Akatanni! Your super manly!" Kirishima yelled while pumping his fist into the air. " Why thank you, your manliness." He beamed at me, but I barely spared him a glance before running to Thirteen.
        I kneeled next to her. "Shit." I muttered beneath my breath. The girls had done a great job to help stop the bleeding, but she needed more urgent care. This would most likely leave a horrid scar, but it was better than her dieing. I let green flames wrap around my hands before slowly pressing them to Thirteens chest. Slowly, the glowing flames started to heal her wounds. It took me longer than I would have liked, but she was no longer in critical condition. I then goy Yoayoroza to create some duck yaoe to patch up the holes in her suit.  "Wow Akatanni, your quirk is-" Uruaka was cut of by a scream that pierced my heart.
           "SHOTA!" I was up and running before I knew what I was doing. All I knew was that my dad was hurt and needed help. I got to Kotori's side and nearly vomited at the sight before me. My dad's head was being slammed into the ground by a giant bird monster.
          I felt unimaginable hot fury flare through my viens. I closed my eyes for what felt like a minute, but was barely half a second. Without thinking I jumped at the creature. I felt my arm pull back before slamming into the creature chest. I only just then noticed the blidinly bright white flames wrapped around my body.
          The monsters burnt and half destroyed body fell to the ground and turned into white ash. I took a wobbly step towards my wounded dad. I almost fell on the ground, but a pair of strong arms cought me. I looked up to see Kotori. She gently set me next to Shota before sitting by my side. I reached out my shaking hands and started healing my dad. Once his eyes squeezed together a bit, I stopped and leaned against Kotori for support.
          "No! You cheated! That Nomu was designed to beat All Might! How could have a mere side character defeate him with just one punch!?" I looked up to see the definition of a man child. "Well clearly it was badly designed. As you said, I took it out with one punch and I'm only fifteen." Oh boy, he looks pissed. To bad I can't see his full expression because of the creepy ass hand on his crusty face.
         "I'll kill you!" I knew I was to weak to fight him, but Kotori wasn't. She jumped up and pretty much bitch slapped him with her quirk so hard that he went flying. He hit the ground.  with a loud thump before rolling a few feet,  his light blue hair covering his now bleeding face. Just then Kurogiri appeared behind him and disappeared into a purple and black portal. And that's  when All Might and the rest of the hero's from UA showed up.
          "DON'T WORRY, FOR I AM- WHAT HAPPENED!?" I groaned,feeling a headache coming on. Kotori came back to my side and slouched against me. I then felt a bunch of weight crash into us and almost knock us into our dad. "What the hell was that warning you idiot!? We thought you were dead!" I recognized that voice as Toshi's and turned to hug him. He hugged back and sat down, pulling me into his lap. Then Tokoyami, Kotori, Mei and Mars where also hugging me. "Sorry guys, we had a bit if a problem as you can see." I said quietly into Toshi's shoulder. "Is Aizawa sensei ok!?" That was Mars. "Yeah, Moku healed him most of the way." Kotori answered.
          "Are you guys ok!?" I loud voice sounded behind us. It was Hiazashi. He would be so worried when he saw the state Shota was in. "Pops, he's ok." I said, looking up at him. "Who's ok-" he cut himself off with a horrified gasp. He knelt down and pulled Shota into his lap and held him tightly.
         "Pops, don't worry I helped him. He's gonna be ok." He nodded but didn't let him go. He instead scooted closer to us and leaned against Kotori's side. I sighed in content and felt myself drift off, happy knowing that my family was ok.

           I woke up, feeling like utter shit. My head was pounding and it felt like I hadn't eaten for a year. I also couldn't move. I opened my eyes, but instantly regretted it as bright light burned into vision. I groaned and felt the weight on top of me shift until it was only on my legs.  I slowly let my eyes adjust before looking at the sheepish looking Hitoshi and Kotori on my legs.
          "It's been fourteen hours since you passed out so we were worried. And tired." Toshi yawned at the end of Kotori's explanation.  "How are you feeling?" Toshi asked. "Like utter shit. I'm also starving." They both chuckled and got off. I looked around the hospital room and saw that Hazashi and Shota were talking quietly in the corner.
         I very slowly got off the bed and made my way towards them, my siblings behind me. My parents stopped talking when they noticed me and jumped up to envolpe me in a very tight hug. "Please never get so close to death again." Dad whispered in my ear. I laughed quietly. "I only passed out." He growled and hugged me tighter. I felt Toshi and Kotori join the group hug. I smiled happily, having finnaly found a true family that would always love me.
           Iy was this perfect moment that my friends decided to ruin by bursting into the hospital room and screaming surprise as loud as possible. I shoved my head into my dad's chest and groaned. "Oh shut up, I made you and Kotori something!" Mei yelled at us before pulling me and my sister from the hug and shoving something white into our arms. It was a shirt? I unfolded it and couldn't help but start laughing, Kotori joining soon after. I slipped  the shirt on over my hospital gown and smiled when Kotori did the same thing.
           "So, what do you think!?" I smiled at her and said the best thing I could think of at that moment. "I'm going to love being able to say this to people who have shirts that saw 'I survived my trip to New York'. What I survived was way cooler."

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