Chapter Four

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I woke up to the sun shining through the window and grabbed my phone off of the table. I have one text from Louis and also one from my friend Niall.

I opened the one from Louis first.

From Lou:

hey, z. did you mean what you said yesterday? about not being able to do this anymore?

I couldn't keep hurting Louis, using him like he was nothing, when in reality he was everything. He didn't deserve that. I deleted the message without responding and then checked my text from Niall.

From Niall:

Zayn! It's been a few days. Liam and I wanna meet up for lunch. Meet us a The Diner at 1:00!

I checked the clock, and it was just now noon. Guess I have to get up, then.

To Niall:

I'll meet you guys there, Ni.

I set my phone down and walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I couldn't help but wonder what Harry was doing. Was he awake or was he still sleeping? Should I call and invite him to come with me? He'd say no, I'm sure he would. But I couldn't help myself from walking back to my bed and grabbing my phone and hitting the dial button for Harry.

He answered with an excited tone. "Zayn! How are you today?"

I couldn't help the smile on my face at his voice. "I'm good Harry. How are you?"

"I'm also fine. What's up?"

I suddenly got nervous and tugged at my hair with my free hand. "Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to lunch with my friends Niall and Liam. I understand if you're busy though I know it's sort of last minute."

"No Zayn it's totally fine. I really want to see you. I'll text you my address okay?"

He really wanted to see me? "Oh, yeah. Okay! I'll be there in maybe 20 minutes. Bye

"Bye Zayn!" and the line disconnected.

Harry wanted to see me? Just as much as I wanted to see him? I wish I knew why this was happening. I met this boy not even 24 hours ago and he has me grinning like some kind of school girl.

I threw on some black jeans, a blue shirt, and a beanie and headed out of my room. I walked out into the hall and heard my father in his room talking to someone on the phone. Thankfully I was able to hurry out the front door unnoticed. I put in Harry's address into my GPS and headed in his direction.

I pulled up outside of Harry's flat and texted him to let him know I was there. I saw him coming towards my truck and couldn't help but smile when I saw how beautiful he looked. He had on some black skinny jeans, a grey tshirt and his hair was in a ponytail. He smiled when he opened the door and got in.

"Hey you!" He said smiling up at me.

"Hey beautiful." I said without thinking.

He blushed and buckled his seat belt and we headed off towards the restaurant.

We got there 15 minutes later and walked into the diner seeing Niall and Liam at the bar waiting for us.

"Hey Zayn. Who's your friend?" Liam greeted warmly.

"Liam, Niall, this is my good friend Harry." I introduced them and they both shook Harry's hand.

"Can we eat? I'm starving." Niall spoke.

"You're always starving, Ni." I responded.

Harry sat next to me at the bar and I sat next to Liam with Niall on the other side of him. I couldn't help but notice the way Niall and Liam were, I don't know, closer than usual? Harry sat quietly and ate his fries and I looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back warmly and I couldn't help but blush.

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