Officially Adopted and a break In

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                 "Why the hell are you with our teacher!?"



                   Kotori immediately hung up on Tokoyami and then promptly sprinted out of the room, Toshi following on her heels. Assholes, leaving me to deal with our teacher-should I call him dad now?- who looked about ready to kill someone. Well, he always looked like that so I couldn't really tell. "Well? What where you doing."
               Well shit. "We where having a competition and that escalated to who was the best fighter and we couldn't decide so we called Tokoyami." He raised an eyebrow at me, but still had a blank face on. "And your competition involved chucking writing utensils at each other? Also, Tokoyami has a face?" I wheezed
at that last question, not gonna lie. "Yes to both questions. Also he wears a mask. Don't tell anyone please." He nodded.
                      "Did you guys figure out what house you wanted? Me and Zashi got everything sorted out with Nezu so Eri's officially ours, along with you three." I blinked in surprise at how fact they managed to get all that done. But then again, Nezu was helping them. "Yes we did. And don't you need to talk to the police about us being vigilantes?" He sighed again. "Well, Nezu decided it would be best to not bring it up, and we can't really oppose him." I nodded and got up from my sitting position.
                    "The house we looked at is on Kotori's phone." He nodded and followed me out into the living room where my new siblings where spread out across the couch. "Hey Ko, you still on that website?" She nodded and tossed me her phone. I turned it on and entered her password. The website we found the house on appeared and I handed the phone to Shouta. He looked it over quickly before giving me the phone back.
                       "That website is fake, you know that right?" I looked closer and saw that indeed, these houses had already been sold months before. "Shiiiiiiit." I got smacked in the head for that one.

                       One hour later and we only had five hours before school started. Me, Kotori, and Toshi had all gone to the guest room and piled onto the bed together with Shouta' s cats after we finally found a house that was on a real website. Shouta had opted to sleep on the couch so that when Eri woke up she wouldn't panic to bad. 
Today was pretty good if I do say so myself.


                          "Fuuuucckkk." I groaned as I sat up to the alarm going off on Toshi's phone. I turned it off and got out of bed with a tired Kotori behind me. Toshi pretended to be asleep- that is, until Kotori decided to push him off the bed. "Come on, we have to go get our uniforms from my apartment and then go to the warehouse to get our bags." Yeah we put our school stuff in two different locations, smart I know.
                    Toshi flipped us off from his spot on the ground without moving his head. Kotori kicked his foot in retaliation. "Come on, we're going to be late. And if we're late, we'll get lectured by Iida and you will be asked questions by your classmates and that would lead  make to social interaction and I know you don't want that to happen." I said while putting my hoodie back on.
                   Toshi finally got up from the ground and opened the door to go downstairs. Me and Kotori followed him. We found Shouta and Eri talking quietly on the couch with Hizashi looking like he was about to pass out from waking up to early. I waved to Eri who waved hesitantly back and smiled slightly at us. "Shouta, well be going now. We'll be late to school of we stay any longer." He nodded. "See you problem children at school." Kotori snorted at the nickname he gave us before following me and Toshi to the door.
                  "Bye Eri, we'll see you after school ok?" She nodded as we waved at her. We said bye to Hizashi as well before hopping out the window next to the door. I heard Shouta groan. Smiling, the three of us left to Kotori's apartment to get our uniforms.

                    "Hurry your slow ass up eyebags!" Kotori yelled as we sprinted down the street to UA.  We had spent to much time drinking coffee and now we were late and Toshi was to tired to run at his best. "God damn it Toshi, we will leave you here and then you'll face the social interaction of your classmates!" That got him to speed up.
                   We finally arived at the entrance of UA. We swiped our student ID cards and continued to sprint into the oversized building. "See you at lunch Toshi!" I yelled when we split up to go to our respective classes. There where no students in the halls right now as class would start in about thirty seconds. "Shit! We are so late!" Kotori exclaimed as we rounded the corner to get to classroom 1-A.
                      We reached the door and threw it open, scaring the class. We jumped over people and desks to get to our own before sitting down and trying to catch our breath just as the bell as rang. "You two are lucky you actually managed to make it on time. Don't make the same mistake again, time is precious." Shouta said in a  monotone voice while standing up from his sleeping bag and slurping one of his juice packs.
                   We both nodded while Iida chopped his arm up and down and lectured us. "IT IS UNBECOMING OF A STUDENT OF UA TO BE LATE! YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE EXACTLY FIFTEEN MINUTES EARLY AN-" Shouta cut him off by wrapping his capture weapon around his mouth. "Shut up. Anyways, we're doing something very important today that will require you to actually think. This choice will affect the rest of your time in UA so choose carefully."
                        The entire class besides the ones with any brain power at all gulped in fear. "A-and  what would that be Aizawa-Sensei?" Mina asked while shaking. "You will be..." He paused for dramatic affect. "Choosing your class representative."
                         "EEHHHHHH!?!?!?!" Almost the entire class screamed making some people cover their ears. "But that so simple! Why did you make it seem like a life or death situation!?" Kirishima screamed looked completely dumbfounded. I just sighed and put my head down on my arms. "I vote Yoayoroza. She isn't as picky as Iida, but still has common sense and has quick decision making." A few people starred at me for some unknown reason so I glared at them. They immediately looked away so I plopped my head back down on the desk. "I second Mokumo's choice." I heard Kotori say from in front of me.
                      "Well, I guess Yoayoroza is class representative. Who wants to be vice?" The entire class went fucking crazy and woke up Shouta who looked about ready to murder someone. "Shut the hell up you stupid brats!"

            Iida ended up becomes vice prez. I personally don't really like his uptight personality, but he's responsible so I guess it's whatever. It was lunch time and our little group was sitting at a table next to the window half listening to Mei ranting about how many times his new baby had exploded before he got it right. And then it still exploded. "Hey Mei, do you think you can make me some boots with retractable weels on the bottom?" Kotori asked when Mei finally took a break from talking to eat some of his food.
                     "Sure! That's a great idea! How high are the boots?! Are-" Mei was cut off by a loud blarring noise. "Level three breach. Please evacuate. Level three breach."  "The hell!?"
"What's happening?!"
"Level three?! That sounds bad!"
Everyone was panicking and trying to run for the exit causing chaos. We where all pressed up against the window so we could see outside. "Look! It's just the press! We need to get everyone to stop panicking!" Mars yelled while pointing out the window. And indeed, there was a bunch of reporters standing by the gate that looked disintegrated?
                      "Kotori! Lift me up with your quirk!" She complied and it suddenly a huge invisible hand was wrapping around my waist and lifting me up. I took a deep breath and then yelled. "EVERYONE CALM THE FUCK DOWN! IT'S JUST THE PRESS!" That at least got everyone to stop screaming and trampling other students.
                       I fucking hate teenagers, but that's not important right now. What is, is how the hell did the press get in one of the most secure places on Earth!?

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