Hero Names and a Field Trip

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"The fuck Nezu!? A seceruty breach in one of the safest places on Japan!? What even happened!?" I fired off questions at the animal hybrid after kicking his office door down. "Well Mokumo, it appeares that someone used their quirk to turn part of the gate into a pile of ash wich allowed the flock of reporters inside school boundaries. Any idea who it might be?"
I thought about it for a minute, being very gteatfull to Kotori's quirk as it made my already excellent memory better. "Hmm, there is a man who goes by Shigaraki Tomoura who has a disintegration quirk. He's part of a new group who call themselves the leage of villians. Tacky if you ask me. Anyways, their group is rather small and they don't have a lot of high end villians on their side. I have a friend there who is forced to work with them as he would be killed otherwise." Nezu nodded with a thoughtful look on his small face. "Is it possibl to get information from this friend of yours?" He asked after a moment.
"I would think so, yes. I'll see what I can do tonight. Also, would you be willing to allow me to search through your seceruty cameras? I want to make sure we didn't miss anything." He nodded in consent.
"Well, do get back to me with your results Mokumo." I nodded and left his office to get back to class with Kotori and Tokoyami who where in the hallway with slightly scared expressions on their face/mask.

We had been waiting for Aizawa to start talking for about four minutes in complete silence now and I starting to think he fell asleep standing up and with his eyes open. Finally, he began to tell us what was so important. "Today you will be choosing your hero names. I'm not qualified to-" he was cut off by Midnight slamming the door open and strutting to the front of the classroom.
"Hello class 1-A! I'm going to be helping you choose your hero names because Eraserhead sucks at stuff like this!" That got a few snickered from the Bakusquad and a long sigh from Shouta. I couldn't help the small chuckle from my throut. It's so true though, like what kind of name is Eraserhead,
         "I'll be handing out whiteboards to right your names down. When your done, you will present your name to the class and I will decide wether it's fitting or not. Now get to it!"
          Tsu was the first to be done and she hopped up to the front of the classroom to present her name. "I've wanted this to be my name since I was little: the Rainey season Hero, Froppy." Everyone thought it was a good name and suited her well, including me. "I'm a bit worried about what Bakutoes's name is gonna be. Like, does he still want to be called King Explosion Murder?" I asked Kotori telepathicly. Making her snort quietly.
"Don't worry to much, Midnight definitely won't allow such a 'villainous' name to be used." I chuckled quietly at her reply. "Can you two keep it down? I'm trying to not fail this quiz." I recognized Toshi's voice sounding in my mind. "Sorry Toshi." Kotori didn't sound very sorry at all.
Next person up was Uruaka with the clever name
Uravity. Todoroki just went with his first name, Shouto, Tokoyami following his lead. The pikachu kid called themself Charge Bolt and Yoayoroza went with Creati. The names went on until it was Bakugo's turn. He stomped up to the podium and screamed at the top of his lungs with a nasty sneer on his face, "KING EXPLOSION MURDER!!!" It took everything in me to not burst out laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the name, Kotori doing no better than me. Like, what the hell? Just why?                        
           The rest of the class Was silent and looking at the angry once in shock and to a certain degree amusment. "What!? No, it to villainous. Choose something else!" Midnight exclaimed with an almost horrified look on her face. I snorted quietly at the irony of that statement. What about the hero Death arms? Or Mister Blaster? Those are fairly villainous names.
           Kotori went to the podium and revealed her whiteboard. "I want to be known as the mind hero: Telepathy." She said lazily. I wholeheartedly agree with this name. It was fitting considering she could read people's minds and form telepathic pathways between different minds. It was a lot better than what Mars had thought of, Kotori would sooner kill herself than be known as HandJob.
           Finally it was my turn. I walked up to the podium slowly, still debating whether I should take Toshi's advice or not. "I'll go with the flame hero:Pyro."

            "Alright class,listen up. We have a field trip tomorrow you need to fill out these forms. The place were going is a surprise so it won't say. If you parents don't want to sign you will stay here and do training with class 1-B. Any questions? No? Good, I wouldn't have answered anyways." Me and Kotori snorted quietly. We both already knew we're we where we where going, what with being the teachers children.
         "Anyways, class dismissed." The bell rang just after he said that. We walked with Kotori and Tokoyami to the general education classroom, meeting Mars and Mei on the way. Kotori and Mei chattered away about the boots that they where going to create. We reached the general classroom and waited for the student to be let out so we could leave to the cafe with Toshi.
          We had to jump out of the way though as a throng of excited students came bursting through the door. "Hey, watch it!" Mars shouted when a boy bumped into her harshly. All he did was sneer at her-that is, until he was face to face with an angry Kotori who towered over the boy by five inches. He scampered away with a quick apology. Finally, Toshi walked lazily out of the room, but he too looked a bit happy.
          "What's got you in such a good mood emo-boy?" I asked while raising an eyebrow at him. Learning how to lift one eyebrow was literal hell and took forever, but I will never regret it. "We get to actually train tomorrow. Like, in a gym and everything. And if I'm and emo, your a vampire with unhealthy garlic addictions." I rolled my eyes at him, but smiled nevertheless.
          "So, who's ready to go chug some life juice to renew our energy from this horrendous day?"

Three hours later:


"Wait! I'll give you anything you want, just leave me alone!"

"Please! I have children at home!"


          And that is how the CEO's of three huge companies that poison and destroy our world where traumatized into shutting down and giving all of their money to the environmental act to save the coral reefs and rid the Pacific Ocean of the great garbage patches.

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