Chapter Sixteen

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September flew by as well as October, and now it was Halloween. Harry and I were going to a party at Liam & Niall's house. They were always more social than myself so they had enough friends to invite to call it an actual party. And of course their friends invited their friends, so basically this party was going to have a lot of fucking people.

It was also a costume party, of course because it was Halloween. I couldn't help but smile as Harry walked into the living room dressed like Spider-Man. I took in his appearance and I felt my jaw drop. Those tights he had on, they fit him--- nicely. I felt myself harden a bit beneath my black skinny jeans.

I was dressed like the Vampire from Adventure Time, Marshall Lee. I wasn't one for costumes, so I chose something simple and the only thing that showed I was dressed up as someone were my plastic fangs. My hair was styled down, across my face, and I had on a red and black checkered flannel with black boots. I play the teenage vampire role pretty well I think.

"Well hello Spider-Man." I said in a low tone, smirking at Harry.

He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my neck, pecking my lips softly. "Hello, my vampire boyfriend."

I noticed the blush in his cheeks and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked.

"Uh, well, maybe I like the thought of you being my vampire boyfriend, maybe I like the thought of you biting me." His face turned redder and he smirked.

"and maybe I like you in those fucking tights." I began kissing his jawline but he grabbed my shoulders, pushing me away slightly.

"We're going to be late baby."

I laughed. "Alright, come on." With that Harry put his mask on and we were out the door heading to Liam & Niall's.

I could hear the bass thumping from the house from down the street. This really was a crazy party. I parked my truck and walked around to meet Harry, taking his hand in my own and walking up the steps towards the house. We were greeted by Liam and Niall, who immediately gave us cups filled with whatever kind of alcohol they had. Harry brought the cup to his lips and practically downed his drink.

"Babe, you in a drinking mood I see?" I smirked at him bringing my own cup to my mouth to drink.

He laughed nervously. "Yeah, I guess so." he drank what was left in his cup and I noticed the nervous expression on his face.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Parties have never really been my thing, I'm a bit nervous." he said ashamedly.

I kissed his forehead. "It's okay angel, we're going to have a great time. I promise. Do you want another drink?" I winked at him and he blushed.

"Yes, please." he said sweetly.

"Go sit in the living room and I'll be right back. I'm going to go get us another drink okay?"

He nodded, striding past me and into the living room. I turned and made my way to the kitchen, finding a keg and I pressed the nozzle, filling mine and Harry"s cups with the beer. I moved past all the people grinding on each other to the loud music until I found Harry sitting on a couch in the living room. I sat next to him and handed him his cup, which he took quickly and began to drink. Poor angel, he was nervous. but if he didn't slow down he was going to be shit-faced drunk soon. I mean he was cute when he was drunk, and he was really horny, which I didn't mind. but I didn't want him to hurt himself. I know how to loosen him up. I took a few sips from my drink and I noticed Harry began to sway back and forth on the couch, the alcohol coursing through his veins and moving him to the music. I leaned over and trailed kisses along his jaw. he leaned into me and I continued my actions.

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