Chapter Twenty Four

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Harry's POV: (surprise)

I woke up with a jolt, seeing a sleeping Zayn next to me. It was dark outside, I glanced over at the clock seeing it was 4am. My head was foggy, trying to remember what I did the night before. Oh yeah, the party, the fight with Zayn because Louis cornered me. I shuddered at the memory. But as usual Zayn and I worked it out, which I was happy about. I am going to allow myself to trust him. I want to so badly and he deserves it. He has put more than necessary amounts of effort in to prove himself to me, and I more than appreciate it. We kissed for what felt like ages last night, things got a little heated. I was still sort of upset about the whole Louis thing though so I wouldn't let him have sex with me. I wasn't in the mood for that.

Things are a bit different now though. I looked down at the bulge in my boxers, smiling to myself at what I was about to do. I crawled over to Zayn, who was sprawled out on his back, one arm at his side, one laying on his chest. His mouth was slightly parted as light snores emitted from his pretty pink lips. He would deny that to the grave though if I pointed it out to him.

I climbed over him, straddling his waist and began to kiss his neck softly, in the spot he liked. He smiled lightly, stirring in his sleep. I continued my movements and began to rock my hips against his, noticing the now prominent bulge in his boxers as well. He let out a soft whine as his eyes fluttered open, taking in everything going on around him.

"Hi, sleepy head." I bit my lip as I hovered above him.

"What are you doing babe?" He said in his breathy, sleepy voice that drove me wild.

"Just, playing around." I blushed and I knew it, then leaning down to kiss him sweetly on his lips.

"Is that so?" He smirked at me, gripping my ass in his hands, causing my breath to catch in my throat as he kissed me back.

Thinks heated up rather quickly, we were sharing a needy kiss. As he held my ass in his hands, grinding his hips up against my own.

"You want me inside you baby?" He moaned seductively in my ear."

I mewled at that, moving my hips harder against his own, trying to give myself some sort of friction. "Please Zee, I want you inside me so fucking bad."

It was almost embarrassing how quickly I fell apart at his words, at his touch. He knew it though, as he smiled at me devilishly, flipping us over and sliding my boxers down my legs, my cock slapping up against my stomach as he trailed kisses down my torso.

"Gonna make my sweet angel feel so good." He breathed against my heated skin. I was already writhing underneath him, my fingers entangled into his raven hair.

Zayn kissed the tip of my cock and my back arched off the bed, but his arms held a firm grip on my waist, keeping me from doing it again.

"Hold still for me baby." Zayn's voice pierced through my ears and straight to my core. I loved it so much when he talked to me this way, and he knew it.

He completely bypassed my cock, leaving it throbbing and went straight to my ass. Licking and prodding his tongue in such a way that would surely drive me crazy.

"Oh my god Zayn, so good" I moaned as my fingers pulled on his hair roughly.

"Yeah, so good Harry. You taste so sweet. Such a good boy, letting me taste you."

If Zayn kept talking to me this way I was going to cum untouched. I was mewling at the sensations his was sending through my body, shaking me until I almost couldn't bare it. He began to ease one finger into me, and I needed him so badly at this point I was practically riding his finger as he pleasured my prostate.

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