- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟶 : 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 -

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today was finally the day. the day where haneul can show her family what she has been doing almost all her life. the day where she can try and make her people proud.

the princess was in her designated tent already in the area, as all her brothers watched her getting ready for the competition. worry and also excitement was clear on their faces as sunoo suddenly spoke up. "haneul? you're going to win right?" "I'll try my best for you guys but I'm not sure I'm nervous" haneul answered as she felt more pressure was put on her shoulders. "don't worry about it, love. you'll do amazing! i know it!" jungwon said as he noticed how her face was slightly more anxious than it was before. "jungwon's right, plus the thing you should focus on is your safety. that's your main priority" heeseung reminded the female as the helpers were done preparing her for the race. just as she was about to get on ares and start lining up at the starting line with the rest of the competitors, she was held back when 7 pairs of arms suddenly wrapped around her. "we love you haneul, good luck we'll be cheering you on from the side" they squeezed her slightly as she responded with an I love you too as they let go so she could do her thing.

"welcome ladies and gentlemen! your highnesses! it's an honor to have you all here today! in a few moments, the race that only happens every 10 years will begin but before that, let's introduce our racers!" the announcers had informed the crowd which seems to grow bigger as the minutes passed, people that came from different areas of the country had come to support their racer.

as the competitors were being announced to the crowd and haneul was socializing with some of the other princesses, her horse was suddenly startled as something must have hit it. when the princess looked back with a confused face to see what made ares startled, it instantly turned blank as she was faced with the south kingdom princess, princess sojung. "what? not happy to see me?" the female teasingly said to haneul as she rode her horse next to the individual. "i see your kingdom is not afraid to lose 2 times in a row" sojung said again after not getting an answer from her rival the first time. again she didn't receive a reply, but this didn't stop her from trying. "let's just hope you are better than your mother who didn't know how to control a horse" hearing this, haneul snapped angrily at the individual who had a smirk clearly on her face. "don't talk about my mother. i don't want to hear anything about her coming out of your filthy mouth" luckily before sojung could snapback, the announcer had asked everyone to be ready as the race was starting very soon and with an exchange of glares, the two royals moved to their places.

"princesses! please go to the starting line! the race will begin very soon! there will be no sabotage or foul play and remember! your safety is the most important thing! with that said on the 'go' signal start! ————— princesses! on your marks-" just as the race was about to begin, haneul had noticed something off about the south Kingdom princess's shoes since she was inline next to her. it looked as if sharp objects were sticking out of the sole of her shoe. it wasn't clear to the viewers but it was to the princess, and as she heard the signal to go,

she knew something bad is going to happen to her...

Author - oooooo what's going to happen...? ahahaha things are getting more intense and the big drama is happening VERY soon i hope you guys are ready. honestly i'm not ready. also, i'm not sure how i want to end this book so do you guys have any ideas? i need to go do my homework now - stay safe and thank you for reading❤️

if you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
☻︎mine would either be noodles or chicken ☻︎

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