Chapter Twenty Two

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It was finally Christmas morning and I was watching Harry from the living room cook us breakfast. He was making my favorite, pancakes! I hummed a content sigh as the sweet smell filled the room. Harry was extra happy this morning, and I have to admit I was too. It was our first actual Christmas together, with someone we actually wanted to spend it with. So that automatically made it perfect and more special than any other Christmas. At least the ones I've had.

"How many do you want babe?" Harry asked from across the room.

"Three is fine, thank you!" I answered him as I walked into the kitchen to get the milk from the refrigerator and poured each of us a glass.

I sat at the table and moments later Harry appeared with a plate of pancakes just for me! He laughed as he saw my eyes light up at the orgasmic meal in front of me.

We ate our breakfast in content silence until we were finished. Then as Harry went off to the bedroom to get dressed for the day, I took care of the dishes.

I'm actually enjoying this lazy Christmas thing. Not having to go see lots of people and have a big fancy dinner. Having Christmas here alone with Harry is perfect.

I went into the bedroom to find Harry brushing his teeth while pulling on black skinny jeans. He was so cute.

I went over to pull on my black skinny jeans as well with a red checkered button up. Harry was wearing all black. Black jeans and a black v-neck tshirt. And I'll be damned if he didn't look sexy as fuck in it too.

I walked over to him and kissed him tenderly on the lips and he smiled.

"What was that for?" He beamed at me.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Zayn. Now, what are you wanting to do today?"

"Well, I mean I don't really have anything planned. Figured we could have a lazy day here. What do you think?"

Harry smiled. "I think that would be kind of perfect."

"Let's go watch some Christmas movies."

"Oh! Can we watch Rudolph? Rudolph is my favorite!" Harry pleaded as if he were a child.

I laughed at his outburst. "Of course baby, we can watch whatever you want."

After watching Rudolph and two other Christmas movies most of the day was already gone. So I figured I'd order us some Chinese food to get delivered to the house.

After we ate and it was finally dark outside I decided I'd give Harry his present now.

"Stay here love. I'll be right back."

I quickly got up and went into the bedroom, retrieving the box from my sock drawer and walking back into the living room to find Harry still on the couch looking very impatient if I might add.

"Merry Christmas, Harry." I spoke softly as I gave him the box.

I was nervous as he began to open it. I really wanted Harry to like what I'd gotten him.

He took the necklace out of the box and eyed it carefully, admiring every last detail of our names on it, and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as I saw the happiness on his face.

"Zayn, it's.. it's so beautiful." He looked up at me in awe. "It's so perfect!"

He stood up and wrapped his arms around my neck and I embraced him warmly.

"I'm glad you like it baby. Want me to put it on you?"

He nodded and turned around to get the necklace, handing it to me then waited for me to hook it around his neck. He turned back around and I couldn't help but smile as the piece of jewelry hung from his neck.

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