- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻 : 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 -

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"now where have you been?"

haneul was looking down not wanting her brothers to see her eyes because she wasn't sure if they were still red or not, but she's not willing to take the chance. there was silence. it wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either.

"i just went out with mr kim and ms seo since i woke up earlier than i thought i would" haneul wanted to hug herself because of how good the excuse sounded in her ears. "am i going to get scolded? if i am please do it now" the princess asked defeated. "no we'll let you off this time because you promised to go ice skating with me" when sunghoon said this all she  wanted to do was lay on the ground and just smile. however, the feelings of the other princes were clearly the opposite as it was seen on their ethereal visuals. fortunately for their sister, they decided to not speak against it.

however before she went off with sunghoon, jay spoke up, "haneul i don't know why but i have a weird feeling, if youre having problems come tell one of us and we'll help you cause that's what big brothers are for" with a warm smile plastered on the girls face, sunghoon and haneul went off to the carriage that was prepared for them a few moments ago. "oh! and don't be late because dad is coming back today and we have the special dinner!"  jungwon reminded them. "okay! see you guys later" the princess says while waving them goodbye as the pair started to move towards the exit of the castle.

if it was someone else going with haneul, the princes wouldn't have trusted them to take care of haneul on the ice, but knowing the ice princes's skill and talent - they were sure haneul was going to come back in one piece - hopefully - going to the ice rink was sort of the time where the pair get to bond, as at home haneul was always with another brother and sunghoon was always at the ice rink, so they dont spend as much time as they would like together.

unsurprisingly, haneul is probably the worst skater to ever exist. the princess is always in awe when watching sunghoon skate, he truly looked like an angel. the way he could glide so elegantly on the ice and how he skated perfectly to the rhythm of the music playing, it was as if he was better at skating than walking.

"come on! let's go!" sunghoon took haneuls hand excitedly as they enter the local ice rink which they had booked for the day. before going on the ice, sunghoon made sure that haneul was warm and comfortable and got her skating shoes on properly. after he made sure, he entered the rink. it made the princess happy to see how carefree her brother looked on the ice. this made her think about horse riding. she wished she could just tell her everyone what she loved to do, but she couldn't because if she did she would have to stop. not because her brothers are embarrassed, it's because they are scared of losing her the way they lost their mother.

"haneul? haneul? hello?" sunghoon waved a hand in front of her face, snapping the younger one out of her thoughts. "are you okay?" when sunghoon was warming up on the ice, he didn't miss how haneuls face was becoming sadder as every second passed by. "oh ya, sorry...let's go on the ice now" with the help of the prince haneul managed to get on the ice without a problem, but that changed when she got into the middle of the rink. the poor girl was clutching on sunghoon for her dear life as he was laughing at how amusing this was to him. haneul was genuinely scared, she always was when she was on the ice. but the only reason why she comes with sunghoon was because she noticed how sad he got when she rejected the offer one time. she felt horrible for a year.

"hahahaha! haneul-ah if you keep holding onto me like this, i'll fall too" after finishing his laughing session, he held the terrified girls hand and guided her around the rink. going at a slow pace at the start as he wanted her to get used to the feeling first before gradually increasing his speed. soon a bright smile was plastered on the face of the princess as she enjoyed the cold breeze that hit her face. seeing her smile like that made sunghoon feel warm, he wished he could keep that on her forever, he wished she would never have hardships or problems, he wished he could hide her from all the bad things in the world, he wished she would never ever get hurt both physically and mentally. but he knew he couldn't. and that thought made him sad. 

noticing the time the pair decided to call it a day on the ice and started to head back to the castle. "i forgot how fun this was" haneul commented excitedly as she munched on her cotten candy that sunghoon payed for. "of course its fun you're hanging out with me" sunghoon replied with a bit of sass in his voice. "actually never mind i take that back i guess i said it to the wrong person" haneul teased the older earning a scoff and a playful glare.

on the way back to the castle, haneul drifted off into sleep as she was quite tired from today. noticing her uncomfortable postition, the prince put her head on his shoulder letting her rest as he let his thoughts run. to be honest, whenever sunghoon looked at his beloved sister it reminded him of his mom. haneul really resembled the queen. the prince couldn't help but look back on all the past memories, the happy ones and the painful ones. and it made him realize, he wasn't sure about a lot of things, but one thing he was certain of is that he will do anything to protect his sister.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟕 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | enhypen Where stories live. Discover now