Meeting Eraserhead

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           It's been five months since I started training Shinsou and become a vigilante. I am currently sitting on the tallest building in the city. I had stopped a bank robbery and an attempted murder tonight and was quite proud of on how far I had come. I had trained my quirk more as well. I couldn't make a lot of flames, maybe about the size of an elephant is the most flames I can make without passing out. But the amount of crazy abilities that I get from them is worth all the work I put in.
          I heard feet hit the roof top and turned my head to look at who was there. Of course, because the universe hated me, it was the pro-hero Eraserhead. Fuck.
         "Your the new vigilante arn't you? You don't look no older that twenty." Oh yeah! I got a huge growthspurt in the last couple of months and I am now 5'10, the same height as Toshi. I died my hair the same lilac purple as him, and got an undercut. I thought I looked pretty good.
          "Well Mr. Eraserhead, I don't think it's a good idea for me to tell you. Cause you know, don't really want to get cought. Yet anyways." Thank god I had invested in that cheap voice modifier. It made me sound about thirty years old, but it didn't always work right and it would come out sounding a bit to rough sometimes.
           "Yet? As in you know your going to get cought at some point?" He asked. He sounded like he could use a coffee.  I just smiled at him through my mask. Just then Flame and Lightening walked out of the shadows in their little cat masks and jumped on my shoulders and staired at Eraserhead. He made a surprised noise, but quickly overcame it and took a step towards me reaching for his capture weapon.
        Lightening growled lowly and lunged at him with electricity cackling around his small body. Eraserhead tried to dodge the cat, but Lightening managed to grab onto his leg and shock him with enough force to knock him out. "That was a bit harsh wasn't it?" I asked the cat, but he simply licked his paw and jumped into my shoulder along with Flame. I sighed and began scaling as fast as possible to reach the ground. It was four in the morning and I needed at least an hour of sleep before training with Shinsou.

        It's been three days since I've met Eraserhead and I've spent a lot of that time looking for any imformation I could find on him. I started hacking and turns out I'm good at it.                               His name is Aizawa Shota and he lived in an apartment in the nicer side of town with his roommate who just so happened to be pro-hero Present Mic. He worked as a UA teacher and he even expelled his entire class last year. Harsh. While I was hacking UA I also found out that All Might will be teaching heroics there. What a drag, I really hate him.
        Sighing, I sat up from the hunched over position i'd been in for two hours to stretch. I looked at my phone to check the time. Shit. I'm fucking late for work. I grabbed a coffee from my mini fridge and sprinted out the door of the warehouse with Lightening and Flame behind me. Sonya is so going to fucking kill me!

         I was correct, Sonya did kill me. Figuratively of course. She made me stay an extra hour and clean the bathrooms and kitchen. Then she gave me a long ass lecture about the importance of time and how we don't have a lot of it. And now I was late to Hitoshi's training. Of course I told him to start without me, but I wanted to help him with the chain whips I had made for him. I started making things. It's really hard, but also super fun.
          Giving my cats one last pet, I ran to Dagobah Beach to meet Toshi. I made it in about five minuts of a dead sprint. It wasn't so bad now that I was used to running for my life when I knew I was outmatched. I looked around for Hithoshi and saw him trying to grab a fridge with his chain whips, but failing. He was so close to getting it right but the angle of his wrist when he threw it was wrong.
          I jumped over the railing and onto the sand making sure to make noise so Hitoshi new I was there and wouldn't try and hit me. He turned and gave me a lazy smile which I returned. "I'm doing this wrong arn't I?" I laughed and nodded before going to help him. This lasted for about thirty minutes and then we sparred for about two hours. We where both tired by the end and went home to take a shower and get some rest.

        I was jumping as fast as I could from the rooftops trying desperately to outrun Eraserhead. Apparently he didn't like being taken down by a cat. Lightening and Flame ran beside me almost looking amused but I couldn't tell since their masks covered there eyes. I sensed something coming at me and jumped to the side fast enough to evade the gray scarf that came shooting my way.
          "Turn yourself in and we don't need to do this!" He really needs to take a break from hero work. "No! I don't want to go to jail and turning myself in is a sure way to do so!" I wailed while jumping off the edge of a building into an alleyway. "Then why did you become a vigilante in the first place!?" I just screeched as loud as possible and sprinted through the alleyways I knew all to well.
          "What the fuck? I don't get payed enough to deal with this!" I heard Eraserheadd shout before the pound of his feet as he gave chase. I cut through the alleyways on silent feet. I was about to lose him when I heard a scream from not to far away. My Hero complex kicked in and I sprinted even faster to the place the scream came from.
          In an alleyway was a young women and a little boy no older than three being backed into a corner by a huge man with a giant scorpion tail coming out of his lower back and a knife in his hand. The lady had a gash on her forearm and was trying to shield the little boy who was know cryng loudly.
          After analysing the situation I jumped off the roof and onto the scorpion man's back. He stumbled foward, but managed to catch himself from falling. He tried to stab me with his tail but I ducked and grabbed it before using all my strength to slam him against the wall making him drop his knife. I turned to the women and child. "Go now and call the police!" She nodded and ran off with her sobbing child.
         "Why you little brat. I'll enjoy cutting your body into peices." The large man lunged at me and was about to hit my exposed back when a boot kicked him into the wall. I looked up and saw that it was Eraserhead. "Wanna tag-team him?" I asked with a small smirk. He rolled his eyes but nodded all the same.
          The man got up and tried to lunge at Eraserhead but I jumped off the wall and axe kicked his back. He cried out and fell to the ground. I would have hit him in the head but that might of killed him or give him brain damage. He managed to get back on his feet and glared at me before sending his giant stinger right at my chest . I ducked under it again while Eraserhead jumped up and spin kicked him in the face, successfully knocking him out.
        I smiled and skipped up the Eraserhead. "We should do this again Aiazawa." I said cheekily before running off with my cats following me on the rooftops. I heard Aizawa sigh but I cought the chuckle at the end. I went to sleep with a huge grin on my face. I can't wait to tell Toshi about this tomorrow!

Hello peeps. I would like to apologize for not updating sooner, but school fucking sucks and I had to put it off. Sorry. Here's a picture of Izuku to make up for it.It


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