To Much Caffine

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             I was watching Kotori and Yaoyoroza fight Tokoyami and the frog girl I had saved. Kotori had made Yoayoroza create an icreadibly strong flashlight and point it at Tokoyami while she quickly and brutality delt with frog girl. I think her name was Tsuyu? After she had beaten Tsuyu and wrapped her in capture tape, she went and delivered a strong kick to the cowering Tokoyami's face, sending him crashing to the floor.
           Yoayoroza quickly tied him up to then they both went and touched the bomb. "Hero team wins!" AllMight announced way to loudly. The two girls then high-fived and started back to the monitor room. Kotori walked through the door and came to a stop in front of me. She raised an eyebrow questionably at me and waited for an answer. Most likely about my ice flames.
              "Looks like I got a new ability." I said with a small smirk. She huffed and punched my arm slightly. "We're all still going for coffee after school right?"

               Me, Kotori, and Tokoyami were waiting outside UA's gates for Toshi and his new friends. "Moku!" I turned to see Toshi lazily walking towards us with Mars and Mei behind him. "Hey Toshi, what boaring shit did you do today?" He chuckled slightly. "We visited the support class for last period and Mei blew up his hover boots. They made a surprisingly large explosion." Kotori laughed. "Well, now that we're all here, let's get going." We all started walking to the cat cafe, talking about anything that came to mind.

              We arrived at the cafe in about ten minutes. It was kinda small and the very cute looking. The outside was painted a light peach color and there was dozens of plants growing on and around the small building. Vines hung on the walls and flowers littered the ground. Small trees were planted at the corners of the cafe and it all came together to give off that magical garden feeling.
               We walked inside and were greated with a boy with goat horns. He smiled at us and asked how long we planned to stay. We payed for two hours and went to the separate room with all the cats in it. We all sat at a booth a the far back next to a painting of a mythical creature that none of us recognized. There was a lot of plants in here as well.
               We all sat down and looked at the drink menus and talked about how annoyingly loud Present Mic was. "so, what would you all like today?" A waiter asked with a smile a few minuts later. "I'll get a triple shot iced mocha with whip cream." Kotori said while placing her menu back on the table. "I'll get the same." Tokoyami said. That started a round of people agreeing to all getting the same thing.
               We started talking again and some cats came over and made themselves comfortable on our laps. Four minutes later the waitress came back with our drinks. "Really Mei, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't drink such high amounts of cafine.  You might have a seizure." Kotori stated with a deadpan face. "Well I'm very sure that I can drink way more cafine than you before having a seizure!" Mei retorted while crossing his arms and pouting.
               "Seriously, neither of you could drink near the amount I can." Toshi said, sitting up straight and glaring at the both of them. "Yeah right eyebags, you got nothing on me." Mars also joined the argument. "Oh please. None of you will ever be on my level of unhealthy cafine intake." I argued back. Soon a very heated argument started about who could drink more coffee without having a seizure.
               "Alright, I've had enough of this! We are at a cafe, why don't we have a little competition?" Mars finally said after we disrupted the entire cafe. "Alright, whoever can drink the most quadruple shot coffee wins. Everyone pays for the own, got it?" Everyone nodded and Kotori called over the waiter and ordered thirty coffees. He looked shocked, but scurried away to get our orders.
                 He came back a bit later and we all starred each other down. "Ready? Set? Go!"

               A half hour later we were all twitching and had to pee. I could feel my heart beating way to fast. I took the last sip off my fifteenth coffee. "Ok, I can't do anymore. Mokumo wins." Kotori said quickly before twitching violently. Tokoyami and Mei nodded their heads while Mars and Toshi twitched. "Hah, losers." I twitched again.  "Hey Moku, we should dye your hair again!" Kotori said excitedly. I jumped up with the others in agreement. "Let's go to my friends place! She's really good!"
               "We should get tattoos!"

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