- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻 : 𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚎 -

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"what's wrong dad?" haneul asked. at around noon, the king had requested for all his children to meet in the throne room to talk about issues. "huh everyone, the south kingdom is really worrying me. they are showing extreme signs of war and i'm afraid if it does happen i can't protect you all. so please always protect each other okay?" right after the king painfully said those words, everyone's eyes landed on haneul. there was no doubt, the princes would do everything they can to protect their sister. everything. after the king had discussed the issue more, the princes was dismissed but when haneul was also about to go back to her room, the king stopped her. and by the expression her dad had on his face, she knew it was going to be bad news.

"haneul, have you thought about it yet?" the king asked carefully. "about the competition? yeah i have. to be honest i don't know. i'll ask mr hong about it when the next time i go to training" the princess said clueless about the devestating information that was coming her way. "about mr hong...haneul he's getting sicker and sicker and i-" the king chocked back a sob as he tried to continue "i was informed this morning he only has 2 weeks left" haneul froze. 2 weeks. that was way too short. then she realized that the competition was in 3 weeks. "but dad isn't the competition in 3 weeks? there's no point in competiting if *sob* if mr hong isn't there to watch me" the princess said painfully, at this point, tears were quietly streaming down the girls face. "about that, mr hong sent you a letter. he wanted you to read it alone. here" the king said handing the vulnerable female an envelope. with that the king left his daughter alone to give her some time and privacy.

haneul knew she had to be mentally prepared for this so she took some time to calm down. after she finally calmed down she opened the letter and started to read it. tearing up even more as she reads more and more.


dear haneul,

as you know i'm getting worse and worse. i don't have much time left to live. unfortunately, you don't have a chance to see me in person after this, don't be sad. i'll be watching over you. i'll be sure to tell your mom about all of the tricks and techniques you've learned over the years. after i lost my daughter and wife, the feeling of loss and guilt was slowly killing me. until you came. i remember you were so happy because you successfully sneaked out of the castle. i'm sorry that i couldn't teach you more, you've mastered everything i have learned and you are probably way better than me. please haneul. even if i'm not going to be there, please enter the competition and win, without a mask on. i want to watch you from above and see the proud smile you have once you finish the race. thank you for letting me teach you

- mr hong


after a while, the king came back to check on his precious daughter only to find her eyes red and puffy and her nose a shade of pink. he carefully put his arms around her shaking figure to try and clam her down. after a while, haneul spoke up "i'll compete in the race dad...without a mask on" and with that the king smiled down at her. "i'll enter you in as a competitor, i know you'll do amazing haneul, you'll make me, your brothers, mr hong and your mother proud" giving her one last squeeze of encouragement, the king left again after a while.

wanting to get some fresh air, the princess decided to go to her secret place in the castle garden. nobody knew about this place and that's why she goes there for comfort. however on her way there she was stopped by a familiar figure who noticed the sad and gloomy aura surrounding the female.

"haneul? are you okay? what's wrong?"

Author - this update was a bit late so i'm sorry for that! also we're so close to 1k!! omg it's insaneee - stay safe and thank you for reading ❤️

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟕 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | enhypen Where stories live. Discover now