- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶 : 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 -

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"please wake up princess, it's an emergency"

"what's wrong ms seo?" haneul asked tiredly. "it's about mr hong" hearing this the princess was now wide awake and listening intently. "the king sent out a letter to him and the delivery man said that mr hong was laying on the floor of his house, he wants you to go check on him because the king can't do it himself" before the caretaker could say anymore, the female ran to her bathroom, quickly brushing her teeth and fixing her hair. she didn't even care about changing out of her pajamas because all she could think about was mr hong. was this really going to be the end? haneul tried not to think negatively but she just couldn't help it.

when you are so far into your thoughts you don't really focus on your surroundings. when haneul was rushing to get into a carriage, she unfortunately bumped into her brothers, who looked like they were on their way to training. the female apologized quickly before trying to run out, but to no ones surprise, she was held back by heeseung.

"what's wrong? why do you look so worried and scared? where are you going?" he asked the princess who was clearly looked annoyed. "let me go please! i need to go check on something!" haneul said while trying to get her arm off the grip that the oldest had on her, and it seemed to get tighter and tighter. "tell us where are you going first" jay said sternly from behind heeseung. "i need to go check on my coach now let me go!" the female said in a stronger voice. "coach? what do you mean coach?" jungwon said. "are you hiding something from us?" sunoo asked in a quiet voice. "mr kim, please take haneul up to her room and make sure she doesn't get out" sunghoon ordered to which mr kim did as he was told. however, mr kim would have to carry the princess as she was still trying her hardest to go and see mr hong. at this point, her face was covered in her diamond tears.

"let me out! please! mr kim open up the door! please! anybody!" the princess pleaded while banging on her door trying to get anyone's attention, but everyone was to leave haneul alone. haneul couldn't go out of the window as they don't open in her room so she had no way of seeing mr hong.

a while past and her brothers came into their sisters room to give her lunch and also to get an explanation out of her. earlier, they had gotten information about who mr hong was and to say the least they were disappointed. how could she hide something from them? however, this disappointment that they were feeling didn't mean they would let her starve in her room. but when they entered, they had expected that haneul would come up running to them and ask to go visit her coach but that didn't happen. instead, they were greeted with silence and a cold atmosphere. haneul was sitting at a sitting area that had a window that showed the front garden of a house and when her brothers came in she gave them no attention.

"haneul?" jake decided to speak. however, it was no use as haneul seemed to be ignoring them. "haneul, here we got you lunch" jungwon said as he placed the tray of food infront of his sister, who was still looking out. "haneul please eat, you haven't eaten anything since yesterday" jay pleaded, but again he got silence.

"haneul, explain everything and we'll let you go and visit him" heeseung sighed and luckily this got the princess's attention. breathing in deeply first, haneul started explaining everything. when she first started, about their father knowing, the training area, when she goes etc. "is that where you get your injuries?" sunghoon asked to which the princess shook her head to. "no, you know the most recent of my injuries? my leg? that was actually because of the river but random bruises and cuts that you point out was because of training" haneul explained. "is that it?" niki asked as he took some food from haneul. thinking first, the female decided to tell them about the competition.

"i'm also going into a competition that's in around 3 weeks an-" but before she could finish that, heeseung sternly said "no you are not entering any sort of competition." and soon after that the rest of her brothers gave a sound of agreement. "i'm going to compete, there's nothing you can do about because dad already signed me up as a competitor" the princess argued but jay suddenly chuckled. "yah haneul, we could just ask them to remove you"

this shocked and worried haneul because she had to compete. with or without her brothers knowing as it was her dying coaches last wish for her. and she was going to...no matter what.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟕 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | enhypen Where stories live. Discover now