Chapter Twenty Three

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I woke up the next morning with the mindset that I was going to prove to Harry in every possible way that I really was serious about him and I. That I wanted him and only him and I wasn't going to let Louis interfere or come between us anymore. I've debated confronting Louis; but then realized it was better off if I didn't.

Harry was sound asleep next to me. I ran the tips of my fingers across his cheek and he mumbled something incoherent, and smiled slightly in his sleep.

"Wake up, my love." I soothed him sweetly.

His emerald eyes popped open, greeting me with a sleepy smile.

"Hi." Harry beamed at me.

I couldn't help but smile back at him, not quite understanding why he was acting bashful. But I found it intriguing.

"Come here, let me hold you." I wanted to breathe in the minty scent of his curls; cradle him like I would never get to feel him in my arms again.

He didn't hesitate. Inching himself into my embrace, laying his head on my chest, sighing contently.

"I love you Harry." I whispered into his hair. Wanting him to know that with everything I was, I really did.

"I love you too Zayn." Harry responded in an unreadable tone.

"What's the matter angel?" I asked him, feeling his lips move into a grin at the name I'd addressed him as.

He then sat up, making eye contact with me.

"I'm sorry about last night. I know you didn't know that Louis was going to send you a letter. It was our first Christmas together and I shouldn't have just left like that." He stated, looking down and twisting the necklace I'd given him the night before in his thumb.

"No baby, it's all right." I then pulled him to me, kissing his lips softly. "I don't blame you. But I promise it's just you and I. No more of Louis's interruptions. I will be sure of that." I assured him as best as I could.

I knew I would have to find a way to tell Louis myself that he needed to leave Harry and I alone. I just didn't know when, or how.

Harry then turned his gaze away from mine, a puzzled look on his sweet face.

"I want to trust you Zayn. More than anything I do." I heard him choke a little on his words and I kissed him, calming the storm inside his beautiful, delicate mind.

"I promise you baby. I swear to you. It's just you and me from now on." I kissed him again, this time lingering, needing him to know I was serious.

Harry finally nodded, breaking this kiss. "Okay, I believe you." He gave me a shy smile.

"I swear angel, I won't let you down ever again."

"I love you Zee." Harry said against my lips.

"I love you too baby."

Then I kissed him passionately, and decided to show him just how much.


It was New Year's Day, and Harry and I were on our way to a party at Niall and Liam's house. The past few days have been blissful between us two. Just him and myself, nobody else. Watching movies, cooking, walking through the park, going to dinner. Things have been just about perfect, really.

I couldn't help but smile at what Harry was wearing. His usual black skinny jeans, and one of my red sweaters. It looked quite nice on him actually, yet it was also a bit big on him so it made him look so small. I loved it so much.

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