Chapter Eleven

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The next few days have been going really well if I do say. Harry and I haven't really left each other's side, which I can't complain about. I like the constant pull I feel to stay connected to him, and I also like the fact that he obviously feels the same.

I told Harry I loved him the other day, and I've done everything in my power to prove it to him. Hell, I haven't even had sex in five days because I want Harry to feel like he isn't just a sexual partner, because he isn't. We've only had sex twice, but I know that it's different. Because the feelings are there. Unlike they were with Louis. I catch myself still thinking about him here and there, but he was a constant in my life for seven fucking years, I can't expect myself not to. He hasn't tried to contact me since he saw Harry and I at the restaurant, which is probably best. Though there is so much left unsaid, there's no closure and I really wish there were. But I promised Harry and I intend on keeping that promise.

Harry, Niall, Liam and I are all sitting in the living room of Liam's apartment. Niall and Liam are cuddled up on a loveseat. They came out and told me they were together, Which I honestly didn't expect but they look so happy as Niall leans into Liam's chest and Liam's arms are wrapped around Niall's waist. Harry it sitting next to me on the couch, our hands intertwined. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face as Harry throws his head back in laughter at some corny joke Niall made. His laughter is like air to my lungs.

It made me even happier knowing that Harry, Niall and Liam all hit it off well. It's like Harry was always part of our group, he fit in with the three of us.

Liam's fancy grandmother clock chimed, signaling that it was midnight and I stood up.

"I think we might head home now, it's late. Are you ready, Harry?" I looked down at him, our fingers still laced together.

"Yeah." He smiled and got up off the couch, standing next to me.

"We'll see you guys later, yeah?" I asked both Niall and Liam.

"Yeah, soon! Bye guys!" "Bye lads!" Liam and Niall said as Harry and I walked out the door.

We got in my truck and started driving down the road to head back to our apartment. Our apartment. That was nice to say. I looked over and Harry smiled a dimpled-smile at me. I returned the warm gesture and felt my cheeks flush as I reached my hand over and placed it on his thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.

He was the reason I smiled.

"I love you."

He was the reason I was able to say that again.

"I love you too, Zee." he spoke softly.

We pulled into the parking lot and trudged upstairs to the apartment. Harry made his way into the bedroom and immediately stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed. He patted the space beside him, silently requesting I join him and I obliged quickly, ridding myself of all my clothes except my boxers and got into bed beside him, wrapping my arms around his torso and pulling him to me. He smiled and I leaned in, kissing him tenderly and he wrapped my arms around my neck, wanting more. I deepened the kiss and Harry pulled at the roots of my hair, causing a low groan to escape my mouth. He pulled away and met his emerald stare with my honey gaze. He was just so beautiful, I could look at him all day. I pulled him against my chest and we whispered "I love you's." to each other.

He was everything.

And with that thought I fell asleep.


Most the the day went on and Harry and I just hung around the house wathing movies. But tonight we decided to go to the club a few blocks away. Something fun for us to do, and it gave us an excuse to get out of the house on a Friday night.

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