- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟾 : 𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢 -

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the next day, the siblings woke up and got ready as haneul has told them the night before that she was going to train the next morning. the competition was in around 2 weeks and the princess hasn't trained one bit for it and she was very worried. the princes were very excited to see their sister in action, but they can't deny that they were still very worried and scared for her. what if she falls? what if she lost control of her horse? what if she gets hurt? these were the kind of things that were going through the princes mind.

on the way to the paddock that haneul used, she kept telling them stories and more information about her hobby as they requested. upon arriving to her destination, a wave of memories and regret washed on the female. from now on she will be training alone, mr hong is not going to point out her mistakes or tell her to stretch a lot before getting ares, who was taken care of the last days by some caretakers.

even though haneul could have just skipped what she would have usually done before getting ares, she decided not to as she knows mr hong is looking down at her from above and she didn't want him to scold her when they meet again. someday.

the princes sat in the side eating their packed lunches with their eyes following their sister who was doing laps around the field as her usual warmup, then doing her stretching. after she was done, the princess suddenly shouted "ok guys! hey! i'm gonna go get my horse now! you're gonna see how beautiful he is!" with that, the overjoyed female disappeared into the stable. the princes was undoubtedly very excited to see the animal that haneul had been talking about ever since they found out about all of this. "i think he is going to have some type of accessory in his hair!" "i think he's going to have painted hooves!" the princes kept throwing assumptions about haneuls horse in the air, not paying attention to the beauty that walked out on her beast.

the princes gawked at how the princess horse looked. it was nothing like they had imagined him to be. they had thought he was a bit bigger than a pony in size with little to no visible muscles. but they were very wrong and as haneul rode over to where the boys were slowly, they could feel a very competitive aura coming out of the pair. "h-haneul! get down! this horse looks too dangerous for you!" heeseung said panicked as the princess stopped infront of the princes, who had now almost finished their lunches. "don't worry hee, ares is very trustworthy" the female said while stroking the neck of the animal. "but-" unfortunately the prince couldn't finish his sentence as he was cut off by a smack to his face. from ares's tail. everything was silent. nothing was heard. then suddenly, loud laughter erupted from the siblings as heeseung was frozen in shock. haneuls eyes were tearing up as she tried her best not to fall of her horse because of the amusement she got from her brother. "y-yah!" the oldest shouted as the princess quickly rode towards the field, about to start her practice.

the laughter had died down as haneul began to ride around the area, slowly increasing her speed as a thought struck all of her brothers suddenly. "she looks so happy and free" sunoo commented as he admired his sister who was enjoying her ride, while the others just nodded silently, too focused on haneul to give the boy a proper answer. however, the boys smiles faded slowly as niki said one of the most painful things that they had ever heard.

"we...we were going to stop her from being happy..."

Author - hello everyone! yesterday i wrote a lot of chapters for this book and i think i'm nearly done with it eeek so that means i can update my other book. also i have soooooo many ideas for new books but i don't want to start and not finish them so i'm going to wait until i finish the two books i have so far before i start publishing them. a hint about them is that it's going to be a series and they all connect in some way but they're different stories...that makes absolutely so sense. anyways i'm going to go to sleep now - stay safe and thank you for reading❤️

what's your favourite kdrama (if you watch them) or movie?
☻︎ mine is While you were sleeping and Healer - my favourite movie is the Maze runner series and Tomb Raider ☻︎

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