Chapter Fourteen

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It's been a week since Harry and I got into our argument and things have been going great. While he goes to work I hang with Niall and Liam or just chill at the apartment, cook dinner even, until Harry gets home. I haven't really gotten out much so Harry and I are currently on our way to the beach to meet Niall and Liam. It was Saturday, and the weather was perfect.

Two days ago I talked to Louis, I called him and asked him how he was, and of course he said fine but he also said he missed me and as much as I hate to say it, I miss him too. I don't miss the sex, obviously, or the drugs or anything like that. I just miss Louis in general. He was a constant in my life for seven years, it'd be crazy if I felt nothing about this.

Harry knew that I talked to him, and he was a little angry at first, but he soon began to understand, and now he is supportive. Of course I'm not going to talk to Louis every single day, but checking in on him isn't a problem.

I looked over at a dazed Harry, his head pressed against the window as he rode silently in the passenger seat, my hand on his thigh and his hand over mine. I smiled at the sight of the beautiful brown-haired boy. He just looked so carefree all the time. I just didn't get it.

He then caught my gaze and began blushing, grinning widely at me and I couldn't help but return his smile.

"Why are you staring at me?" He bit his bottom lip nervously.

"I just love you." I spoke sweetly.

"I love you too." He said, squeezing my hand that was still resting on his thigh.

We arrived at the beach and I could already see Niall and Liam in the water. We got out and began walking towards them and they noticed us finally.

Hey guys!" Liam chirped and Niall just gave us a warm smile.

"Hello Liam." Harry and I said in unison.

"Get in the water it feels wonderful!" Niall spoke.

I then noticed Liam lace his fingers through Niall's and I couldn't help but smile at the warm gesture. Harry began walking into the water but I held back. I didn't like water. I never have. I think I have aqua-phobia or whatever it's called. I'm terrified of water. The boys noticed my nervous expression and told Harry to come help me

"Babe, are you okay?" Harry spoke softly.

"Uh, well... I'm afraid of the water." I practically whispered, looking away from his gaze.

"Just come in slowly with me, you don't have to go far. Take my hand. I'm right here baby." He laced his fingers with my own and I hesitantly began to follow him.

I placed my feet into the warm water, and felt my heart begin to pound. I could hear the waves crashing further out and it sounded like someone was taking symbols and clashing them against my ears. I felt my knees get wobbly and Harry turned around to face me placing his hands around my waist, pulling me to him.

"I've got you Zee, you're fine. The water can't hurt you." he spoke soothingly.

Niall and Liam were farther out now, splashing each other playfully and I gave a soft smile. I wanted to do that. I wanted Harry to have a good time. I could do this. If Harry didn't let go of me, I could do this.

I took a deep breath. "Okay. Let's go."

Harry took my hand again and walked alongside of me, guiding me into the water slowly and before I knew it the water was at my waist and I could no longer see below the top of my swimshorts.

"You made it Zayn, you did it." Harry praised me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I felt a huge smile display on my face and I thanked Harry by kissing him sweetly. He kissed me back and I suddenly got an urge of confidence and pushed him playfully. He laughed loudly before he fell backwards into the water, his hair now dripping wet and he was running towards me. He splashed at my head roughly and now my hair was wet as well. I couldn't control the laughter escaping my mouth. This was fun.

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