a glitter bomb and Kotori's new toy

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             Me and Kotori were walking down the street to Sonya's cafe to meet Toshi and pick up my cats. We talked about when Kotori would have the time to teach me and Toshi how to skateboard more. We had already started practicing going back and forth on her board, and we had done pretty good. If you didn't count the four times we got overconfident and fell face first on the concrete. Defiantly not a pleasant thing to do.
             We arrived at the cafe and were greated by Maya before we took our seats next to the window in the back to wait for Hitoshi to come. We ordered some iced coffee and sat in comfortable silence while Lightening and Flame curled up on our laps. Our coffee arrived I practiccly chugged it while Kotori slowly sipped hers petting Flame absentmindly.
             About ten minutes later, after we had both finished our coffee and had gotten some chocolate cake, Hitoshi finally walked through the cafe door. "Jeez Toshi, what took you so long?" Kotori asked with her mouth full. "Sorry, teacher wanted to talk to me about my quirk. Seemed like he was pretty wary of it." He stated while looking at the table sadly. Both me and Kotori were trying to calm ourselves so that we didn't go and kill whoever had made Toshi stay late.
             "Well fuck them. They were probably a fucking shitty person anyways." Kotori stated before taking another bite of the cake that she loved oh so much. "I agree. He was probably an asshole who didn't deserve that job anyways. Maybe I can get Nezu to fire him." I actually started pondering it. It was possible that I would be able to get Nezu to fire Toshi's teacher and get him to hire a more suitable hero.
            "Hey Aka, what if we all go vigilanting tonight. You know, to relieve some stress. Or aggression. Either one." I chuckled and gave a nod and looked to Toshi to get his approval. He nodded and gave a small happy smile. He usually didn't come with us because he was worried about getting  caught,  but tonight he needed to release some of the stress he built up from going to school. "Sound's good."

             "Why are we wearing these masks again?" Kotori asked while tugging on the hideous hot pink cat mask with a built in voice changer. "To be spontaneous. And to make Shota mad. He hates pink. Also! I made a bunch of sparkly glitter bombs that I want to try out on him. You guys want some?" I asked with devious smirk while holding up a ball that looked like a cat barfed up a rainbow colored hairball into really liquidity slime.
            "Oh hell yeah!" Kotori said, excited for once in her life. I can't really blame her though. Who wouldn't be excited to chase your highschool homeroom teacher around with a glitter bomb and not get called out for it the day after? I am most certainly excited to do so and by the look on Toshi's  face, he is too.

            "ERASRRHEAD~!!! COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE~!!!" I shouted from a twelve story building while holding a gold glitter bomb above my head in my right hand. Kotori and Toshi laughed from the office building next to me, also holding multi-colored glitter bombs in their hands. I heard shuffling from a nearby alleyway and I leapt towards it, Toshi and Kotori close behind.
          Eraserhead was cowering behind a dumpster with his hands on his head as if to protect his hair from the inevitable. We all smiled and jumped in front of him. He tried to run, but it was too late. We had already thrown the bombs. They exploded into a glittery, slimey,  and colorful mess literally everywhere. We barley got some on the front of our cloths and we had mask that shielded our hair from view.
          "God damnit Screech! This will never come out!" I cackled and started scaling the wall of the building we had jumped off of. Once we where to the top,  we took off running as we could hear Eraserhead sprinting after us.

            We were all sitting on top of a small building in the bad part of town when we heard a scream from not to far away. We roof hopped there and saw that a teenage boy was being pinned down by two seemingly drunk women. One seemed to have a quirk related to a sedative gas as the air around them was turning a baby blue. The boy was no older than fourteen and looked absolutely terrified. He also seemed like he was about to pass out. Probably from the gas.
           "Hey guys, I got this new weapon," she said this loud enough for the people below us to hear and they all looked up in surprise. "I think I should test it out, couse I'm never gonna get good at using it if I never actually use it, y'know?" We both nodded, also curious to see what new weapon she had. We didn't expect her to pull a fucking handgun out of literally nowhere and shoot at the woman on top of the boy.
           It hit her right between the eyes and she fell to the ground with a thump. "Oh my God! Is she alright!?" I screamed in panic. What if she was dead!? I would never be able to look Kotori in the eyes again! "Calm your tits, it was just a rubber bullet. No long lasting damage." Oh thank god. Toshi let out a relieved breath and jumped down into the alleyway and tied the women up.  The other girl didn't resist, she just looked shocked.
           The blue fog and cleared up and the kid looked more awake now. We jumped down with Toshi and Kotori went and started asking the blonde kid questions while rubbing a soothing hand on his back. "The kids fine, nothing bad happened and he had no injuries. I'm gonna walk him home just in case though. See you guys later." She said before turning around and walking away with the blonde at her side.
           "Toshi,  remind me to ask Kotori about her new weapons when she gets back will ya?" He gave a nod before chuckling slightly. "That fucking terrified me. But she has a good shot, I'll give her that." I nodded in agreement, the bullet had landed directly between the tall woman's eyes,, leaving an angry red and bleeding welt on her forehead. She was knocked out and face down. "Lets just be glad that Kotori wants to become a hero and bit a villian yeah?"

The next day Shota walked in with his hair a purple, gold, green, and pink mess. There was still glitter on his face and he looked about ready to commit murder. Good thing he didn't know that it was two of his quietest student and a kid from gen ed who he probably didn't even know besides having to do his acceptance letter at the beginning of the school year. It took both me and Kotori every small shred of self control to look mildly shocked and not start laughing uncontrollably. Today's gonna be a good day. I can just feel it.

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