Chapter Eighteen

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Harry and I ate our meal in silence, but I couldn't shake the grin that was on my face. He noticed and he would smile back every now and then. I was just so happy that i was going to have an opportunity to make this right. I knew that I never wanted to risk losing Harry ever again. The pain of almost losing him earlier today alone almost killed me. I couldn't live without Harry. I know that now. I need him, always.

Harry still had a hurt look on his face, and of course I couldn't blame him. After we finished eating he got up, walking over and kissed my cheek lightly, then walked down the hall towards the bedroom. I quickly got up and followed him, but stopped in the doorway and watched as he undressed so he could go take a shower. He gave me a shy smile before walking completely naked to the bathroom and shutting the door. I felt myself grin at his cuteness. He was being shy, and for some reason that turned me on.

No Zayn, hands to yourself he said. And as it should be right now, I don't blame him for not wanting to be intimate with me after what happened. I began to walk back into the living room when I heard a crash in the shower. I hurried and ran to the bathroom, opening the door to find Harry on the floor of the shower, all the shampoos and soaps knocked off the wrack surrounding him.

"Harry, what happened?" I asked, trying not to laugh in his expense.

"I tripped you dick. Stop smiling and help me up." He joked back.

"I grabbed his arm and helped him stand to his feet then helped him put the bottles back on the wrack. He was then just standing under the water, it cascading over his curves like a waterfall, heavy drops dripping from his curls and I couldn't help but feel my skinny jeans get tighter.

"Do you, uh, want to join me? You need to shower too." Harry asked nervously.

I had already showered, but I couldn't tell this boy no, especially not when he's naked before me. I stripped my clothes and I got into the shower with Harry. I stood under the water, rinsing my hair and running my hands over my face. Harry was just staring at me, and before I could do anything he crashed his lips to mine. I was taken by surprise. I thought he didn't want this right now, but here he was, kissing me with so much force that I couldn't catch my breath. I tugged at his curls and he moaned into my mouth, making my cock twitch against his hip. He then started trailing kisses down my chest and stomach, until he was on his knees in front of me.

"What are you doing baby?" I didn't understand why he was doing this.

"Showing you that you don't need another man to please you, because I can."

Before I could respond he took me into his mouth and started sucking at a fast pace, catching me off guard and I moaned loudly, my voice filling the bathroom. Harry saying that to me turned me on so much.

He continued his movements for several minutes, my hands tangled into his hair, tugging at the roots as my involuntary moans filled the small bathroom, echoing off the walls of the shower.

He then stood up and pinned me to the wall and glared at me, his eyes burning into mine. "You're mine, Zayn. Do you understand? I'm the only one who gets to please you. I'm the only one who gets to hear you make those noises. Not Louis, not anyone else, me."

I don't know what has gotten into Harry to make him feel so bold, but I fucking loved it. I pressed his lips to my own and he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and I held on to the back of his neck. I knew where this was heading. I've only done this one other time, with Louis, and I didn't like it very much. But with Harry, I'd give him anything he wanted at this point. I couldn't say no to him, not anymore.

Harry trailed kisses down my neck and whispered in my ear as he grinded his hips into my own, pressing me to the wall helplessly.

"Let me take you this time, I want to feel you. Can I do that?" He asked, his voice was rough yet was nervous, wanting my consent.

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