questions and practice

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             So, remember when that police officer cought me and Shinsou in the alleyway with a knocked out criminal? Yeah so now we gave to go the police station to get questioned for the caffe incident and the guy in the alleyway. It sucks. Like, how long does it take to ask a few questions? It defiantly shouldn't take three fucking hours! You wanna know how it went? Well to bad, your going to find out anyways.

          The police officer that found us took us to the closest police station for questioning. It took about thirty minutes to get there and then we had to wait in a room for twenty more! Like, at least give us something to do! Finally the detective walked in. He had a clipboard and a trench coat. He looked like he could use cup of coffee.
           "Hello, my name is Detective Tsukauchi and I'm just going to ask you boys some questions. And I have a lie detecting quirk so don't try anything."
Shit! How am I supposed to get out of this!?
          "So, what are your names?" He asked, clicking the pen and looking at his clipboard. "My name's Hitoshi Shinsou." Shinsou said, but I could see the panic in his eyes. For me or him I don't know. Wait a fucking minute! I changed my name online so technically Akatanni is my real name!
         "My name's Mokumo Akatanni." I said giving the detective a small smile. He nodded his head and scribbled  something onto his clipboard. Shinsou gave me a confused glance, but I just winked at him. He blinked a few times before his face went back to neutral. "Alright, can you tell me what exactly happened at the caffe and how you where involved?" Shinsou glanced at me and I nodded at him to go first.
         "Well, I was just going to meet Akatanni and took a seat when four men in masks broke the door down. They all had guns and didn't seem to use their quirks so they where probably weak ones. One of them threatened to shoot us if we didn't give him all our money when Akatanni came in. He stopped them with his quirk and just plain combat skill. Then we left."
           The detective nodded while writing on his clipboard. "Can you verify this?" He asked me. I nodded and looked away whitha slight blush from how Shinsou said it. It made me sound like a hero. "Well kid, that was really brave, but also really stupid. You could have gotten seriously hurt."
        "I couldn't just stand there and wait for a hero that would show up to late. My friends where going to die and I'd risk my life for them if it meant they won't get hurt." I said with as much anger and determination as I felt. It was mostly determination. He looked at me surprised before chucking quietly. "What?" Shinsou asked in a monotone voice.
           "Apologizes, it's just the two of you remind me so much of two hero's. Their almost exactly like you two, but their not friends." We nodded. "So anyways, about the guy you two knocked out. What exactly happened?" I chuckled at that. "Well, that's going to be a funny story. So you see what happened is-"

          I finished explaining what happened in the alleyway, of course leaving a few things out as to not get cought. We then had a few more officers come in and ask us the same questions over and over again. Like, the same person would ask the same question three times in row. It was incredibly annoying and it took quite a bit of self-control to not just get up and yell at them.
        It was finnaly over and me and Shinsou could go home. Of course, they wanted to drive us home and it took quite  a bit of convincing to make them let us go. That's how we got here, me walking Shinsou home so as to make sure that nothing bad would happen again. We said our goodbyes and I turned to head home with Lightening and Flame on my shoulders.

          I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm from my phone. I groaned and sat up, throwing my blanket off me. I had still gone vigilanting yesterday and was now tired as fuck. And I still had to meet Shinsou at Dagobah Beach to start his training. Oh my lord I'm tired. I regret all my life choices leading up to this point. And that fucking thug kicked my back with steel toed boots. There's a huge purple and green bruise on my spine now. It sucks.
          I got dressed in a light blue mucsle t-shirt and black shorts with red tennis shoes. I ran my fingers through my unruly white hair in an effort to tame it. It worked. Kinda. My roots where showing again, but I didn't really like the white to much anymore. Maybe I'll die it black next time. That would probably look better on me.
          I fed my cats before grabbing a cup of cold coffee from my working mini fridge. I had figured out how to get the power working in the warehouse and instantly bought the fridge and a coffee machine. I honestly can't believe I lived without coffee before now. It's literally the only thing that makes my brain work during the day. I finished my coffe quickly, but I hesitated before leaving.
          Fuck it, I'm still tired. I ran back to the mini fridge and grabbed another cold coffee before running out the door to meet Shinsou.

       I arrived at the beach two minutes late. Shinsou was already there looking worridly at his phone. I decided to try and scare him. I hid my presence as best I could before silently sneeking up behind him and letting out a ragged breath that sounded much deeper than my normal voice. He jumped almost a foot in the air and tried to punch me, but I dodged as I as expecting it.
         "Izuku!? What the fuck dude!? I almost had a heart attack!" I started to laugh so hard that I fell onto the concrete sidewalk and curled into a ball. Shinsou looked super annoyed and there was an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. Tears flowed down my cheeks as Shinsou growled at me. My laughing turned into groaning as he kicked my stomach.
         "You did it Shinsou. You killed me." I said curling around my stomach with my eyes squeezed shut. It didn't hurt to bad to be honest, but I wanted to be overdramatic. Shinsou huffed quietly before turning around and sitting on the railing. I got up and pushed him off into the giant trash heap below him. He screeched cuss words at me while I laughed loudly at the sight of a trash covered Hitoshi.
         I finally stopped my laughing and jumped over the railing to join him. "We're going to work on your strength first. So to do that, your going to clean part of this beach. It was once a beautiful place but everyone started dumping their trash here. Got any objections?" I asked a tired looking Shinsou. He sighed before answering. "No. I'll clean the beach." I smiled a famouse Izuku smile at him. "Great! This will probably be hell, but it'll pay off for sure!" He just sighed at me again before turning away to start lifting the lighter prices of garbage. I  starting to help him clean the trash. He gave me a weird look, but continued what he was doing.

      It had been five hours and Shinsou was exhausted. He was covered in sweat and small peices of garbage while I was more used to physical activities so I was only a bit tired and could probably keep going for a few more hours. "Your going to feel awful tomorrow by the way. You should take the day off to rest. I also have work tomorrow." He nodded, to tired to answer.
        "Well go home and rest, you did a lot of work today. And take a shower to. You really need it." I said going over to pick up my shirt that I had shed earlier. "Gee thanks." He said sarcastically. I just laughed and started to head home. "See you tomorrow Shinsou!" I shouted before jogging back to the warehouse. "Call me Hitoshi!" I heard a shout. I stopped and turned around to look at him. I smiled as bright and as big as I could at him. "Bye Toshi!" I waved before running home with smile on my face.

Sorry for not updating lately but I had a lot of schoolwork to do. Here's a picture of Shinsou.

This is what he looks like and what his hero suit is going to look like

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This is what he looks like and what his hero suit is going to look like.

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