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so I'm angry about what zayn did also. I assume everyone is idk how you couldn't be.

but it might just be my own paranoia when I say I hope you guys don't stop reading my story just because it's zayn related. I hope you guys continue to read. because it means a lot to me.

i also want to say that I'm sorry to everyone who is more effected by this drama than me. because I haven't been a part of this fandom for 5 years like you guys have. I've barely been around a year. yes this bothers me, because zayn was my favorite. but I lost a lot of respect for him today and I can't imagine how the ones who have been around since the beginning feel.

anyway, I just really hope you guys continue to read Distraction. your support is everything and doesn't go unnoticed I promise.

- Raegon xxx

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