Chapter Eight

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I woke up to an empty bed, the smell of bacon filling the room. I got up and padded to the kitchen, finding Harry standing at the stove. I walked over and planted a kiss to his cheek.

"Goodmorning. Are you alright?" I ask him still concerned about what happened a few hours ago.

He turned around and gave me a kiss on the lips, and smiled.

"I'm fine baby. It was an accident, I know." he said reassuringly.

I couldn't help but return his smile and I thanked him for cooking breakfast and went to sit at the table. He then placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me and I dug in. He laughed at me then sat down with his own plate. While we ate we shared small talk about what we wanted to do today and decided to go to the park and then out to dinner.

This is wierd. Usually I wake up at home with my dad, and that leads to who knows what, then go about my day trying to avoid him by staying locked in my room. Or with Niall and Liam, Louis even. Louis. What is he doing? Is he okay? I couldn't help but still wonder.

After breakfast I gathered the dishes and began to wash them as Harry went to the bedroom to get ready for the day. Once the dishes were washed I went to find him and heard him once again in the shower. I made my way into the bathroom and undid the tie on my sweatpants, they fell to the floor and I hopped in the shower with Harry. He smiled and I kissed him passionately, he was hesitant at first but after a moment his arms were around my neck and I had him up against the wall of the shower, kissing him deeply. We broke the kiss and locked eyes for a few moments and he smiled up at me. This boy's smile alone could fix everything wrong in my life. He was like a drug, and every second of the day, I craved more of him.

"Let me make up for hurting you, please." I spoke softly.

"Okay." he whispered and I kissed him again.

Our lips never disconnected and after a while I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist and I moaned into his mouth. I needed to do this the right way, I wasn't going to hurt him.

He held on to my neck as I guided the head into him, he winced in pain and I stopped.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked, worried.

"No, keep going. I need it."

I couldn't argue with that, I was just scared of hurting him. I pushed slowly into him and he moaned, this time, in pleausre, I was sure of it.

"Zayn, more, please. You feel so good."

I attatched his lips with mine again and I began to rock my hips slowly in and out of him. My moans evident as he tugged at my wet hair. He began to kiss along my jawline and my neck and I continued to thrust into him slowly.

"More Zayn, it's okay. I'm okay. Just give me more please." Harry begged me and I couldn't argue.

I began to thrust faster, and his moans became louder as his nails dug into my back. Sex with Harry was different than sex with Louis by far. It was special, more genuine.

"Harry, so good." I grunted into his ear and he began to moan even louder.

"Zayn, don't stop. I'm almost there. Fuck, please." he panted.

I felt the tingling in my stomach and began to thrust harder, knowing I was close as well. Harry slammed his lips onto mine and came, moaning into the kiss. I shortly did too, spilling into him as I moaned and kissed along his neck, his hands still entangled in my hair.

He got out of my grip and I eased out of him, slowly helping him back to his feet.

"How was that?" I asked, smiling.

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