Chapter Twelve

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Harry went to work this morning, I didn't even know he had a job. We really don't know a lot of things about each other -- but I guess it isn't a bad thing. I know he isn't some psycho killer or anything, so the rest doesn't seem absolutely necessary for me to know, really.

He apparently worked in this bakery a few blocks away, which I find adorable. The image of Harry in a Chef's hat icing some cupcakes coming to mind and making me smile.

"What are you thinking about. mate?" Niall interrupted my thoughts.

"Harry." I beamed.

"I should've known." Niall laughed at me and resumed eating his bowl of cereal.

Liam then appeared from his room, smiling when he saw me.

"Oh hello Zayn! Where's Harry?"

"He's at work, so I just decided to come chill out here."

"Oh, that's fine then!" Liam said warmly as he got a carton of milk from the refrigerator to pour in his cereal.

Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out to see who it was. It was my dad. Why is he calling me?

"Uh, hello?" I answered cautiously.

"Zayn, I've called to tell you that I'm going back home to Pakistan to work with my brother."

I couldn't help the feeling of relief that washed over me. Dad was leaving, and I wouldn't have to see him anymore, or deal with him anymore. He wouldn't be able to hurt me anymore.

"Did you hear what I just said, boy?" my father shouted into the phone.

"Oh, yeah. Yes. Um.. when are you leaving then?"

"I left already around seven this morning."

"Oh. Well, be safe." Why should I care if he was safe? He sure as hell didn't care about me.

"Bye Zayn." and then the call ended.

"Who was that?" Liam asked.

"My dad, he told me he was going back home to Pakistan to work with my uncle."

"And he didn't want you to go with him?" Liam asked confused.

"Uh... no. My father and I never have gotten along too well."

"Oh." and with that Liam let the subject go.

I can't wait to tell Harry that Dad is finally out of my life, for good. But I couldn't help thinking of my mom. What was she doing? Is she well? Why the fuck hasn't she tried to contact me in seven and a half months? The thought angered me and next thing I knew I found myself storming out of Liam's apartment and wandering off. It was only two blocks away from home so I didn't drive. My phone began ringing in my pocket but I ignored it, knowing it was Liam or Niall trying to find out where I went. I think I walked for almost thirty minutes until I found myself at a familiar doorstep.

Louis's doorstep.

I didn't know whether to knock on the door, or to turn around and run as far away as possible. My feet answered for me as I trudged up the stairs, knocking on the door before I could think to stop myself. A messy-haired Louis answered the door and an immediate look of anger, hurt and relief washed over his face at the sight of me. I didn't even know what to say, or what the fuck I was actually even doing here.

"What are you doing here?" He finally spoke.

"I, uh... I don't even know." I muttered.

"Well, I'd like you to leave Zayn. You shouldn't be here. You need to go." he said angrily.

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