Chapter Nine

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I turned the corner to walk around to the side of the building where my truck was parked and heard a voice from behind me.

"Zayn." the voice speaks, sounding hurt.

Harry and I turn around at the same time and I was frozen. What was he doing here?

"Who is he?" the voice said, anger clear in his tone.

"Zayn, who is that?" Harry then spoke.

I couldn't find words. I just wanted to run. My heart was pounding and I wanted to throw up the food I just ate. I don't even think I heard myself say his name.

"Lou... Louis?"


"This is Louis?" Harry questioned, lacing his fingers through mine, but I pulled them away when I saw the hurt flash across Louis's face.

I nodded slowly.

"Zayn, who is this?!" Louis was yelling now, and I could see the tears pooling in his eyes.

"I'm Harry, Zayn's boyfriend." Harry spoke for me.

"Boyfriend?! Since when, Zee? What the fuck! You tell me you can't date me, and that you can't be in a relationship with me. You run out on me the other day, even! And here you are, with your boyfriend?"

"Lou..." I began.

"Don't fucking call me that!" he screamed, tears streaming down his face.

"I'll be waiting in the truck." Harry spoke, striding around Louis and I and crossing to the other side of the parking lot. I wanted to yell for him to come back, for him not to leave me, but I knew that wasn't a good idea, and I really did need to talk to Louis.

"Louis, I don't know what to say. I wanted to tell you, I just didn't know how. I was tired of using you. I wanted you to be happy. I care for you too much to just keep doing that to you." I stated, fighting back my tears.

"Don't feed me that bullshit Zayn. You were what made me happy! You were the only person I wanted every fucking day, whether you were using me or not! And if you cared so much, why couldn't you just be with me?! Have something real with me! Why couldn't you give me that if you cared so much? I love you, and I texted and called nonstop and you never answered me, because you were with him!" He gestured towards the truck. "And for what? Are you using him too now? So you can do what you did to me to him later on? How long have you known him? You can't possibly love him since you can't fucking love me after all the shit we've gone through!" He was sobbing now.

I felt warm tears streaming down my own cheeks and I just wanted to run away. Away from Louis, away from Harry, away from everyone.

"Louis, it's different, I don't know what to say, I just need you to try to understand that. I couldn't let myself keep doing that to you because I didn't want to break you! I didn't want to hurt you anymore."

"Well I'm already broken, because of you, and there isn't anything left to break. You've already hurt me. I'm in love with you, only to be used, then rejected, then ignored, then to find you here with this boy who is all of a sudden your boyfriend. Why couldn't I be what you needed, Zee..? Why couldn't you love me back?" His voice cracked.

I hated myself for hurting Louis. He didn't deserve this. Not a damn part of it, and look what I've done. I've corrupted, and utterly destroyed the boy standing in front of me. I walked over to him and tilted his head up to meet my gaze.

"I'm so sorry, Lou." then I met his lips with my own before I realized what I was doing.

His lips were soft, just like they always were and I found myself wanting more. I tried to deepen the kiss and he let me, and I heard his breath shake as I held him against me.

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