Chapter Seven

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I felt light kisses being pressed to the side of my neck and I stirred, still half asleep.

"Zayn, wake up." Harry whispered.

I opened one eye and looked over at him. I noticed it was dark outside still.

"What time is it?"

"3 am." he smiled.

"Why in the world are you waking me up then?" I asked a little more harshly than I intended.

He eyed me playfully and moved to where he was straddling me on the couch. His eyes locked with mine and he smiled at me. I get lost in his emerald gaze. I don't even remember how tired I was a few minutes ago, I'm awake now. Just by Harry eyeing me, his gaze electrifying.

He moved his head down and met his lips with my own. The kiss was soft, yet passionate, and I never wanted him to stop. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling my hands into his hair. He began to deepen the kiss and I responded immediately, turning us over to where I was now on top of him and began to kiss his neck, the light moans escaping his lips alone almost enough to make me come undone.

I pull his shirt over his head and toss it to the floor, then leave a trail of kisses down his chest and stomach and stop where the hem of his sweatpants begin. I untie them and tug them down his legs until they're off completely and toss them aside as well. Standing up, I remove mine as well and watch as Harry never once takes his eyes off me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I questioned, smiling down at the brown-haired boy.

"I just want you to see yourself through my eyes, to see how beautiful you really are."

I looked down and Harry sat up, grabbing my hand, and I met his gaze.

"Trust me." he said, practically a whisper.
and I did. I trusted Harry with everything, I don't know how, but I do.

I lean forward and kiss him again, harder this time and push him back onto the couch gently before straddling him. His hands entangle into the roots of my hair and I bite back a moan.

"Don't hide from me, Zayn." He says, pleading.

I don't know where this random boost of confidence is from, but I can't say I mind. I move my hand to his boxers and tug at them, and he lifts his hips up to help me pull them down his legs. Once they're off I begin to gently rub his length and he bites my lip in response. I smile and continue to move my hand and he begins to moan, arching his back a little. The sight of Harry this way has me throbbing, needing more, needing him. I stand up and he whimpers at the loss of contact. I chuckle and tug my boxers down my legs and he blushes as my erection springs free. I move over him once again and give him a gentle peck on his lips.

"Don't be shy, baby. Are you ready?"

He nods and wraps his arms around my neck. I position myself at his entrance and slowly push the head in. He is so tight around me and it feels so good, I'm unable to stop the loud moan escaping my lips. He looks like he's in pain so I stop, but he pulls me down to where my chest is against his and his hands are in my hair again.

"Keep going, Zayn. Please."

Hearing that made me no longer able to restrain myself. I slammed into him and he cried out, from pain or pleasure I couldn't tell, but he didn't tell me to stop so I kept going. I started off fast, and he tugged at the roots of my hair and pressed his lips against my own, and I'm unable to stifle my moans, even while kissing him.

"Zayn... slow down, please. You're hurting me." He begs.

I stop moving immediately, seeing the pained expression with tears pooling in his eyes and I want to cry. I was hurting him, and I was only caring about my pleasure, not his. I just hurt Harry.

I sat up and immediatly pulled out and sat on the other end of the couch, cupping my mouth with my hand as I saw a few stray tears fall down his cheeks. What the hell is wrong with me? How could I be so selfish? To not be gentle with him, knowing that he's only had sex one other time.

"Harry, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it. I.." I began to cry myself and reach over to grab his hand but he pulls it away.

"It's okay, Zayn... I know you didn't mean it. I.. I just don't want you to touch me right now." he said, wiping his tears from his face.

He slowly got up from the couch, pulling his sweats on and started to walk away when I grabbed his wrist, and he looked back at me with a confused expression.

"Stay, please. Don't leave, stay." I begged him. I knew he wasn't going anwhere, but maybe to his room. I didn't want him to leave me. I felt so bad and I needed to know he was okay and that he didn't hate me. Hate me like I hated myself.

He slowly nodded and turned around, wrapping his arms around my neck. I wipe the tears that were still falling from his cheeks and kiss him lightly. I can't believe I am making this angel of a boy cry. I can't believe I just hurt Harry. I can't believe I let myself.

"I'm so sorry Harry."

"Hey, it's okay. Zayn it's okay, I'm here." He rested his forehead against mine and I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my own cheeks.

"Come to bed." He said flatly.

I nodded and got up, pulling my sweats on as well and followed him to the room. He laid down and I got in bed next to him, wrapping my arms around his torso before pulling him against me slowly. He winced a little and I kissed his shoulder. Soon after I heard light snores and knew he was asleep.

"I'll never hurt you again, Harry." and with that I fell asleep.


so this chapter is crap I know I'm sorry. It's short, a filler I guess. I haven't had internet for like a month so that's why I haven't updated. I'm sorry it's taken me so long. Keep reading and voting and commenting. It means so much! I'll try to update again SOON.


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