Chapter One

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The fuzziness in my head is a great feeling. The weed sends tingles and chills all throughout my body and I can't get enough of it.
"You're baked, mate!" Louis chuckled.
"No shit." I spat back.
I never meant to be rude towards Louis. But sometimes the way I said things just came out that way. Louis was my best mate. He was always there and he knew every secret of mine, about my family problems and everything aside from that. I knew everything that went on in his life as well. We were all each other had. Of course, we had Niall and Liam, but they don't know everything like Louis and I do. They don't know how badly Louis and I need each other at times. To get away from it all.

We've been hooking up a lot lately, when we both feel like the weed or the drugs isn't enough. We were there for each other. And in this current moment, in the midst of my high, I couldn't help the tears that were pooling in my eyes.
"I hate myself, Lou."
"Zayn." he put a hand on my cheek and caressed it, "don't say such things." He wiped my tears away with his fingertips. I don't know what I would do without Louis in my life. He's been here for seven years. I was 12 when all of this bull shit started, with my mom always being gone due to work and my father hating me for being gay and drinking constantly, beating me every chance he got...

I didn't want to think anymore. I needed to forget for a little while and the weed seemed to only make things worse. I looked at Louis and grabbed his face in my hands, "Make me forget Lou, please, help me." and with that his lips were on mine. I loved it when Louis kissed me. He was so gentle, and usually I'm okay with that. But tonight it was different. I needed more. I shoved him onto the mattress and quickly started moving to undo his jeans while kissing and sucking on his neck. He ran his fingers into my hair and pulled it lightly, earning a low groan from me. I slid his jeans off and tossed them aside then he pulled my shirt over my head and I did the same with his. I kissed down his chest and hips and started to kiss over his hardening erection through his boxers.

"Zayn don't tease me, please." Louis moaned.

That was enough for me. I quickly pulled down his boxers and tossed them aside and took Louis into my mouth earning a loud moan from his perfect lips. I began to take him as far down as I could manage until I felt him hit the back of my throat, and he bucked his hips up to meet my mouth.

"Fuck Zayn, so good!" he said and I kept sucking him but increased my speed, knowing that it drove him nuts when I went fast.

"Enough!" Louis practically screamed.
And before I knew it I was flipped over and Louis was straddling me and he was kissing me hard and passionately.

I moaned into his mouth and tugged at his hair and soon he broke the kiss and started kissing along my stomach and sides and I bit my lip, biting back a moan. He undid my jeans and slid them off, tossing them across the room along with my boxers. And he took me into his mouth and began to suck hard.

"Shit Lou, mmm fuck!" I moaned loudly as I still had my fingers laced into his hair. He kept sucking until I was almost at my breaking point and I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Louis, stop. I need you, now." I begged.

He obeyed and moved to kiss me again as he straddled my waist and I grabbed my cock and slowly slid into him, earning a loud moan.

He began to move his hips and ride me so passionate and slow that it was almost painful to endure.

"Fuck Lou, you're always so tight and ready for me." I moaned.

"mmm fuck me Zayn!" he yelled.

I pulled him forward and kissed him hard, biting his lip and pulling back, earning a moan from him. when I did this he knew what was about to happen and I couldn't help but moan at how hot he looked with that yearning look in his eyes. He needed me as much as I needed him.

I turned over and started to thrust hard into him. Over and over again and he dug his nails into my back and moaned my name.

"Fuck Zayn, you feel so good!"

I kept thrusting into him and got faster and faster and my hips soon started to shutter and I knew I was close as I felt that familiar tingling in my stomach. I kissed Louis's neck and moaned loudly into his ear as I slammed into him, loving the sounds of him screaming my name over and over again as he began to come all over mine and his chests. He kissed my neck in that spot just below my ear and that was enough and I screamed his name as I came undone.

"Oh my god, Louis, fuck yes." I panted into his neck and he kissed my head.

I pulled out and laid next to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him against me.

I hated that I used Louis. For some reason he just let me do it. I don't understand why. I wiped the tears forming in my eyes and Louis turned around and faced me with worry in his eyes.

"What's the matter Zayn?" Louis asked, concern in his voice.

"I'm sorry I use you, Lou. I'm sorry I'm a shit friend. You don't deserve to be used." I began to cry.

"Hey," Louis kissed me softly. "it's okay Zee, it's okay. I don't see it that way. We need each other."

I wiped my tears away and rested my head in the crook of his neck. I don't know why he put up with me amidst all my brokenness. I'm pathetic.

He ran his fingertips lightly up and down my back as I drifted off into sleep.

** hey guys, this is my first fan fiction and I know it might be poorly written but like I said, it's my first one so don't knock it just Yet! it's just the beginning! **

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