Chapter Twenty Eight

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I jolted awake, my phone startling me. I groaned in frustration, grabbing it off the nightstand and answering it without looking at the caller ID.

"What?" I snapped.

"Zayn, don't hang up, its your mother. I wanted to talk to you about your father."

"There isn't anything to talk about. I'm not going to his funeral and I can't believe you would even ask me to. You know the way he treated me. You knew and you didn't care." This was not how I wanted to start my morning and I already wanted to throw my phone against the wall.

"Zayn, your father loved yo--"

"Don't." I choked out, tears pooling in my eyes. "Don't feed me that bullshit. I don't want to hear it; and I don't want to talk about this. I'm not going so stop asking me. Have a nice day, mom." I quickly hung up before she could say anything else, tossing the phone to the foot of the bed.

I wiped my eyes and got up, going to look for Harry. The house was silent. He's usually making breakfast or something. I got to the end of the hall, noticing the living room and the kitchen were both empty. I sighed, maybe he went to the store or something.

I walked over to the fridge to pour me some orange juice, seeing a note taped to the door.

"Got called into work. Be home by six. -Haz"

I frowned, realizing my entire day would be spent without Harry. I get so lonely when he isn't around and it's kind of sad honestly. It's like he's the only thing to keep me going. I chugged the juice, tossing the glass into the sink. I wonder if Harry would mind if I got a pet. Something to keep me company while he's gone. Or him company if I'm out. A little extra love in the home. I ran to the bedroom, got dressed, and was out the door.


I got to the pet shop, shivering as the crisp air touched my skin walking into the building. There were all kinds of animals. Birds, puppies, hamsters, snakes, but I wanted a kitten. Something small and sweet that Harry and I would both love. Would make our home a little happier. I made my way towards the room where they kept the kittens. They were all in kennels, some sleeping, some playing, some staring back at me. All of them were so cute, but one particular orange kitten caught my attention. An employee passed me by so I caught his attention.

"Um, sir, hey, can I hold that orange kitten?" I wasn't much for starting conversation.

He smiled, "Absolutely!" unlocking the kennel and retrieving the small kitten, handing it to me.

"It's a girl, she's three months old, and has had all her shots and is ready to adopt if you want her!" This guy-- Tanner --as his name tag said, was way too happy for my liking for it to be just past 10am, but I guess that's part of his job.

I smiled, petting her soft orange fur. I wanted this kitten, I was definitely getting her and I know Harry will love her just as much as I do. "Yeah, yeah I want her."

"Great! I'll take her and get her ready to go for you. Just go pick out a collar for her and I'll meet you at the counter." Tanner said as chipper as ever, taking the kitten from me and walking away.

I went over to where the cat collars were, and got a pink collar with a little silver bell on it. I'm sure I'll regret getting one with a bell later on when Harry and I are trying to sleep but oh well. I made my way back to the counter to meet Tanner. He had the kitten in a carry kennel and ready to go. I paid for her, along with some kitten food, and a litter box and the collar, and I was on my way home.

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