Chapter Nineteen

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It's been three weeks since the Halloween party and everything that's happened between Harry and I. Things are still getting better, and I haven't left Harry's side. He doesn't seem to mind, though. We don't get tired of each other's company. We're currently on our way to meet Niall and Liam at Club Kryptonyte. (A/N: idk if that's a real club or not) I was a little more nervous than excited though if you wanted me to be totally honest. Harry on the other hand, was ecstatic, saying he just wanted to get drunk and escape for a bit. Can't say I blame him. I love when he gets in a drinking mood.

I glanced over to the passenger seat where he sat, gazing out he window into the night sky. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a button up, only half way buttoned, that had these different designs on it in shades of red. His hair was kind of styled back but still falling loosely down onto his shoulders and I'd be fucking blind if I didn't think he looked sexy as hell.

I smirked and moved my gaze back to the road. I drove all the way to the other side of town, finally arriving at the club and parked. Harry excitedly climbed out of my truck, walking around to my side of the vehicle meeting me as I opened my door, stepping out. He threw his arms around my neck and kissed me sweetly on the lips and I smiled.

"What was that for?" I beamed running my fingers through his curls.

"Just because." he smirked at me then grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the entrance of the club.

As soon as we walked in I saw Niall and Liam making out against the wall and I walked over to them, tapping Liam's shoulder.

"What do you want?" he snapped, then his gaze softened when he realized it was me.

"Oh, hey guys." He blushed.

"Hey, Li." Harry and I said in unison.

"Oh my god Zayn and Harry what are you doing here? Isn't this great Liam? Zayn and Harry are here!" Niall suddenly boomed, he was already shit faced drunk.

Harry laughed and I told Niall hello, patting his shoulder.

"Niall here has already had too much to drink, and he won't keep his hands off me long enough to go dance." Liam smirked at him as he took a sip from the drink in his hand.

"You know you aren't complaining lover boy." Niall began to laugh drunkenly.

"No, I certainly am not." Liam said as he leaned forward pecking Niall on the lips.

I wrapped my arm around Harry's waist, pulling him into my side.

"So we're gonna go get drinks yeah?" I smiled and led Harry to the bar.

"What'll it be boys?" A tall brunette chirped from behind the counter.

"Surprise us." I winked at her and pulled Harry closer to me as she turned away and got two shot glasses out.

Liam and Niall showed up next to us and Niall obnoxiously yelled at the woman to make him and Liam whatever she was making for Harry and I. I could tell Liam was also drunk, but he was too worried about Niall to really enjoy himself.

The woman handed us each a shot glass filled to the brim and Niall counted to three before we all downed our glass. I shivered at the burning sensation as it went down my throat and Harry coughed a bit. She gave us the strong shit.

"We're going to dance." Liam said a little too enthusiastically as he pulled Niall off the barstool.

Harry leaned his head on my shoulder and I kissed his forehead. I was going to let him have fun tonight.

"Would you like another?" I smiled.

"Yes please!" He chirped.

The waitress seemed to have heard and put two more glasses in front of us and Harry and I each grabbed one and downed it quickly. I ordered us three more rounds and I could tell it was starting to hit Harry because he was starting to giggle at nothing and sway to the music playing. He was so fucking adorable. I put my hands on his waist and he leaned into my touch.

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