Chapter Two

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I woke up to the light shining through the windows and turned over to see a sleeping Louis next to me. He was so beautiful.

I didn't deserve a friend like him. He didn't deserve to be treated the way I treat him. Louis was the only person in the world I cared about, being an only child and having both parents either never around or hating you, I learned to shut everyone off, but not Louis. Louis will always be here... or at least I hope.

I quickly got out of bed and began to put my jeans on and walked across the hall to Louis's bathroom to piss. When I got back into Louis's room he was sitting up and rubbing his eyes, I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Morning, Lou." I said to him.

"You're still here?" He responded with a smile.

"Erm... yes. But I was just leaving." I said as I frantically grabbed my shirt off the floor to put it on.

I didn't usually stay at Louis's all night when we hooked up, because I knew he had feelings for me and I couldn't be with him. I'd tear him apart. And Louis Tomlinson most definitely didn't deserve that. I hated myself for using him knowing he wanted more from me.

"Wait, Zee. Do you want to go get breakfast or something?" he asked, looking puzzled as he saw me reaching for the door.

"No Louis, I should get home... my father is probably waiting for me." which wasn't a lie, really, he was probably waiting, waiting to hit me, or kick me. I'm 19 now, I most definitely could defend myself... but I'm a fucking pussy when it comes to my father, I can never bring myself to hit that man, I'm terrified of him.

With that thought I opened the door and slammed it behind me without saying goodbye, leaving an upset Louis in bed. I was such a piece of shit.

When I walked in the front door it was quiet, the smell of alcohol surrounding me. Maybe dad wasn't awake yet, it was after 11:00 a.m. but maybe he was too hungover and stayed in bed. I hurried down the hall to my room but as soon as I reached my door handle I felt a strong grip on my shirt pull me back and slam me against the wall.

"Where the hell have you been, boy?!" my father spit in my face.

"I was with Louis... I stayed with him last night." I said, choking on my words.

I then felt a strong blow to my face and I fell to the floor, clutching my now bleeding nose.

"You stayed with that Tomlinson boy? Did you sleep with him, Zayn?"

"That isn't really any of your business." I muttered.

With that he pulled me up by my shirt and slapped me across the face.

"I asked you a fucking question, boy! Did you sleep with him?!"

I winced at the pain in my throbbing cheek.

"Ye.. Yes. but what I do doesn't concern you, dad.." I said with tears streaming down my cheeks.

Suddenly he hit me again and I fell to the floor, and he kicked me repeatedly in the ribs and stomach. I groaned in pain trying to bite my already bleeding lip to hold back tears but it didn't work. I'm so fucking pathetic and this proves it.

"You have no right to call me dad. I am not your fucking father. I didn't raise a faggot like you. I can't stand to look at you, you disgusting piece of shit." He yelled as he kicked me again.

I just laid there. That's all I could do. After kicking me a few more times he left me in the hall and I heard the front door slam, knowing he's going to a bar. As soon as I heard his truck leave the driveway, I grabbed the door handle to my room and whimpered from the pain in my ribs as I got to my feet. I stumbled into my room and threw my shirt off. I was so sick of this. I started throwing everything I could get my hands on. I went to my bathroom, knowing what I was looking for. Louis wasn't here, so this was my alternate. This is what I turned to when I couldn't get to Louis.

I stared at the small piece of metal for a minute, tears soaking my cheeks and chest. I bit my lip and drug the metal across my wrist, breaking scars that were healing, reopening them, and making new cuts.

I screamed. So loud that I'm sure the neighbors could hear but I didn't give a fuck. That's all I knew to do at this point. I ran the blade over my wrist and I could see a small pool of blood forming on the white tile floor. This is what my life has come to. A broken, bleeding, pathetic mess. I don't deserve anything better. I got up and wiped the dripping blood off my arm with a towel and looked in the mirror at my tear stained cheeks. I couldn't help but start to cry again. I really am fucking pathetic.

I punched the mirror, shards of glass flying everywhere onto the floor.

"Fucking piece of shit!" I yelled to myself. I slammed my bathroom door and laid down on the bed, crying into my pillow. And I don't remember how long I did, until finally sleep pulled me under, dreaming of something better than this so called "life" of mine.

When I woke up it was dark, I glanced over at the clock, it read 8:48 p.m. I didn't even remember falling asleep. I heard my stomach growl and I knew I needed to go find something to eat, I hadn't eaten at all today. I sat up, wincing at the pain in my ribs, they were definitely bruised, but what's new?

I pulled on some sweats and a black t-shirt and opened my bedroom door, peeking around the corner to see where my dad was. I saw him on the couch asleep, already knocked out from the alcohol. Fucking ass hole.

I quietly walked passed him across the house into the kitchen and grabbed the things to make me a sandwich. After I ate it and drank some water I decided to go back to my room and watch tv, there was nothing else to do anyway. I pulled my phone out of, my pocket.
I had one text from Louis,
"I miss you." it read.
I typed back an 'I miss you too.' then began walking back to my bedroom but when I turned the corner I froze. my father was glaring at my from the couch.

"What are you looking at, boy?" he spat.

"You were looking at me first." I fired back.

Not my smartest idea. In that moment before I knew it he was across the room and in my face, his hand clutched around my throat and slammed me to the wall.

"You better watch that damn mouth of yours, boy!"

Before I could respond he hit me and I fell to the floor.

He soon walked away, surprisingly. And I quickly got up and ran out the front door. I can't handle this. I didn't even do anything wrong.

I ran. With tears running down my cheeks. I knew where I was going. I knew who I needed. Louis.

I turned the corner and felt my body collide with another guy around my size and I fell to the ground.

"Damnit! I'm sorry! Are you alright?" the voice said.

I looked up and could t say anything, this boy was so beautiful. With his green eyes and his brown curly hair. He looked like an angel. I suddenly thought about him being with me, how he could save me. Yeah right, I'd drag him down. I'd break him, just like I'm doing to Louis, slowly but surely.

"Uh, mate." he spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts, reaching his hand out to help me up. "Are you okay?"

"Who... who are you?" I managed to choke out as I took his hand, feeling electricity spike all through my body at his touch.

"Harry. Harry Styles." he spoke so softly as he pulled me up to my feet.
** hm, chapter two... yeah, pretty crazy. I'm still sure this story isn't very good so bare with me I'm going to try my hardest to make future chapters better. thanks for reading !**

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