starting out

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        It's been three days since I got the job at Sonya's caffe. I work on Saturdays and Monday's in the evenings. I got payed fifty bucks a week with an extra twenty-five dollars  for letting my cats stay there. I drop the cats off at the caffe everyday and pick them up after. It's good for me because I don't have to feed or look after them while I do school online and train. I had taken to charging my phone and laptop at the park's public charging port. As the warehouse I call home doesn't have any charging ports and it's not really suspicious if a teenager is on their laptop doing schoolwork in the park.
          I'd nearly finished my third year of middle school even though I was only supposed to start about two months ago. Now that the teachers can't sabotage my grades, I can show off my intelligence by doing all the easy work of eighth grade in about a month. Well I can't really show it off if no one's around to witness it.
           I had started to learn how to code on my laptop and I even made a game! Although it's only a mini game, I could probably sell it for a few thousand dollars so I can get a new laptop. I had also has started to take martial art classes on-line so that when I start vigilanting I don't get my ass kicked to bad. I had a pretty good memory, so after watching a bunch of videos I'm ready to try and and actually fight someone. I also need the experience for when I have to take the exams to get into UA. Well, tonight's my first night so I might as well get ready.

        It was about 12:15pm when I walked out of my warehouse with Lightening and Flame an my shoulders, both of them wearing little cat masks. They didn't do much to hide their identity, but I was wearing a matching one and I thought it was cute. I had a green hoodie with floppy bunny ears on the hood. I had a red utility belt with knives and a med-kit. I also had a phone that I surprisingly found at Dagobah Beach. Like, who throws away a perfectly good phone? It was even a newer one to. People are so wierd and hard to understand.
           Sighing, I pulled on my mask before taking my hands out of my black cargo pants. I scaled the building next to me as quickly as I could. Which wasn't very quick at all. I almost fell as I tried to stand up on the ledge after hauling myself up. I had to stumble forward to catch myself. I breathed a sigh of relief before mentally berating myself to stop putting off practicing scaling just because I was scared of falling.
         I sighed once again-I've been doing that a lot today-before getting a running start and jumping to the building that was slightly taller than the one I was on. Of course, I almost fell off again. I really need to practice more. I guess that's why I'm doing this though, so. Whatever.

        It's been a few hours and I've finally gotten the hang of jumping from the rooftops. I'm glad I'm no longer almost dieing every time I try to jump. My balance has already improved since the first few times I've tried this, so I should be able to get good at this in about a month. My cats did a lot better than me at jumping on the rooftops. I swear they laughed at me every time I stumbled or fell.
         During my entire time out I hadn't seen or heard anything happen. So either nobody was doing anything tonight, or this area doesn't have a high crime rate. Just as I was about to head back to the warehouse I heard a thud from a nearby alleyway. I ran across the roof of the three story building and jumped to the two story one, landing in a roll I've been practicing. I did it wrong and landed on my shoulder weird. I held in a grunt of pain so as not to alert the people in the alleyway.
        I peered over the ledge off the roof to see the purple haired kid from the beach getting beaten up by some middle schoolers. I glared at the kids before jumping down on to one of their shoulders and he dropped to the ground from my weight. I kicked off him and punched a brurnett kid with scales on his face and hands in the face. He stumbled back and tripped over his feet, falling to the ground.
         I felt wind coming at me so on instinct I ducked down, making the guy about to punch me trip over me onto the kid I punched in the face. I kicked the last dude where the light don't shine. Hard. He went down like a sack of potatoes, clutching his crotch. I kinda felt bad , but the thought didn't last long as the first dude tried to punch me again. I knocked his hand away before upercutting his stomache as hard as I could, causing him to drop to the dirty alleyway floor and vomit up his last meal. This would have been easier to do with my quirk, but I don't want to get arrested, so I won't be using it for vigilantism.
         The brunette guy started to run away and I let him go seeing he wouldn't be doing anything anytime soon. I felt quite proud of myself for taking on three guys that were all at least five inches taller than me. Yeah I'm short, so what?
        A grunt of pain cought my attention, snapping me out of my victorious thoughts. "Oh right! Are you alright kid?" I had a voice modifier in my mask that was small enough that you couldn't notice it. Ut made me sound about twenty years old. He nodded his head, but I noticed he was shaking so I went and sat next to him. He flinched at first but soon relaxed. The bullies had long since run from the alleyway, so they were safe for the time being.
          "Hey, this might be a sensitive question, but why where those kids beating you up?" I asked him after a minute of silence. He looked at me surprised before turning away from me. My mask and hood hid most of my features, the only noticeable thing where my green eyes.
            "They say I have a villainous quirk and that I can't follow my dream of becoming a hero because the hero schools wouldn't allow a villain like me in." He said in a defeated voice. I snorted. "That's fucking stupid. People don't have 'villainous quirks'. It's something they can't control, so it's like hating someone for the natural color of their hair. Society is so corrupt, even the hero system is a total joke. Like, what if All Might was a villain? Would strength quirks be seen as villainous because of it? God I fucking hate the hero system."
          The violet haired boy looked shocked at what i just said. "My quirk is called 'Brainwashing', do you think I could become a hero with it?" I looked at him and smiled, even though he couldn't see it, I'm sure he could tell. "Your quirk is great for heroics! You would be great with hostage situations, like you could just get the villain to surrender with no collateral damage or injuries. You would probably do best as an underground hero like eraserhead so less people know your quirk. And you also don't strike me as the type of person to like the spotlight."
       Once again the boy looked shocked. Then he did something I didn't know how to deal with. He burst into tears and hugged the life out of me. "T-thank y-you. N-nob-body has e-ever t-told m-me t-that." I just awkwardly pat his back as he cried his eyes out. When he stopped he looked like he was about to pass out.
        "Kid, you got to get home. Where do you live? I'll take you home." He blinked at me in confusion. "Why would you want to take me home?" He asked tierdly. "Your about to pass out and it's three in the morning. Actually, what are you doing out of bed at this hour? Won't your parents be worried?" I asked worridly as I helped him up. He just shook his head.
        "They don't care what I do as long as I don't get in trouble. I could probably run away and become a villain and they wouldn't be mad unless I got cought." I frowned at this, severely annoyed at this boys parents. "What's your name kid?" I've been calling this boy 'kid' when he looks older than me. How funny.
         "My names Hitoshi Shinsou. I live (insert random address here). It isn't to far from here." I smiled at him again and then proceeded to pick him up fire man style and start jogging to Shinsou's house."Hey! Put me down!" He screeched, trying to free himself from my grasp, but alas, I was stronger than him and continued my way to his house laughing all the way there at Shinsou's plees for me to let him down.
         Once they arived he set Shinsou back on the ground gently. He had a red face from embarrassment and annoyance. I just laughed again. "Hey kid, if you ever need some help, there's a caffe called Sonya's Brew's not to far from here. There's a kid who works there and he's like my brother. He's got white hair and red eyes. He doesn't care for quirks and is super nice. His names Mokumo Akatanni. Try and be friends with him, he don't got to many of em and I don't think you do either." I need to get red eye contacts before tomorrow.
         He nodded and waved before unlocking the door and heading inside. I smiled giddily all the way back to the warehouse at the fact that I had saved someone, and made a friend. I laughed slightly as Lightening ad Flame jumped down from a nearby rooftop. They had stayed up on the building when I had jumped down to save Shinsou, ready to jump in if I needed it before following us to Shinsou's house.
       I smiled once again before placing my cats on my shoulders and climbing up a building. And mind you, I only stumbled on the ledge because Flame sneezed!

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