Chapter Twenty One

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Harry and I are sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office. He woke up this morning with his fever still there, and he was miserable so I didn't hesitate to take him to the doctor. He was so clingy towards me when he was sick. Like right now he is literally in my lap as we wait for the doctor, his face buried into my neck. I didn't mind of course, but people were staring. They should fuck off though because my angel is sick and if he wants me to hold him while we wait for the doctor then I damn sure will, no matter how old he is.

"Harry Styles." A man who I assumed to be the doctor said in a stern tone.

"Come on baby, we have to go back now." I kissed Harry's forehead soothingly.

He groaned as I helped him up from my lap and onto his feet. He was so weak and I'm sure he just wanted to go to sleep and I don't blame him. He looked so pitiful. His face was a pale color and I hated that he was so miserable and I really hoped he would start feeling better soon.

We followed the doctor into a room in the back and Harry and I sat down in the chairs that were provided. The doctor, who's name tag said was Doctor Kosmitt grabbed a clipboard off the table beside him and sat down in a desk in front of us. What is this, therapy?

"So, what is your relation to Harry?" Dr. Kosmitt asked in an almost rude tone.

"Oh, we aren't related. Zayn is my boyfriend." Harry suddenly spoke up with a cracked voice.

"I see. Well, I apologize to you both but I need immediate family to be here with the patient. A more reliable source."

Harry looked as if he was about to cry and my blood began to boil.

"Listen, doctor, I'm all Harry's got. And I'm the one who has been taking care of him. You're a fucking doctor, and I expect you to help my god damn boyfriend get better now tell me what to do to fucking help him!" I raised my voice at the man, not intimidated by him at all.

Harry smirked next to me and I laced our fingers together. Dr. Kosmitt cleared his throat and straightened his tie, clearly nervous and I had to hold back a laugh.

"I see. What are all of Harry's symptoms, Zayn?" He clicked a pen, ready to write down what I said.

"He came home yesterday with a headache, said he was having them consistently throughout the day. He was running fever. Then later on that night he threw up, and his fever was really high, and still hasn't went away. I have no medicine to give him at the apartment, so that's why I'm here."

"Okay, well. Has he gotten sick anymore?" the doctor asked me while writing down what I was saying.

I glanced over at Harry who was beginning to dose off in the chair next to me. My poor baby.

"No, he hasn't. But he hasn't eaten today, said he wasn't hungry."

"Very well, Zayn. Harry just has a little stomach virus. I'll write down a prescription for some antibiotics and that should help his fever come right down. He should be feeling better, hungry even, within the next twelve hours." Dr. Kosmitt reassured me.

"Thank you." I said flatly, as I took the paper with the prescription on it from his hand.

"Get him started on that medicine immediately."

I grabbed Harry's hand and helped him stand up, walking towards the door and exiting without a goodbye to the doctor. I trudged out the door with Harry and got him into the car, he immediately leaned his head on the window and went to sleep. I've got to go get this medicine for him now. I can't stand him like this anymore. I miss my happy Harry.

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