I'm having a bad day

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I'm not having a good day. On my way to school, Bakugo and his lackeys decided I was in their way so that gave them the right to pummel me into the ground. Then the teacher left the class for a coffee break so all the students sent insults at me for ten minutes straight.
Then, some upperclassmen decided to throw me against the lockers and sucker punch me in the face. Yeah, I'm having a bad day.
The end of my classes could not have come fast enough. I was shoving my notebooks into my bag when Bakugo walked up to me. "Whatcha got there, nerd? Mind if I have a look?"
He ripped my analysis notebook out of my hands and looked at the cover. "Hero analysis for the future #14? Ha, nerd you'll never be a hero. Just give up already." He then proceeded to explode my notebook with his quirk and toss it out the window. That notbook has valuable information in it, even if it's in a code, someone can decipher it. And if it lands in the wrong hands... I heard a splash so it must have landed in the coy pond...
I was brought out of my musing by Bakugo placing a burning hand on my shoulder. "Hey nerd. If you want to be a hero so bad, take a swan dive of the roof and pray for a quirk In the next life!"
My eyes widened at that . I knew he hated me, but I didn't think he would tell me to kill myself. It's kinda ironic. My childhood bestfriend just told me to kill myself because I don't have a quirk. When we were kids, he was the only one who thought I could be a hero. A smart one, not a strong one. But as years passed, he started to share everyone else's views on me being a hero.
All I ever wanted since I was little was to be a great hero. I just wanted to help people, but everyone thought I was to weak to be of help to anyone. It hurt to know no one believed in me.
I was shocked out of my thoughts by Bakugo shoving me hard enough that I fell on the floor. He left with his 'friends', laughing at me. I sat up and put my head in my hands and felt something wet on my cheeks...oh...I was crying. I sighed and started to get up. And promptly fell back down.
I cursed and held my ribs. I must have hit them when Bakugo decided it was a good idea to push me onto the floor. I grabbed my vandalised desk to help me stand, hissing in pain. I pulled up the top part of my uniform to look at the spot that hurt.
A large purple bruise was spreading on the lower part of my ribcage. Nothing felt broken, so that's good. I've had worse in past years, so this wouldn't be to much trouble to hide. I don't have school tomorrow either so it will have a chance to heal a bit.
Sighing once again, I grabbed my bag and left the classroom. I walked outside to the coy pond to see my partially exploded notebook completely submerged in the water with the fish nibbling in it. "Stupid fish, that isn't food." I said grabbing it and waving it around in the air to try and dry it off. It failed miserbly.

I decided to take the long way home by going through the underpass. I was humming a soft tune when I was suddenly submerged in a gooey aubstanace. "A medium sized meat suit. You'll work just fine." I started to struggle as the slime tried to go in my mouth.
"Feisty one arn't ya? Hold still, this won't take long." It was getting hard to breathe and this was not exactly a pleasant way to die. 'His eyes are solid! I can hit them! I reached my hand up and grabbed his eye. And squeezed. It was a disgusting feeling, but it worked. The slime villian screeched and let me go. I got up, coughing up black goo and started to run.
Before I could get very far, the villian wrapped a gooey tentacle around my ankle and pulled me back. I screamed in hopes someone would hear me. And my wish was granted as freaking All Might jumps out of a sewer grate and says his catch fraze. "FEAR NOT! WHY? BEACAUSE I AM HERE!" He then Texas Smashed the villian, splattering it all around the walls of the underpass.
"ARE YOU ALRIGHT CITIZEN?" I nod and stand up. "H-hey All M-might? C-can I ask y-you a question?" I stutter like an idiot as he stuffed the villian into an empty soda can. "OF COURSE YOUNG MAN! WHAT IS IT?"
I took a deep breathe, preparing myself for the worst. "D-do you think a q-quirkless person c-can be a hero?" All Might's smile dropped at that. He staired at me for a moment before answering. "NO. I DO NOT THINK A QUIRKLESS PERSON CAN BE A HERO. THEY WILL JUST GET IN THE WAY" Even though I prepared myself, it still hurt for your idol to tell you you couldn't do something.
And if it wasn't enough that he already put me down, he thought it was necessary to do it further. "IT'S GOOD TO DREAM, BUT YOU NEED TO BE RELISTIC. BECOME A POLICE OFFICER OR MAYBE A DOCTOR. BUT YOU CAN'T BE A HERO"
I felt like I was going to cry. It's not exactly a dream come true when the number one hero tells you that you can't be one because of something you can't control. I guess that's why they say never meet your idols. I sighed and was about to turn away when I saw a rip in the pocket of his pants where he was keeping the villian.
"All Might? T-thers a hole in y-your pocket." I don't know why I'm helping him but I don't want an innocent person to get hurt because I'm mad at someone. "AH! THANK YOU YOUNG MAN! THAT COULD HAVE BEEN QUITE THE CATASTROPHE!" And he's back to the happy All Might that everyone knows and loves. I just nodded at him and turned to leave.
Today really is the worst. I got beat up twice, made fun of in class, told to kill myself from my childhood bestfriend, and from my idol, the number one hero All Might, told me I couldn't be a hero. I need to sleep, I feel like I'm going to pass out with how awful today's been. Life sucks I guess.

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