Chapter Twenty five

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Zayn's POV

It had been almost two weeks since the New Year's party, and Harry and I have seemed to moved past it. Things have been great actually. Harry is still working at the bakery two blocks away and I've been doing a little job hunting myself. I felt bad that Harry was the only person who worked because I didn't have a way to help with rent for the apartment, it wasn't just his apartment now, it was also mine; and even though he didn't seem to mind, I still wanted to at least try to find a job so I could be of more help.

There's been no sign of Louis since the party and I'm more than happy about that. I am also glad that I can honestly say I haven't thought about him but a couple of times, nothing bad of course. Just wondering what he was doing, that sort of thing.

Currently I was folding mine and Harry's laundry on the bed to be put away in a few minutes, waiting for Harry to get back from work. It was almost 4:00 pm so I knew he would be here any minute now. It had been raining all day so I let him take my truck to work instead of walking.

I couldn't help but wonder if he remembered if my birthday was tomorrow, I'd be turning twenty. I knew I've told him when it was, but that was a few months ago when we were in that Chinese restaurant. I'm sure he does remember, though. Regardless I wouldn't care if he did anything extravagant for me. I would be more than content with us spending the day together here at the apartment. Who knows though.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard someone come in the door. I smiled to myself as I left the bedroom making my way down the hall. Harry was home and I had missed him.

"Hey Zee." Harry beamed once he saw me walking up to him.

"Hi angel, how was your day?" I returned his smile, enveloping him in a hug.

"It was fine, we weren't too busy today because of the rain, so. I mostly just iced a bunch of cupcakes and ate them myself." He chuckled a little and I did as well.

"Didn't bring me one back?" I faked a pout and he rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Not today babe, you're going to get me in trouble eventually, I can't keep sneaking you cupcakes and cookies forever." He said with a smile so I knew he wasn't really annoyed.

I shrugged my shoulders, defeated and placed a sweet kiss to his lips. He kissed me back as I held him by his waist, his arms around my neck.

We have such a cliché relationship in all honesty, me cleaning and doing things around the house while he goes to work, them I meet him at the door everyday when he comes home with a hug and a kiss. So cliché; but we both loved it so much.

He finally let go and took a step back, breaking me out of my thoughts. "What's for dinner, babe?"

I shrugged again. "I didn't feel like cooking today, figured we could just order take-out or go out to dinner tonight?

He smiled brightly, I loved that smile. "Going out sounds great, just let me go change."

He dismissed himself and started walking towards the bedroom. I sat on the couch and waited, since I was already dressed. I was wearing black skinny jeans, and a red sweater with my black boots. I felt cozy, the sweater making me feel secure from the nasty weather outside.

Harry returned a few moments later, wearing the same dark blue skinny jeans he had on a few minutes ago, but he's took his apron off and changed out of his work t-shirt into a plain white long-sleeve one with a grey beanie and grey boots.

He looked so perfect all the fucking time.

"You have quite a staring problem." He teased, jokingly.

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