Kogeki, No-

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            "Don't worry so much Kacchan, if anything you might get socked in the face by two-well three-people and even then it's somewhat unlikely that they'll risk Shota's wrath." That didn't seem to make the blonde feel better about going out with my friends though. It was four o'clock, and I asked all my friends to meet me at the cafe because I had a surprise for them.
             "Machiko is going to kill me." He said with a a look of acceptance. "Well, maybe- but she also might not, so it's like a fifty-fifty chance."
Bakugou let out a grunt and then fell silent. We walked quietly to the small bakery that everyone had agreed to meet him at for the 'surprise', that was an ill tempered Bakugou.
            As we walked through the front door, I immediately noticed Machiko trying to hold Kogeki down while he tried to swallow a salt shaker. "Kogeki, spit it out!" Hitoshi yelled while Mei laughed unhelpfully in the booth next to them with Mars.
           "What the hell is he doing?" Bakugou asked with a raised eyebrow, nerves forgotten. "Don't mind him, he takes things a little to seriously sometimes." I replied before grabbing the blondes shoulder and directing him to the booth my friends were at.
           "Hey, look what I found!"
           I'll admit to that not being the smartest way to reintroduce my childhood bully, but, ah, well. Too late now.
           "Should I hit him?" Kotori asked Hitoshi while still holding Kogeki's hands behind his back. "In a minute, I want to take a video." He answered.
           "No hitting, we figured everything out. Right Katsuki?" I turned to look at the blonde to see that he was sweating a lot more than normal and his usual glare was worsened by his nerves. "Stop making that face, it'll stick like that." I told him before pushing Mei aside so I could sit down with Bakugou.
           "So, I can't hit him? What about only once, and Toshi doesn't post it on online."
           "No kotori." I said with a fake scolding tone. "So I've never met this guy, but I'd like to know why everyone wants to hit him." Kogeki said while his face was still mushed against the table. "Ah. It's a bit of a long story." I said a bit quieter than usual.
          "We have three hours." Mars pointed out after popping the blue bubble she had blown with her gum. I shot a quick glare at her before turning back to Kogeki. "Katsuki is kind of an asshole, but a well meaning one. Wait no scratch that, a misguided one that has untreated anger issues. Keep that in mind while I tell the story, ok?" Kogeki nodded and kotori and Toshi let him up.
           "So, to begin. I was a late bloomer. Like, really late. I got my quirk when I was fourteen." Kogeki and Mars both looked a bit shocked. "I'm sure you know how quirkless people are treated, and I only had one abusive parent as well, so that made things worse." Kotori gave me a look asking if I was ok. I nodded and continued.
          "Katsuki was an early bloomer, and he had a powerful quirk to top that off. Everyone told him he was the best and that he would be the number on hero. So, he kind of, left me behind? I'm not sure how to phrase it better." Kogeki and Mars had a look of dawning understanding on their faces. "Ah, before I continue, where's Tokoyami?" I asked, honestly curious were my masked friend was.
         "He had to go home to help his parents with something. I'm not totally sure." Toshi said with a glance at Mei. "He needed to help his dad clean the house for his mom's birthday." Mei answered with a smile.
          "Here's your order!" A peppy girl with yellow spots on her dark skin exclaimed brightly before setting down five plates with different kinds of sweets on them. A strong urge to ask her what her quirk was overcame me, but I held back for politeness sake. "Thank you." I said instead with a smile.
          "You want a square of lemon bread Mokumo?" Kogeki asked with his mouth stuffed. "Sure." I grabbed a peice of glazed yellow bread and took a bite, enjoying the taste. "So what happened next?" Mars asked while glancing at a very still Bakugou. I shoved a chocolate chip cookie in his mouth, making him glare at me. I flipped him off, but was satisfied when he took a bite.
          "Well, I tried my best to just get by like anyone else, and I held onto my dream of becoming a hero. Even though everybody said I couldn't be one." Kogeki had an increasingly dark look on his face. "Everything got a lot worse in middle school. The teachers were really quirkest and always blamed the beatings I got on me and put them on my permanent record as a delinquent." Kogeki was squeezing the table with both hands at this point and Mars was glaring at Bakugou. "All the kids would bully me, and well. Katsuki was the worst one. I have a few scars." Kogeki stood up slowly and walked around to my side of the table. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the booth. I immediately knew what was happening and tried to stop him, but kotori's hand on my shoulder stopped me.
          "Just one hit." Toshi said with an evil grin while his phone was on record. "Stand up." Kogeki commanded quietly. "The fuck? No." Bakugou responded. "Ohhhhh, that was a bad move." Mei was also recording.
          "Stand. Up." Bakugou slowly rose out of his seat to face the shorter teen. That was a bad idea, because Kogeki immediately kneed him inbetween the legs. As Bakugou started to kneel over, he punched him directly in the nose, making a gross crunching noise.
          "Ok, Kogeki that's enough." I tried, but he didn't listen and punched Bakugou again, this time in the solar plexus. I could almost hear the wind get knocked out of the teen. One of the workers at the bakery started yelling at us. I shook off kotori's hand and grabbed Kogeki around the waist. I lifted him up and tossed him over my shoulders to carry him out.
           "Mei, grab Katsuki and carry him out." He saluted me and reached down to drag Bakugou out the door. I dumped Kogeki off my shoulders onto his feet when we got outside.
           "I understand that your angry. Hell, I'm angry too. But you can't just go around getting us kicked out of places. Just drag him outside next time." I told the black haired boy. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry bout that." At least he had the decency to look at least a little sheepish.
         "Hey Katsuki, you good?" I asked, only slightly worried for the blonde. He gave a nod. "I'm going to head out now." But before he turned to leave he bowed deeply to me and then Kogeki. "I apologize for everything. I'm so sorry." I could hear the tears in his voice, so pat his shoulder. "Go get some rest Katsuki, we have a big day tomorrow." He nodded and gave a small, polite-ish smile before leaving.
          "Kogeki no!" I turns around to see that that Kogeki had stolen the salt shaker and was yet again trying to swallow it. Some things never change, I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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