Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up before Harry. I barely slept at all anyway. So this is why I'm sitting at the kitchen table in a pair of grey sweatpants sipping on my third cup of tea. I'm exhausted but the guilt kept me awake. I deserve it though, I don't deserve anything else.

I hate that I let Louis get to me the way that he did. I love Harry, I do. So much, and I wish I could have gotten a grip. Because I don't know how I'm going to tell Harry, but when he finds out, he's going to hate me. He's never going to want to see me again. He's never going to forgive me. And this just proves that I am just as weak as I always thought I was. I cheated on this angel of a boy, who gave everything to me, and I wish I could give him the world, yet I already took it away from him. I ruined him.

Just then Harry walked into the kitchen in sweatpants, shirtless, grinning sleepily when he saw me at the table and my heart clenched in my chest.

"Morning." He said in his rough, deep morning voice that sent chills down my spine.

He walked over and pecked my lips and I gave him a small smile.

"You alright, Zayn?" He asked, concern evident in his tone.

"Uh, yeah. I just feel a bit sick today is all." I lied.

He nodded and went to the pantry to grab the box of Lucky Charms, pouring it into a bowl.

He ate his cereal and I finished my tea in silence. I still stayed at the table even though he got up and walked into the bedroom to I assume get dressed.

I needed to figure out a way to tell him. Today. I can't keep this from him. I wiped the stray tears that were falling from my eyes just as Harry walked back into the living room dressed in black skinny jeans and a green tshirt, his hair pulled back into a pony tail. Damn he was beautiful. But I don't deserve to call him that.

"I have to work at the bakery today. Come here." He spoke softly.

I forced myself out of the chair I was sitting in and walked slowly towards him, he seemed to sense my hesitation because he gave me a hurt look.

"What's the matter with you baby? You look... I don't know, lost."

I ignored him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him to me. I inhaled his minty scent and I began to sob. I had to tell him, I can't keep this from him. He deserves that much.

"Harry.. Harry I'm sorry." I choked out.

He pulled away from my embrace and cupped my cheeks in his hands, forcing me to meet his gaze, only making me cry more.

"For what, Zayn?" He looked like he was about to cry as well.

"Harry.. Harry, last night I saw..." Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I froze. Automatically knowing who it was by the way he knocked. He used to knock on my door that way. He'd tap four times, almost so lightly you couldn't hear. Louis was at the door.

"I'll get it." Harry said flatly, walking towards the door.

He opened it and greeted Louis with a cold stare.

"Hello, Harry." Louis greeted in a sarcastically-enthusiastic tone.

"Why are you at my house?" Harry demanded.

"I came to see you actually." Louis said with a smirk evident on his face.

I felt like I was going to be sick. Louis was going to tell him. Louis was going to ruin everything. But then I remember that I already have. He's just finishing up the job. I wiped my tears roughly.

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