- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟻 : 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚛 -

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"i'm sorry...princess haneul is in a very bad condition - we might lose her..."

"what do you mean? she's alright right? tell me she's alright?! tell me!!" heeseung, blinded by his tears, grabbed the doctors collar while shouting loudly at the individual. the king fortunately stepped in before the prince could do anything and asked the doctor in a broken voice "can we see her?"

the doctor led the group to the room and as soon as they walked in, everyone broke down. haneul was deathly pale and she looked lifeless. she was barely breathing and the princess had bandages wrapped around her broken figure. it broke their hearts to see their haneul look like that.

the king was the first to approach the bed. he sat down on the chair next to it and held his daughters cold hands in his warm ones while he let more of his tears fall. "haneul...haneul please be okay. i can't lose you too. everyone still needs you here - i need to go now okay? i'll come back later, goodbye my little flower" with heavy steps, the royal stepped out of the room as the nurses and doctors soon followed after him, to give the siblings some time alone.

jake was the next to approach the princess and as he sat down, he caressed his sisters cheek with his tears falling down even more. "haneul i'm so sorry, i'm so so sorry you are like this. i've always wished that you would never get injured but now..." however, the prince couldn't finish his words as he completely broke down. he really tried his best to not break down infront of haneul just incase she could feel his sad energy, but seeing the condition his sister was in right now - he couldn't hold it in anymore.

jay led jake to the corner to comfort him as heeseung was the next one to go to haneul. however, just like the people before him heeseung didn't touch haneul - he didn't even talk for a while. all he did was look at the princess with eyes full of pain and fear. finally, after a few minutes he spoke in a quiet and unstable voice. "you p-promised me haneul...you promised me that you are going to put your safety as the main priority. why? why didnt you stop? i'm scared haneul, what if i don't get to see your smile or hear your laugh anymore? please wake up fast okay? i love you my dumpling" and with those heartfelt words, the oldest joined jake in the corner, letting his tears fall silently while having the breaking-down jake in his arms.

"h-haneul! you're so cold! i know you don't like being cold. jungwon! niki! help me warm up haneul! come on! quickly" and with the desperate command from the sunshine, who looked anything but bright, the three of them got around the princess and tried their best to warm her up, especially her hands. the trio put more blankets on her, made sure they her bed was nice and cozy even though  they knew this was no use. haneul was going to be the way she is for a while, but their stubbornness didn't let them believe that. arguably, the three youngests were the most distressed. all of them were, but since these three are the closest in age and are still quite young, they were deeply affected by this in all areas. their noses was a deep shade of red, their eyes barely visible because of how puffy they had gotten, but they weren't done letting their emotions out. eventually, heeseung and jake took the three to the corner and gave them the comfort that they all needed.

after staring at the unconscious princess for a while, the ice prince took slow and heavy steps towards her bed. he looked over her face, almost trying to remember every detail she had on it. "who's going to go ice skating with me now? who's going to walk with me in the garden? who's going to force me to smile everyday? h-haneul? come back to us...please" sunghoon rarely broke down, but how can he not when his precious sister is laying infront of him, on the brink of death? he then took her hand and gave it a light squeeze before placing a light kiss on it, joining the group at the corner, needing the comfort he usually didn't ask for.

jay was the last one to approach the princess out of the siblings and as he did so, he began speaking in a soft and broken voice. "can you hear me haneul? did you hear everything we said? you know the stories i've kept from you? if you want to hear them then you need to come back to us...the story is really funny you know, but you won't hear it if you don't come back" in this moment, the prince regretted everything he had kept from haneul. every story or detail about anything he had refused to tell her. now it looked as if she was never going to know and he hated that. he wanted her to know.

all the siblings could do now is pray for their sisters fast recovery and give each other the support they need. and for the rest of the night, the princes comforted each other. deciding to sleep with haneul, all they did before they went into a slumber was hope a miracle would happen and she would be up telling them this was a prank, but deep down - they all knew that was never going to happen....

Author - a long chapter because i won't be updating for a couple of days :( - stay safe and thank you for reading ❤️

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