Chapter Twenty

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It was December and Christmas was next week. Harry and I had a Christmas tree standing tall and proudly in the living room, with colorful lights littering it, and cute ornaments with reindeer and little santa hats and candy canes all over. I thought it was adorable to be honest. I also really liked the thought of spending this Christmas with someone. My dad stayed out at bars on holidays mostly, leaving me to spend them alone. So knowing I get to spend this Christmas with Harry of all people makes me the happiest person ever. I was actually excited for Christmas this year.

I carried our basket of clothes back to the bedroom and began to fold them into piles on the bed to be put away later. I separated our shirts and jeans, but kept our sweatpants all in one pile since we always shared them anyway. I loved when Harry wore my clothes. The way they hung loosely on his smaller frame and the way my sweaters swallowed him up like a blanket. I loved it. I loved Harry.

Harry had to work at the bakery today, but he should be getting off in an hour or so. I have to cook dinner before he gets here. I don't know what to cook though. Harry loves chicken, so I'm pretty sure whatever I throw together, if there's chicken in it somewhere, he'll eat it no problem.

I finished folding all of the laundry and put them away in the drawers inside the closet. Now that I think of it I really don't feel like cooking. I'll probably go out and pick something up for Harry and I. Slipping on my shoes I grabbed my phone off the table, texting Harry.

To Harry: I'm going to town to get takeout. I'll meet you back at the apartment soon if I'm not back by the time you get there. I love you.

Sending the text I grabbed my coat off the rack in the hall and headed out the front door to my truck. I started the engine and turned out of the parking lot onto the highway towards town. About ten minutes into my drive I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw a text from Harry.

From Harry: Sounds great! I get off early today so I'll be leaving in about fifteen minutes. I'll see you at home! I love you too.

I sent back an okay then tossed my phone into the passenger seat. About twenty minutes later I parked my truck at the Chinese restaurant and got out. Harry is probably almost home so I should hurry. It was starting to snow a little, white flakes floating towards the ground. I pulled my hood over my head as I made my way towards the entrance of the restaurant.


HARRY'S POV: (surprise!)

I hung up my apron and tugged on my coat as I walked outside into the snow. I wasn't even cold but I couldn't stop shaking and my head was pounding. I was ready to get home to Zayn, I've missed him today.

I felt horrible. I've had excruciating headaches throughout the day. My boss told me he thought I had a fever and to go home which is why I got off early.

I pulled my hood over my head to keep the snow flurries out of my hair. It's almost Christmas and I still haven't gotten Zayn a present. I have to find time to get him something. Then again, what would I get him? I was lost in my thoughts, not looking where I was going and felt my body collide into someone else's.

"Oh, excuse me." I said, meeting the man's gaze, freezing when I realized who it was.

"It's all good, Harry." Louis's voice made my skin crawl.

I moved to try to walk around him but his hand came up quick, grabbing my shoulder and I bit back tears.

"Please Louis I'm sick and I just want to go home to Zayn." I choked out.

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